
Lesson video

In progress...


Hi everyone, I'm Mrs. Harris.

And I feel good today 'cause I'm wearing my favourite colour.

I'm wearing pink, and it always makes me feel really, really happy.

The other reason I'm happy is 'cause I'm going to do some maths with you.

So, I hope you're ready to do some maths and the maths we're doing today is some sorting.

I hope you can help me.

I'm in a bit of a muddle.

So this is what we're going to be doing in this lesson.

First of all, we're going to be singing a song.

I hope you'll join in with my math song with me, I'm a little bit nervous about singing.

Then I'd like you to do some sorting with me, I mean a terrible muddle.

And then after that, I'm going to want you to do some sorting.

Then maybe you could even show me your sorting and show me all the lovely groups you've made.

Let's have a little think about some of the things you're going to need in this lesson.

Now you probably haven't got them yet and that's okay.

Let me tell you.

You're going to need some objects to sort.

This is what I've got.

I've got well, I've got some shopping.

I've got some apples.

I've got some potatoes.

And I've got some oranges.

But that's not all I've got to sort.

I've got a basket full of really strange things.

Things that you might find when you're tidying up.

Now don't worry if your objects to sort don't look just the same as mine, that's okay.

Just find whatever you can, a nice mixture of objects you can sort.

So pause the video now and go and find some things that you would like to sort.

So the first part of our lesson was to sing a math song with me.

And actually we're going to use my shopping, my fruit and vegetables to start singing the song.

And I'm really hoping it'll be the start of my sorting because I can't possibly put my shopping away looking like this.

It's all in a muddle.

So my song is going to say one potato, two potato.

And that's the start of my song.

So let's try it.

One potato, two potato.

Not very long is it? Oh well, I've got these potatoes and now they no longer in my collection of fruit and vegetables.

Let's have a look.

Let's do my oranges next.

One orange, two orange, three orange, four.

Hey, you helped me sort out my oranges.

Now I've got a group of oranges and I've got a group of potatoes.

They're no longer all in a muddle in my basket.

But there are some things left in there.

Oh, they're actually all the same.

They're all apples.

We could still sing a bit of the song though couldn't we? One apple, two apples, three apples.

I finished my song and I finished my sorting.

My basket is empty.

Brilliant, thanks a lot.

And I've got a group of apples, a group of oranges and I've got some potatoes.

Really my song wasn't very good, was it? Maybe you could help me sing it again.

♪ One potato, two potato, three potato, four ♪ ♪ Five potato, six potato, seven potato more ♪ ♪ Munch, munch munch ♪ Shall we do it again? ♪ One potato, two potato, three potato, four ♪ ♪ Five potato, six potato, seven potato more ♪ ♪ Munch, munch munch ♪ Fantastic.

Well, you did a great job of helping me sort my apples, my potatoes, and my oranges.

They were all in a muddle weren't they? But not anymore thanks to you.

But I'm afraid the time has come.

The time has come to sort our really big job out.

Look at all the things I've got in here.

Can you see anything already that might go together? Oh, you can? Well, let me move my group of oranges out of the way.

Let me move my group of potatoes out of the way.

And let me move these lovely, juicy apples.

Okay, can't possibly leave this basket of things like this.

What a mess.

I know, I think I'll start by getting all the pens out.

Okay, so hmm, there's a pen.

There's a pen.

There's a pen.

Okay, I think I've got all the pens.

Okay now think I'll get the people out.

Here's a person.

Here's a person.

And here's a person.

You sit there, Madam.

Okay and here's a person, yep.

Can you just check for me? No more people.

And look, I didn't put my group of people with my pens.

I've separated them.

They're no longer in a muddle.

Okay, what shall I choose next? You think there's another pen? Well I should put that with my group of pens shouldn't I? Let me have a look then.

Not a pen.

Definitely not a pen.

Oh, there it is.

I got a bit confused because well these pens are green, but this one's blue.

But there're still pens.

You're right.

I'll put them in a group together.

Okay, what else shall I find in here? Oh yeah, it has got to be the Lego.

Nobody wants to stand on Lego do they? So there'll be pleased we've tidied that up for them.

Let me find all my Lego in here.

Oh, there's a lot of it.

I definitely want to sort all that out.

Oop, another bit.

Hmm oh yep there's more.

Gosh, what's a lot of Lego.

At least you're here to help me with this sorting but look it's starting to look nice and tidy.

Now it's a lot clearer in my basket.


I think that's all the Lego.

Can you check for me? Okay, that's great, thanks.

Oh, I know what I can see next.

I'm going to do the hair bobbles.

Found a lot of them when I was tidying up.

Here's some hair bobbles.

We'll put them just here.

And another hair bobble.

Yep, oh two more.

Lovely, I've sorted out my pens, my toy people, my Lego and my hair bobbles.

That's great.

Now, if I want to build a model, I've got my group of Lego.

And if I wanted to do some writing or drawing, I can get my pens nice and easy.

But there's still more things in my basket.

Mmm, some of it smells beautiful.

It's the flowers.

I'll get the flowers out next.

What a lovely lavender.

Put that just there.

Yep, can you see any more flowers in my basket? Let me just see.

Oop, ah, my favourite flower.

Okay, oh.

Yep, and another one.

I think I've got all my flowers.

Wow, I've done some great sorting already.

Not going to give up though.

There's still more to sort.

Okay, some more natural objects in here.

I could put them in the pile with my flowers, couldn't I? But I'm going to decide that I'm going to have a leaf pile.

So that's a leaf.

Another leaf.

Can you see any other leaves? Yeah, me too.

There, oh I'm nearly done.

Just two things left to sort: money and a dinosaur.

I think I'll do my money.

I can hear it, can you? Okay, so here's my money.


Let me just move that so you can see it.

There we are.

I think I'm rich.

More money.

And then just my dinosaur left.

Oop no, there's some money.

I better put that in my pile of money.

But look, my poor dinosaur, he doesn't have a group.

I'll sort him into a pile all by himself.

Look, we've sorted everything.

We've got lots and lots of different piles, all of sorted objects.

I've got a pile of pens, separate from my pile of leaves, separate from my people, separate from my money.

And look at this Lego just trying escape.

I'll put it back there.

Got a group of Lego.

Got a group of flowers.

Got my dinosaur all by himself.

And then I've got my hair bobbles.

Super sorting everyone.

Well, you've been super helping me with my sorting.

But now it's time for you to show me that you can do some sorting.

So remember all them lovely things I asked you to find.

Wow! Now it's time for you to put them into nice, neat groups to sort them out.

So I would like you, in a second, to pause the video and go and sort all your objects out.

Remember to come back to me when you're done.

See you in a few minutes.

Pause it now.

Hey, you came back.

Fab! How did you get on with the sorting? Did you make me lots of different groups, just like you helped me with before? Wow, amazing.

You know I think your grownups are going to think you're going to be really good at tidying up soon.

I think you are too.

So well done everybody.

Great sorting.

So we've reached the end of our lesson on sorting.

Thank you for trying so hard.

And I bet you're going to be really tidier uppers now.

I think so from what I've seen.

So if you'd like to share your work with me and the whole world, maybe you could ask your parents or carer to pop it onto Twitter for us @OakNational.

Maybe I'll see you again.
