
Lesson video

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Hello everyone, my name is Ms. Butt, and today we're going to be learning some vocabulary for you to use in your unit on the "Whale Rider." Now I know that you have been watching parts of the Whale Rider to rewrite parts of the story, and I know you've been focusing on the character Paikea.

Today we're going to be learning three words that have been grouped together because they're words that can describe eyes.

However, as you'll see in this lesson these words can be used to describe many other things as well.

I hope you enjoy the lesson.

Here's what we're going to do in today's lesson, first, I'm going to introduce the new vocabulary one word at a time.

Then we're going to try to identify synonyms and word pairs for each word.

And finally, we're going to have a go at applying these words in sentences that hopefully will be helpful in your Whale Rider unit.

So today's lesson you're going to need something to write on something to write with and your brains.

Can you pause the video now to make sure you've got everything you need and to make sure you're focused and ready for your learning.

Here's some key vocabulary we're going to be using today, I am going say it and then I'd like you to repeat it back to me.

Synonym, word pair, adjective, noun.

A synonym is a word that means exactly or nearly the same as another word.

For example merry which is the synonym of happy because they mean the same thing.

A word pair is a two words that often appear together like a bright sun or a bright moon.

An adjective is a describing word, and we're going to be learning three adjectives today.

The adjectives we're learning can be grouped together because they can all describe our eyes, but they also can describe many other things.

And a noun is a person, a place or a thing.

Let's start thinking about our eyes for a second.

Now our eyes can really show a lot of emotion, and what I'd like you to do now is pause the video and go and try and find a mirror and have a go at trying to show some different emotions just by using your eyes.

So you could cover up the rest of your face and you could have a go at perhaps showing, for example, how do you think I feel now? How do you think I felt that? So can you go and just have a play around using your eyes to show different feelings, off you go.

Brilliant, hopefully you saw how much our eyes can show our feelings.

So let's take a look at our first word that we could use to describe eyes.

Let's take a look at the illustration first.

What can you see in this picture? Can you describe what you can see? How you think this character is feeling, and how would you describe these character characters eyes? Pause the video and have a think.

This word is expressive, I say you say expressive, expressive.

Expressive is an adjective, and it means showing your thoughts or feelings like the look in someone's eyes, it tells you how they feel.

If somebody had a very expressive face, then you would be able to know very easy what they were feeling.

But if somebody was not at all expressive, it might be really difficult to know what they were thinking or what they were feeling.

I'm going to read some words to you, and as I read these words, I want you to try and spot the synonyms of expressive.

And remember a synonym is a word that means more or less the same thing.

Eyes, face, emotional, gesture, eyebrows, tone.

A gesture is a movement that you can do to express a meaning or an idea.

So I quite often gesture with my hands while I'm teaching, so I'll do things like sit down or stand up.

And a tone is like a sound, so if you spoke with an angry tone, it would mean that the way you would sound would be so angry.

Let's take a look at some more words, revealing, language, voice, meaningful, and look.

Here's the word in a sentence, her expressive eyes were filled with tears when she lost her favourite toy.

Could you pause the video and see if out of this group of words, you could identify the three synonyms of expressive.

Let's see how you got on the synonyms are emotional, revealing, and meaningful.

So let's take a look now at the rest of the words which are word pairs expressive eyes, expressive face, an expressive gesture, expressive eyebrows, expressive language.

So if you read a book you might say, "oh it's got loads of really expressive language," and therefore it would have language that really helped you understand the feelings and emotions.

An expressive voice, an expressive look, and an expressive tone.

Now while we learn new words you got to say them out loud in order to remember them.

So I'd like you to pause the video now and repeat reading the words just as I said, just as I did it just then, off you go.

Okay, great.

So before we move on can you remind me, what does the word expressive mean? Well done, it means showing your thoughts or feelings.

Let's take a look at our second illustration.

A very different character here.

What's happening in this picture or can you see, and how do you think this character is feeling? Pause the video and either say aloud what you think or just have to think about it? Well, this character unlike last character we saw looks extremely angry.

