
Lesson video

In progress...



Hello everybody.

My name's Miss Hughes.

I'm feeling super happy today because I got a card in the post from my friend.

I haven't seen my friend in a while and I really liked spending time with her.

So this was a nice reminder that she's thinking of me and that I'll see her soon.

Friends are so great.

And in this lesson, we're going to learn all about friendship.

And we'll do that by listening to a story.

This is the first in three lessons about friendship.

Number one with me.

Number two, with Miss Sidenius and number three with Mrs Garrard.

In this lesson, we'll listen to a story, learn about our friends, and then write a story map.

You're going to need your listening ears.

Let's turn them on.

If you have a photograph of you and your friend, your grownup might like to get it for you.

And you're going to need some paper and colours.

If there's anything you need, pause the video here and restart when you're ready.

Have you got everything? Great.

Now we're going to listen to a story.

And this story is about two animals.

One big animal called a lion.

What noise does a lion make? Roar! And one small animal called a mouse.

What noise does a mouse make? Squeak squeak.

And they became the best of friends.

What? A lion and a mouse becoming the best of friends? Surely not.

Well let's listen to the story and find out.

This is the story of the lion and the mouse.

Once upon a time, deep into the trees, a little mouse scurried around looking for food.

He scrambled through the trees until he came across something tickly and fury.

Then the tickly and fury thing made a noise.

"Roar" went the fury thing.

It was a lion.

The mouse had woken the lion up.

The lion, not believing their luck went, trap with their paws.

And caught the little mouse.

"Please let me go!" squeaked the little mouse.

If you let me go then I would repay the favour and help you very soon.

"A little mouse help me?", thought the Lion.

"Mice can't help lions." But the lion was feeling very kind on this day so the lion let the mouse go.

A few days later, the lion was roaming around when trap! Something caught the lion's foot, something spiky and they couldn't get out.

"Roar" went the lion for help.

"Roar!" but nobody seemed to hear.

But then the little mouse, who was not far away, heard the roars.

The little mouse recognised the roars and remembered the time that the lion had helped them.

So over the little mouse ran and the little mouse gnawed through the trap and set the lion free.

After that, the lion and the mouse became best friends.

The end.

Your turn? The end.

Wow, that's a great story because it shows that if you are kind to someone and a good friend, they will be kind and a good friend to you.

Let's think about our friends.

A friend is someone who you like spending time with, and they like spending time with you.

Some of us have a few close friends.

Or some of us have lots of friends, but I'm sure we can all think of someone who is a good friend to us.

My best friend is called Vicky and Vicky is a really good friend because she is kind and she is supportive and we like doing the same things.

I want you to think, who is your friend? Maybe you can think of one name or lots of names and tell your screen "My friend is called".

Wow, you sound like you've got some lovely friends.

Let's think about what our friends do that make them good friends.

Well, our friends often like to play the same games with us or do the same things.

Friends are kind people.

They are people who make us feel really happy.

And friends are people that help and support us when we are stuck.

Vicky is a really good friend to me because when we were doing this race, which was called a triathlon, I was feeling really tired.

And instead of running off and going really fast, Vicky waited for me and she finished the race with me so that we could both finish it together.

I want you to think of one time that your friend has been really kind to you.

Maybe your friend has been supportive and asked you if you're okay.

Maybe your friend has been fun and invented a new game, put it in your head and tell your screen.

My friend is? It sounds like your friends have done lots of kind things.

Now it's important that as well as having good friends, we're good friends to other people too.

Here are some kind things that you can say to people.

You can ask people, are they okay? When they're feeling a bit sad you can say, "Are you okay?" Your turn.

You might say, "Can I help you?" You might say, "Would you like a hug or a high five?" Or you might say, "Would you like to play with us?" If you see somebody on their own, I want you to think what kind thing will you say to somebody if you think they need help? I'm glad you're all going to be such kind friends.

Now it's time to write our story map.

And earlier, we heard the story of the lion and the mouse.

And it's such an important story with such an important message that we're going to draw it.

So once you split your paper into six boxes, maybe your grown up can help you.

You can draw a picture to represent each part of the story.

Number two, you might write one word in each box.

And number three, you might then act out the story to help you remember it.

I'll show you what I mean by acting it out.

Follow along with me.

One day, the lion woke up.

Then he trapped the mouse.

Then the lion let the mouse go.

But the lion got caught in a trap.

The mouse helped the lion by biting through the trap and the lion and the mouse became best friends.

Maybe you have the same actions as me or maybe you'll think of your own.

You can use this keywords to help you to write on your story map so write some of the key words.

If you'd like to, please ask your parents or carer to share your work on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter, tagging OAK National and hashtag learn with OAK.

I've had a lovely time listening to your stories about your friends.

And I hope your storymaps go really well.

I look forward to seeing you very soon.
