
Lesson video

In progress...


- Hi friends.

It's Ms. Molnar here and Harrods, the hedgehog.

Say hi to everyone Harrods.

And we are going to be doing some super-duper maths learning today.

And in today's lesson, we're going to be counting up to, not five, not six, not seven, not eight, but nine.

We are going to be able to count up to nine objects reliably by the end of this lesson.

So Harrods is going to show us what you'll need for this lesson.

All right.

So Harrods says you're going to need for this lesson, some counting objects.

So I'm going to use some cubes, but you might have something else at home that you can use if you ask a parent or carer first.

You're also going to need some ten frames.

So you can sign these in the downloadable resources, but you don't have to print them, you could get a parent or carer to help you draw some of your own.

And finally, you're going to need some number cards.

Again, you can find these in the downloadable resources or you can make them on some pieces of paper and have a parent or carer cut them out for you.

All right, thanks for letting us know, Harrods.

Let's get started with our lesson.

Okay, so we've got a counting picture.

What objects can you see in the picture? How many of that object can you see? You can pause the video and count them and then let us know.

How many of that object did you find? Great.

I wonder, is there nine of anything in the photo? Pause the video and see if you can find something that there are nine of.

All right, let's come back together.

What did you find nine of? Well, Harrods and I found nine red flowers.

Is that what you found? Well, let's count them and find out anyway.

So let's look at those red flowers at the bottom of the screen.

We've got one, two, three, four, five six, seven, eight, nine, red flowers.

What's that Harrods? Oh, okay.

Harrods said that if we count up all of the ducks and the frogs it will equal nine altogether.

Shall we try and see if Harrods is right? Okay.

First let's count all of the ducks, okay.

So I'm going to start with the yellow one over in the corner, and let's see.

We've got one, two, three, four ducks, okay.

And then I'm going to keep counting on to see how many we've got with the frogs all together.

So we had four ducks, let's countdown from four.

Five, six, seven, eight, nine.

That's right, five frogs plus four ducks equals nine as well.

That was a great spot there, Harrods.

Well done.

All right, so we're going to meet our friend nine today.

Have you met the nine numbers before? He is nine because he is made up of nine blocks.

Let's give him a wave.

All right, we're going to represent him on our tens frame.

Let's count up to nine together.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine.

Thumbs up if we have represented nine on our tens frame.

We have, fantastic.

Well done.

Oh, what's happened here.

We've changed the numbers.

Surely this can't be nine anymore, as the nine numbers they looked a little bit different on the last page.

What do you think? What's changed this time? Do I still have nine represented or do I have less on my tens frame.

Pause the video and have account to find out? Let's come back together.

Now we've got Harrods on the screen with a thinking bubble, cause we've got some thinking to do here.

I kind of think that this can't be nine because it looks different than how I represented it the first time.

What do you think? Well, if you said there are still nine cubes, well I'm not sure if I believe you, let's count them.

Ready? One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine.

It is still nine cubes, but they're in a different place.

I've moved one of the cubes into a different spot on a ten frame, but it doesn't matter if we move it around.

As long as we still use nine objects, it's going to be nine, even if it looks different.

All right, well, we want you to pause the video.

We want you to get your ten frame and nine counters or nine counting objects.

And can you show us nine on ten frame in a different way than Ms. Molnar showed you? All right, pause the video and have a go.

Well done.

We're sure that you came up with lots of different ways to represent nine on your ten frame.

Now, we're going to continue this activity within our talk task.

So what you're going to do is make sure you've got two ten frames in front of you.

So number cards all the way up to nine and of course some counting objects.

You need to choose a card from the number cards.

So I've chosen nine here, but you might start with a different number.

You need to represent the same number with your counting objects on one ten frame.

Then on the next ten frame, you need to represent the same number but in a different way.

So can you see how both of my ten frames have nine in two different ways? Great.

Then once you've done that, you can use the sentence stem to explain what you've shown.

So you could say, "There are nine characters on the ten frame." All right, pause the video and have it go at that, everyone.

All right, so we're going to focus, like we said on the number nine today.

Can you find the number nine on my number line? You can point to it with your finger.

Way to go.

Well done.

I think that we should try and practise writing the number nine.

So let's get out our magic pen.

Get it in the air, ready? Okay.

So we could start from the top.

Not the very top of the nine, but kind of the top of the loop.

It's a little bit trickier this one.

We're going to go round the loop and down.

Now, some people do a straight line down, but a lot of the time it can be a little bit of a curve around as well.

I think it's a bit tricky, so in a minute I'm going to show you on a whiteboard.

But first I want you to know what number comes after nine on the number line, so it would be one more.

If you said ten, well done.

Ten comes after nine.

What number comes before nine or is one less than nine? Use the number line to help you.

What comes before nine? That's so right, it's number eight.

Well done.


I'm going to show you on a whiteboard, how to write the number nine and then we'll come back together.

So when I go to write the number nine, okay.

Like I said before, I can start in the middle of the loop and I can go around down and curve a little bit like that.

But most people, when they write the number nine, what they'll do is they'll do heir loop first and then they'll do a straight line down to represent the number nine.

So that's the way that I prefer to do it.

I do my loop and then I do the straight line down.

So have a go at writing the number nine, three times on a piece of paper and then we'll come back together.


Now what's going on here with our number nine.

We met him earlier, the shorter one at the bottom, we met nine earlier.

And we knew that was nine because there was nine blocks.

But number nine can't look like that really tall one.

Certainly, that must be more than nine blocks.

I don't think that both of these number blocks could possibly be nine.

What do you think? Pause the video if you need some more time to have a think and count the objects.

All right.

What did you say? Did you say that both of them are nine.


Well, I think we need to prove this.

Let's make sure.

Let's count the really, really tall one.

Let's start with the cube at the bottom and count all the way up.

Are we ready? All right.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine.

It is number nine, I just didn't recognise him.

And that's because, even though it looks different he's just rearranged his blocks to be really tall and that's okay.

He still use nine blocks, so it doesn't change the number.

Oh, thank goodness I've got your help today, friends.


That brings us to our main task, everyone.

So what you are going to find in the worksheet is a picture of some number beads or some counting beads, they're coloured blue.

Can you see them? Great.

So what you're going to need to do is you're going to pick a number on the number line below.

So let's say I'm going to pick six first.

All right.

So I've chosen six.

Then what I need to do is find the matching number bead card to six.

So I'm going to have a look and see if I can find six beads on the counting beads picture.

Once I've matched those, then I want to find the matching number card as well, so I know it's six because it's got six dots on it.

So you're going to match all three of them up.

All right.

So what we would like you to do is pause the video and have it go at matching up the pictures to the number line and to the number cards.

When you're done we'll come back together.

All right.

How did it go everyone, matching up all of the pictures of the number of beads to the cards? Well, there was one that I found tricky.

There was a picture of one that didn't have any number beads on it.

Did you know how to match that one up? Well, if you said that that one represents zero.

Well done, that was like a bonus.

We're sure that you had lots of fun doing your learning and hopefully you've taken some photos of your learning today and you could share it with your teacher.

And if you'd like to, Harrods and I would really like it if you ask the parent or carer to share your learning with us at Oak on our social media.

Well, that's all we have time for, I'm afraid today.

But I'm sure we'll see you again.

Bye everyone.