I can tell that because not only that through that eyes, but through that whole facial expression and their body language.

This character has got fire on their hair and fire coming out of their mouth, and they look like they're tensed, stuck their hand and pointing at something.

Wonder what this word could be, fiery, fiery.

This is an adjective that means hot-tempered, passionate, or burning, like an angry woman with flame-colored hair.

Let's take a look at words that could be synonyms of fiery.

Temper, hair, dragon, sunset, eyes, burning, crash, blazing, spirit, flaming, and glance, a glance is a quick look at something.

Here's a word in a sentence, the orange glow of the fiery sunset lit up the entire sky.

Could you pause the video and see if you can spot synonyms of the word fiery.

Okay great, let's see how you got on.

So the synonyms are, burning, blazing, and flaming.

That means the rest of the words are word pairs, and I'm going to read them to you now, a fiery temper also very passionate or hot, or someone had a very fiery temper, it would mean that they might get in bad mood very quickly.

Fiery hair, a fiery dragon, a fiery sunset, fiery eyes, a fiery crash, a fiery spirit, and a fiery glance.

Now could you pause the video and read these words just as I did.

Well done.

Before we look at our final words, can you just remind me what does fiery mean? Yeah, well done.

It means hot-tempered, passion, passionate or burning.

Let's take a look at our final image.

So we got the same character again in a very different pose.

What's happening here? How do you think this character is feeling? How might you describe this character? Pause the video and have a think.

Well, this character has got a pose or a stamp, which is kind of how you stand, that looks very confident and strong.

And they're looking straight ahead, I wonder how we could describe if I look at this character's eyes, what they're feeling, it can feeling quite confident.

This word is steely, I say you say steely, steely.

I know that there's a type of metal called steel, which is very strong.

And I wonder if that's got something to do with the definition of this word.

This word means cold and determined, like that look in someone's eyes that makes them seem as tough as steel.

So if somebody is steely, they're quite cold and determined.

Now I don't mean cold as in they physically feel cold as in the temperature cold.

If you can be described as being quite cold, you can say someone is cold or someone is warm as a way of describing their character.

If someone was a warmer character, they might be very welcoming and very friendly.

Whereas if someone was quite a cold character, it might be quite unwelcoming and not really open up to you or give much away.

So let's take a look at which words could be synonyms of steely.

Coldly serious, expression, resolve, gaze, determination, eyes, stony, glare, voice, and coldness.

Here's the word in a sentence, the tennis players looked at each other with steely eyes, both refusing to give up.

I've seen that before on television, when I'm watching tennis.

And it keeps getting to a draw, those tennis players are really determined, so they might give each other a steely look.

Can you pause the video and see if you can spot the synonyms of steely? So the synonyms are coldly serious and stony.

And that means that the rest of the words are words pairs, which I'm going to read to you now.

So you might have a steely expression, everyone show me steely expressions, yes, you look very cold.

A steely gaze, can you all give me a steely gaze, lovely.

You might have steely determination, I bet like those tennis players sounded like they had.

You may have steely eyes or a steely voice or a steely glare or steely coldness.

Now can you pause the video and read the words pairs just like I did.

Well done, hopefully, now you said that word so many times, it's going to stick in your memories.

So we have now looked at three words and these words can be used to describe eyes, but as we discovered, they can be used to describe many other things.

Can you pause the video and see if you can remember which word matches which image.

So the first image we learnt was expressive, the second one was fiery and the third one was steely.

Now an even harder challenge, my definitions have got jumbled up.

Do you think you can pause the video and match the definition to the correct word? So the correct answers are expressive means showing your thoughts or feelings, fiery means hot-tempered, passionate or burning, and steely means cold and determined.

Here is a sentence and I'd like you to see which word fits best in the sentence.

Now you'll notice this sentence is about Paikea, who is in the film the "Whale Rider." Paikea who had determination, sat on the front row and stared coldly at her grandfather.

