
Lesson video

In progress...


Hi, everybody, it's me, Miss Miles here.

I'm looking forward to doing some maths together, again, today.

Before we start, a did you know fact.

Today's fact is, did you know that the only number from 0 to 1000 with an a in it is 1000? Did you know that one? Okay, onto the maths, so this is lesson two in our unit on 2D and 3D shape.

So, if you haven't completed lesson one already, please make sure you do that first.

As you're going to need to apply some of that knowledge to today's lesson.

For today's lesson, you need a pencil, a piece of paper, and a clear work space.

And once you are ready, we shall get started.

So, in today's lesson, we are going to identify properties of shapes, let's get started.

On the screen, now, you can see two different lines.

What can you say about these lines? Pause your video there and have a think.

Okay, so we can say that these two lines are both pointing in the same direction.

And we can also say that they are parallel to one another.

This means that they are both going in the same direction, They are both opposite to one another and at any point along the line, they are the same distance apart, and if they were to continue on for ever and ever and ever, they would never meet one another.

Can you show a pair of parallel lines using your arms? You could show this one.

Can you show another set of parallel lines using your arms? You could show this one.

So, let's have a look at a different set of lines, now.

So, here, we've got two lines on the screen, again.

I would like you to have a think about whether these lines are parallel or not, and how you know.

Pause the video there, and have a think.

We can see that these two lines are parallel because although they're not facing in the same direction, as the pair of lines we saw before, they are pointing in the same direction as one another, they are an equal distance apart at any point on the line.

And, again, if they were to continue on forever, they would never meet.

Your turn, let's see if we can put this practise into action.

So, on screen, now, you can see three different sets of lines, I would like you to decide if the pairs of lines are parallel or not? You can check this by measuring the distance between them.

That's because, as we said earlier, in order for lines to be parallel, they must be an equal distance apart at any point.

So pause the video, look at the images, and see which ones are parallel, and which ones are not.

Pause the video there.

Let's go through our answers.

So, we can see that the first set of lines are parallel because they are an equal distance away from one another.

You can see that because at any point along the lines, they are two full squares apart from one another.

Our second set of lines are not parallel because they are not at equal distance apart from each other, the distance, actually, they get closer as they go down, so they're not parallel, they will meet at some point.

And our final set of lines, again, they are also parallel because they are at an equal distance apart at any point and are travelling in the same direction.

Have a look at your answers, and see how you got on.

Now, we're going to move on, now.

We're going to have a look at symmetry.

So, I have got a rectangle here with me.

Now, I know that this is technically 3D because I can hold it in my hands, but so I can demonstrate it to you we're going to disregard it as 3D today, sorry.

We're going to think about it as a 2D shape.

So what is symmetry? Symmetry is when we can fold our shape in different ways and we would have the same on either side.

So, I will show this, so I know that this rectangle, if I fold it in half like so, and I open it back out, I can see that on this side and on this side, I have identical halves.

Let me try and fold it another way, see if I can find another line of symmetry.

I'm going to try folding it this way, this time.

Open it out again, again, I can see that down my line of symmetry on this side and this side, I have identical images.

So, that is also a line of symmetry.

So, I found so far, that a rectangle has two lines of symmetry.

Let's see if I can find it another by folding it diagonally.

Here we go, get that, and get my two points together, and fold, hm, I'm not sure this time.

Let's have a look, are they identical to one another? I'm not sure, so I would say that my rectangle has two lines of symmetry because there are two different ways that I can fold it to have identical parts on each side.

Let's have a look at a different shape, now.

Here, I've got a triangle, it is a right angle.

It is an isosceles right angle triangle because there are two sides that are the same length.

So, I'm looking at my shape, hm, I can't fold it that way, but I can see that I can fold it this way to make two equal parts.

Let's open it out and check.

Are they the same on each side? They look the same on each side to me.

So, that shows me that my triangle has one pair, well, one symmetrical line, but I can't fold it in any other way to get another line of symmetry.

Hm, okay, let's move on from that, then.

All right, independent task time, let's apply that learning.

So, there are three shapes on screen, and these are the things I would like you to do.

I would like you to name each of those shapes.

I would like you to write down how many vertices and sides they've got.

I would like you to write down how many sets of perpendicular lines that they have got.

Remember, from yesterday's lesson, that is when we have sets of lines that meet at a right angle.

And I would also like you to write down how many sets of parallel lines it has.

So, pause the video there, and have a think.

You might want to draw them out.

Or you might talk to write a list to answer those questions, have a go.

Our second independent task today, at the bottom of the screen, there is a table with six different 2D shapes in.

And I would like you to sort those 2D shapes into the correct place on our table.

So, you might want to draw that table out.

And the first column looks at shapes that have got zero lines of symmetry.

So, they're not symmetrical, you can't fold them in any way that shows symmetry, two equal parts.

The second column shows one line of symmetry, similar to my triangle, and I folded it once and could get one line of symmetry.

And then, your third column is shapes with two or more lines of symmetry.

So, thinking back to my rectangle, I knew that it had one line of symmetry here.

And I knew that it had another line of symmetry there.

So, that would go in the end column.

So, having a look at the shapes at the bottom, where would they go in that table? Pause the video there, and have a go at that for me.

Okay, let's have a look through our answers now.

So, this was task number one, where you had your different shapes and you needed to answer the different questions about them according to their properties.

Have a look at the answers on screen, have a look at the answers that you have written down and compare them, how did you get on? Make any corrections if you need to.

Pause the video there.

And here is our second task, where we were sorting our shapes into the grid, depending on how many lines of symmetry they had.

Have a look at your answers, how did you get on? Okay, well done for completing today's lesson.

Please, do not forget the end of lesson quiz, and hopefully I'll see you again soon.