
Lesson video

In progress...


Hi friends, it's Miss Molnar here and we are going to do some super fun math learning today.

Today, we are going to try and find one more than a number.

And of course I brought my favourite helper to help us out today, Harold the Hedgehog.

Say hi, everyone to Harold.

All right, let's see what we're going to need to get ready for this lesson.

All right Harold, what do we need for this lesson today? All right, so we're going to get some counting objects.

So I've got some cubes.

But you might have something else at home, like some dry pasta or some Lego pieces but make sure you ask your parent or carer first what you can use.

Then you're going to also need a 10 frame.

You can find this in the downloadable resources but you can also ask a parent or carer to help you draw one.

And that's absolutely fine.

As well as you're going to need some number cards from one to nine.

Again, if you can't print them out you can always write them down on a piece of paper.

Pause the video, grab what you need and then we can come back and start our learning for today.

All right, we thought we would start with some counting games to 10.

The first thing that we're going to do is we are going to play a little bit of ping-pong.

So if you've not played ping-pong before, what we're going to do is I'm going to start by saying zero and then I'm going to hit the ball or pass the ball over to you in ping-pong and then you've got to say the next number which would be one.

And then you'd hit it back to me and then I would say two.

So we're going to go back and forth until we get to 10.

All right, are we ready everyone? All right, Harold and I are going to start with zero.

Here we go.







Well done everyone, fantastic.

All right, this time we want you to start on 10 pass it to us and we'll count backwards and say nine and pass it back to you.

All right, you start with 10.

Are you ready? Nine.





Well done and you would have said zero.

Fantastic effort, everyone.

All right, shall we do a blast off countdown? Count backwards from 10 to get into our learning for today? I think that sounds really great.

Are rocket ships ready? We're going to start at 10 and count backwards to zero for a blast off in today's lesson.

Here we go.

10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, blast off.

Okay, so we're going to start off with this 10 frame here.

I've got some cubes on the 10 frame.

Can you tell me what number I'm showing with the cubes? Pause the video if you need to, to help you count.

Well done, If you said nine, you are so right.

There are nine cubes on the 10 frame.

We have the number nine to help us show the number nine.

Well done.

All right, I wonder how do we know that this is nine? When I look at my 10 frame do I have to count every single cube? Or is there a special clue to help me figure out that it's nine? Well, if you said that when it's nine on the 10 frame there's one space not covered, you're right.

So I can look and see that there's only one space that's not covered by a cube.

And that gives me a clue that it's the number nine.

So what we'd like you to do right now is we want you to pause the video, we want you to grab your 10 frame and your counting objects and can you show us nine on the 10 frame but can you show us in a different way than we've shown you? So where is your blank space going to be on your 10 frame? Can you put it in a different spot than mine? All right, pause the video, build number nine on your 10 frame and then we'll come back together.

All right, were you able to show us tonight in a different way on your 10 frame? Fantastic.

All right, I'm going to do something next and I want you to tell me what's happened.

What's happened to my 10 frame this time? That's right, there is one more cube added to my 10 frame.

I had nine, but now I've added another cube.

What number do I have now? Well done, if you said 10 way to go one more than nine is equal to 10.

So I know by looking at my 10 frame now that it's full, all the spaces are full, I know that that number must be 10.

So I know that one more than nine is 10.

So, if we look at that on a number line, I've spotted my number nine down there and I'm going to count on one more or do a jump of one more and that will give me 10.

So I could say out loud that one more than nine is 10.

Can we say that together everyone? Ready? One more than nine is 10, fantastic.

Let's try another number now.

So we did one more than nine first.

Let's pick another one.

So I've picked up the number three and I can see that card is the number three because there's three dots.

One, two, three.

So the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to represent that three with my counting objects on my 10 frame.

So let's count out three together everyone.

One, two, three, well done.

Now I need to find one more than three.

So, am I going to add another cube to my 10 frame or am I going to take one away if I want to find one more? Well done, if you said I need to add another cube to my 10 frame you're so right.

So I added one more cube to my 10 frame.

And what number do I have now? That's right, I've got the number four.

So now if I'm going to find that on my number line I'm going to start with number three first and I want to do one jump on to find one more.

So one more would be four.

All right, can we say that together in a sentence.

One more than three is four.

Well done, everyone.

All right, well, we think you're ready to have a go at finding one more using your 10 frame, some counting objects and if you can, you can utilise the number line and the cards, the number cards, from one to nine in the resources.

So what you're going to do is you're going to pick a number and you need to build that with your counting objects on the 10 frame.

So remember, I picked up the number three so I had to put three cubes on my 10 frame.

All right? Then your next step is, can you use the number line, find the number you're starting with, okay? So if I was starting with number three, then do one more do a jump out of one and see what one more is.

Once you've done both of those, then you can say the sentence out loud.

One more than hmm is hmm.

All right, pause the video, have a go at a few of those different numbers and then we'll come back together to talk about one more.

All right, so I've gone ahead and I've made some of my number blocks out of cubes.

So I've got number blocks, one, two, three, four and five on my screen right now.

I'm going to go away from my main task and I'm going to make the number of blocks from one all the way to 10.

So I'm only showing you five right now, but in a minute you're going to need to go away and make them all the way up to 10.

Now, if you don't have cubes like Miss Molnar, what you might want to do is maybe you've got some Lego pieces or other kinds of blocks or bricks that you could put together to make the number blocks.

If you don't have that, also what you could do is you could draw them out on a piece of paper and a parent or carer could help you cut them out.

And you could use those as your number book.

So the first thing you're going to do is you're going to make your number blocks all the way up to 10 and then that's going to help you find your one more.

So if I look at number block two, if I can compare it next to the next number block I can see that one more cube is made on number three.

So that tells me it's one keep taller and that tells me that three is one more than two because I can see that it's got that space there.

It's just one more.

So those are going to help me compare to find one more today.

So, when I do my main task after I've built my number blocks then I'm going to pick a number.

So I've picked the number three.

So now what I need to do is use my number blocks to help me find out what one more than three is.

So I found my number block three I'm going to compare it with the one next to it.

I can see that one more than three is going to be one, two, three, four.

So we've showed me how to do your main tasks now, can you go away and make your number blocks from one to 10 out of the materials that a parent or carer says you're able to.

Then what you're going to do is take a number card and you need to find out what is one more than that number using your number blocks to help you compare.

Then you can say one more than hmm is hmm.

Pause the video and when we come back, we'll see how you've done.

All right, how did you get on everyone? How did the number blocks help you find one more than a number? Did it help you? Well, that's great.

We love using our number of blocks to help us.

All right, let's see what you've learned a little bit today.

I wonder if you can tell me from using your number blocks to help you out.

What is one more than the number four? Way to go, it's five.

One more than four is five.

All right, let me see what is one more than seven? If you said eight, great job.

Well done everyone.

Well, we hope that you've had a great time during this lesson today and we hope that maybe you've taken some photos of your learning and you can share it with your teacher.

And if you'd like Harold and I would really like it if you could share some of your photos with us here at Oak on our social media.

So you could ask a parent or carer to help you with that.

Well, that's all we have time for today, I'm afraid.

Thanks for coming today and we'll see you next time.