
Lesson video

In progress...


Hi team and welcome to today's lesson with me, Mrs. Garrad.

Now in today's lesson, we're going to think about the place that doctors and nurses work.

Let me share my screen.

So the first thing we're going to do today is we're going to gather some resources.

Then we'll think about places that lots of different people work at.

Then we'll think about who works in a hospital.

And then finally, at the end of our lesson, we'll create our very own hospital.

So for this lesson, you'll need your looking eyes and your listening ears, you'll need a box, quite a big box.

You'll need some tape and some scissors and some paint and a paintbrush.

Pause the video now and gather all of the resources that you'll need to build our hospital, a little bit later in the lesson.

Press play once you're ready.

Great, now you're back, we're going to think about where people work.

Have a look at this picture.

Who works here.

Can you see there's a picture of a fire engine and it's in a bay.

It looks like it's a fire station.

I wonder who works there? I can see a picture of a firefighter and I can see a picture of a vet holding a cat.

Point to the person that works in the fire station.

Great job team.

If you're pointing to the firefighter dressed in yellow, then you found the right person that works in the fire station.

Let's have another try.

I wonder what this place is.

There are lots of aisles of food.

Oh, this looks like a supermarket.

I wonder who works in a supermarket? I can see three pictures.

I can see a cashier.

I can see a shelf stacker and I can see a dentist.

Can you point to two people that work in a supermarket? Great job.

If you pointed to the cashier and the shelf stacker, then you found the two people that work in a supermarket.

A cashier helps check out all of your shopping and you pay the cashier and they'll give you your change.

That's their job.

And the shelf stacker has to make sure there is enough stock on the shelves in the supermarket for you to choose and to buy.

A dentist doesn't work in a supermarket.

He works in a dentist surgery.

I wonder where this place of work is.

I see a train and a clock.

Oh, I think it's a train station.

I wonder who works in a train station? Again, I see three pictures.

I see the first picture is a conductor.

The second picture is a driver and the picture at the bottom is a teacher.

I wonder which people would work in the train station.

Can you point to two people that would work in the train station? Great job.

If you pointed to the conductor and the train driver, then you're right.

Those people work in a train station.

The conductor will work on the train and he'll make sure that people have the right tickets for the journey that they're taking.

And the driver drives the train.

They all work, they both work in a train station.

Team, tell the screen, where does a teacher work? Your right, a teacher works in a school.

Now let's think about who might work in a hospital.

There are lots of different people that work in hospitals.

They are very busy places.

They are very big buildings with lots of different rooms and wards.

Lots of people work there.

All of these people work in a hospital.

You have a doctor, a surgeon, wow.

A surgeon is a really skillful person who can help to do operations, when you're feeling poorly to help you to feel better.

That's the job of a surgeon.

A porter, a porter is a person who helps to move patients around the hospital.

Sometimes when you're in hospital, you can't walk around.

Maybe your legs are hurting.

Maybe you're not feeling so well.

And you need to be moved from ward to ward.

And a porter is the person that can help you to do that.

They also take people down ready to have their operations.

And the last picture I see is a team of nurses, lots of nurses work in a hospital to take care of the patients.

There are also midwives that work in a hospital.

I wonder what a midwife does? Tell the screen if you know.

You're right, midwives are very special people that look after pregnant ladies.

They help to make sure that they stay healthy and that their baby is healthy.

And then when it's time for the baby to be born, a midwife is there at the birth and helps the mom to deliver their baby.

There are paramedics that work in a hospital too.

They drive ambulances and go out to people that are needing some help and give medical attention to people in their homes.

Or maybe they have to bring them back to the hospital too.

That's what paramedics do.

Caterers work in a hospital.

A caterer makes food for the patients in the hospital.

And lastly, there's a picture of a receptionist.

Quite often in a hospital you have a reception area and that's where you can go to ask questions about where you need to go in the building.

Now let's look carefully at a hospital.

There's a picture of a hospital on my screen.

It's really, really big, do you see? Let's see.

I wonder what kind of places are in a hospital.

I can see that there are lots of different windows, that tells me that there are lots of different rooms. There are different wards and different departments in a hospital.

So you might have an accident and emergency department.

You might have a paediatrics department.

That's where the children's ward would be.

You might have a radiology department where you'd go and have x-rays taken.

There are operating theatres in hospitals where surgeons perform their operations.

And there's a reception area where the receptionist works and helps people to find where they need to go in the hospital.

You also might find things like a nurses station, where all of the nurses gather to exchange information.

Now it's time for us to create our hospital.

Now we've thought about what a hospital might look like and what a hospital has inside of it, we can make our creation.

Watch the video and listen carefully to the instructions.

So I have a really big box to make my hospital and it had flaps all around the edge and I cut the flaps off and saved one of them so that I could position it in the box and secure it with some tape to make different levels.

Going to put some masking tape on there to hold it in place.

Then I can have a top floor and a bottom floor.

Just tearing off the masking tape and sticking it to the piece of cardboard to keep it in position.

There we go.

Now I have two levels in my hospital and I've got two flaps left back on so I can use as the doors maybe.

Now I'm going to paint my hospital and I've chosen to paint my hospital grey.

I need to cover all of the box.

There we go.

So we were painted and dried.

You have to wait, be a little bit patient and wait for it to dry and then you can start to add some details onto your hospital.

I've made a sign that says hospital.

I'm going to stick that on with some glue.

Can you see my sign, it says hospital on it.

And then I'm going to use some black paint to paint lots of windows.

Do you remember in the picture there were lots of windows in the hospital.

So I'm going to use some paint to paint some windows in my hospital.

I've made a square, painting the middle of it.

Going to make sure I put lots of windows on my hospital too.

Another window.

That's two, need to do a lot more.

I have two and I add one more.

Now I have how many windows? Three, you're right.

There we go.

Now, if I show you a picture of my completed hospital, there it is, see, I added lots more windows and look, I even found some little people to be the patients in the hospital.

Team, I wonder what your hospital will look like.

Team, that's the end of our lesson today.

I might go off now and play with my hospital, take the patients inside and see if there are some doctors and nurses that can help to take care of them.

I wonder if you'll play with your hospital when you're finished.

If you would like to share your hospital with me, you could do that by showing your work on Oak National.

You'll need to ask a parent or carer to share your work on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter, tagging @OakNational and #LearnwithOak and then I might even get to see your fabulous creations.

Team, it's time for me to say goodbye now, but I'll see you again, really soon.

Bye for now.