There's a bit of a clue here because it says that she herself is determined and she stared coldly.

So which of these words do you think would fit here? Can you pause the video and have a think.

So I think the best fit here is Paikea who had steely determination, sat on the front row and stared coldly at her grandfather.

We know that Paikea is a very determined and strong character, so I think she definitely would have steely determination.

Now you'll notice that in this sentence, I have got an embedded relative clause, that's the part that says who had steely determination.

A relative clause gives extra information about the word, the noun before it.

So we could have just taken that out and said, Paikea sat on the front row and stared coldly at her grandfather.

But we snuck in which is why we call it embedded in that main clause we have embedded a relative clause, which starts with who or which.

Paikea who had steely determination, sat on the front row.

So we're adding in extra information to give our reader a really clear image of what's going on in this scene.

In a moment when you have a go at writing your own sentences, I'd love it if you could try to include an embedded relative clause in your own work.

Here's a second sentence, Paikea led the boys, and men through the village to the Marae, with her passionate voice.

Marae case again, let's look for clues here.

She's got a passionate voice, I think it could be two options here, I wonder which one you think states best.

So I've gone with expressive, so that means her voice would be showing her passion, her feelings or her emotions.

But you might also 'cause you saw that word passionate have picked fiery voice, and that also would have worked, that would perhaps be if she was more angry at this point of the story.

So it depends what story you were telling.

And finally Paikea controlled her temper and slunk off reluctantly.

If you do something reluctantly, it means you do it, but you don't really want to do it at all.

Which word do you think fits in this sentence.

Paikea controlled her fiery temper and slunk off reluctantly.

It's time for you to have a go at writing some sentences.

So take a look at this first and the first sentence I'd like you to write, uses the word expressive.

And it can be really difficult just coming up with a sentence using a word, even though we might know what this word now means.

So the word pairs it really helpful.

For example, you might pick the word pair, expressive eyes, and then you can build a sentence and an idea around that.

I have put a sentence scaffold here for you to use, and this sentence scaffold includes an embedded relative clause.

Paikea who comma and then you finish the main tools.

So, if you want you could start off by just thinking of a simple idea about Paikea, and then you could add in the embedded relative clause about with using the word expressive.

For example, you could say, Paikea led the followers full stop.

But then you could add the embedded relative clause, Paikea, comma who had an expressive look on her face, comma led the her followers.

So have a go at pausing the video and writing your own sentence.

And if you really want to be brave and push yourself, you could have a go at including an embedded relative clause.

Remember they've got to have commas, either side of them almost they're held by commas, that's how I tried to imagine it.

But don't worry if you don't want to have a go, if you don't feel confident to do that, because it is really tricky.

Do whatever you feel comfortable with if you want to push yourself, and that's always a really great thing to try.

Lovely well done.

I'd now like you to have a go at writing a sentence, using the word fiery.

Again, you could use word pair to help you, for example, you could build a sentence about the fiery sunset or Paikea having a fiery spirit.

Can you pause the video and have a go at writing a sentence now.

Excellent, and your final task is to have a go at writing a sentence using the steely.

Again pick a word pair to help you, for example, you could write about someone in the story, giving someone else a steely glare or having steely determination.

Make sure that you really push yourself this final sentence.

Perhaps you could write a sentence and then you could go back and rework it and see if you could improve it.

Perhaps you might add a subordinating conjunction to extend your idea, or perhaps you might add in an adverb and a verb, so to add an adverb says how the verb is done.

Okay, pause the video and have it go now.

Excellent, well done.

You have worked so hard today and you've learned three amazing adjectives, expressive, fiery, and steely.

I really hope that these words are helpful and that you're able to include them in your writing on the Whale Rider unit.

You've worked so hard and you should be really proud of your work.

If you want to show off your sentences that you've written, you can always ask your parents or carer to take a photo and then upload them on Twitter, 'cause we always love to see the work you're doing at home.

Thank you so much for watching this lesson and I'll see you soon, bye.