
Lesson video

In progress...


Hello everyone.

It's Miss Doherty, how are you? Today we're going to write simple sentences with an adjective.

And those sentences are going to be about the story of the three little pigs.

In today's lesson you will need an exercise book or paper and a pencil.

You can pause the video now while you go and get those items. We are going to start our lesson by singing a nursery rhyme.

Then we'll box the story and we'll finish with a writing activity.

I hope you're ready.

What's the weather like where you are today? It's raining here and I know a song all about an old man.

When it's raining.

I wonder if you know it, I'll sing it once, join in if you do, and if not join in the second time.

It's raining.

It's pouring.

The old man is snore, he went to bed and bumped his head and couldn't get up in the morning.

Should we try that together? It's raining, its pouring, the old man is snoring, He went to bed and bumped his head and couldn't get up in the morning.

Let's do it one more time.

It's raining, it's pouring.

The old man is snoring, He went to bed and bumped his head and couldn't get up in the morning.

We're going to split the story now into sections as we box it up.

First, we have the opening.

Now the opening of the story is that there are three little pigs who live at home with their mummy.

And one day their mommy says off you go and build your own house, but make sure it's strong.

Try and draw my strong arm again.

Once there were three little pigs who lived at home with their mommy.

One day mommy said off you go build your own house, but make sure it's strong.

And that's the opening to the story.

And then we have the middle of the story where we have the first little pig built that house of straw.

One day a wolf came and said, little pig, little pig let me come in.

Not by the hair on my chinny chin chin.

Then I'll Huff and puff and I'll blow your house down.

And the wolf huffed and he puffed and he blew the house down and he ate up the little pig, gobbled up the little pig.

And that is the first problem in our story, isn't it? Then we have the second little pig who built their house of wood.

Some sticks here.

one day a wolf came and said, little pig, little pig, let me come in.

Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin.

Then I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house down.

So the wolf huffed and he puffed and he blew the house down.

And once again, he gobbled up the little pig.

Oh, another problem, another setback in our story.

And then we come to the third little pig.

You had built that house out of bricks.

And one day a wolf came and the wolf said, little pig, little pig, let me come in.

Nope, by the hair of my chinny, chin chin.

Then I'll Huff and puff and I'll blow your house down.

So the wolf huffed and puffed, but he couldn't blow the house down.

So the bricks have been the solution to that problem of the wolf coming and eating the pigs.

So the wolf went home and the little pig was glad.

Now I would like you to have a go boxing up the story.

You might use the same five boxes I have, or you might use different sections.

Pause the video now, while you complete that task.

Now it's time to do some writing.

We're are you going to write a sentence for each of the sections.

I'm going to do one with you.

And then you'll pause the video and continue by yourself.

When we're writing, we say the word, robot the word, write the word.

We're are going to write sentences, that include a descriptive word, an adjective.

I'm going to write my sentence for the last box.

And I'm going to think about how the pig was feeling.

The pig was glad.

The pig was glad.

The is a tricky word.

We just have to know it.

The pig p-i-g pig was is another tricky word we just have to know it.

W-a-s spells was let's do glad together.

Say the word, glad.

Robot the word g-l-a-d, glad.

Let's write it, the pig was g-l-a-d.


The pig was glad.

And there I finished my sentence.

What else could we write? We could write, Mum was sad.

The pigs were nervous.


The pigs were excited.

The wolf was hungry.

The wolf was bad.

The pig was scared.

The wolf was confused.

There are so many sentences that you could choose to write.

Remember when you're writing, we say the word, robot the word, write the word.

So now it's your turn, pause the video.

While you write a sentence for each of the sections, remember to include an adjective to describe.

Thank you for all of your hard work today and for writing with adjectives.

I know a little song about adjectives that we could sing together.

It goes like this: describing, describing, we use adjectives, your turn describing, describing.

We use our adjectives.

They help us to describe things.

They help us to describe things.

We use adjectives We use adjectives.

Let's put that all together.

Describing, describing we use adjectives.

They help us to describe things we use adjectives.

Fantastic thank you so much for today.

I hope to see you again in our next lesson.

Bye bye.