
Lesson video

In progress...


Hello everyone and welcome back to another lesson with me, Miss Sidenius.

Today we're going to be carrying on creating some more aliens, but this time we're not using shapes.

Today we are going to design some funny looking aliens, we're going to create our aliens and we're going to share them with somebody in our household, a teddy or a toy.

We're going to need four things today, some paper, some paint, some pens and some decorations, a teddy and a toy.

Pause the video here, make sure you've got all four of those things and come back when you're ready.

Let's have a look at some alien designs.

I'm going to show a picture of some aliens that I made earlier this week.

I used my hand prints to make these aliens, as you can see, I've got one that's upright, I've got one that's only using some of my fingers and one that's upside down, like this.

So those are there to give you an idea about what your aliens might look like.

So have a little think about what you want your to look like and then we're going to get started on making them.

Turn and tell your teddy or your toy, my alien will have mn eyes.

How many eyes will your alien have? What a lot of eyes? What colour will your alien be? Turn and tell your teddy, my alien will be.

What a good choice.

What about how many legs will your alien have? My alien will have mn legs.

Turn and tell your teddy.

Good job everyone, that was some really good thinking and planning that we've done before we get started on our aliens, you can always change your mind once you get started.

So I'm going to show you how I created those aliens, I've got a piece of paper on the floor and I'm going to paint my hand so that I could do a hand print of the aliens.

I'm using some green, glittery paint.

If you don't have any paint you can always draw around your hand with a pencil or pen and create aliens that way as well.

So there we go, I've done one hand print, ready to make one alien.

Pause the video here, do your first hand print and come back when you're finished.

Great start everyone, I'm letting that hand print dry now, so I'm going to move on to my next alien.

And this time, you can see, I've washed my hand so I don't get the green paint on my next alien.

I'm only painting a very small part of my hand and I'm going to press it down and lift it off.

You can see, I've not used the whole of my hand, I've only used these fingers, so it's made a little print on the middle of my paper, so I've got a very long, thin, alien in the middle.

Pause the video here, make your second alien and come back when you're finished.

Good job everyone, it's time to make our third alien.

And, you can see, again, I washed off the orange paint before I went in with the yellow so that it wouldn't mix the colours, but if you want to mix the colours, you can leave it on.

This time I'm going to paint my whole hand again, so I'm painting all of my hand yellow, but I'm not just going to stick a hand on the same way that I did last time, this time I'm going to put my hand upside down on the paper and press it down so that it looks like my fingers are the alien's legs.

Pause the video here, do your third alien and come back when you're finished.

Well done everyone, it's time to start decorating our aliens.

So I've got a little bit of glue here and I'm dotting it on top of the paper.

Now, you will need to let your alien hand prints dry before you start decorating them otherwise you're going to mix the paint all over the page and we don't want it to go everywhere.

So I'm sticking some googly eyes on now, on my fingertips to make it look like alien eyes.

If you don't have googly eyes, you can just draw them.

So I'm doing a little bit more glue on my third alien so I can stick the eyes on there.



Three googly eyes.

And on the last one, look, I'm just going to draw some funny eyes coming out of the top of my fingerprints.

So you don't need googly eyes, you can just draw them if you don't have any.

Pause the video here, add some funny eyes to your aliens and come back when you're finished.

Well done everyone, so we've added some eyes, now it's time to give our alien some funny mouths.

So I'm giving this one some pointy teeth, like I did earlier in lesson three.

And a big smile for the alien in the middle, this is a really friendly alien.

And I'm going to add another mouth to my last alien as well.

Pause the video here, add some mouths to your aliens and come back when you're finished.

Good job.

I'm just going to add a few more little things to my aliens to make them look funny.

So I'm putting some shoes on my yellow alien and some bouncy springy feet on my orange one, my orange one is jumping alien and the green one can jump too.

And they need some wiggly arms. So there you go, I've added the arms and the feet to my alien and it's your turn to add some arms and legs to yours.

Pause the video here and come back when you're finished.

Well done everyone.

I hope you really like your funny aliens that you created with your hand prints today.

The last thing that we need to do is think of some names for our aliens.


What are your aliens' names.

My aliens are called Oatie, Boatie and Smoatie.

What are your aliens going to be called? Have a think and tell your teddy or your toy.

Those were some really good ideas for some alien names, I really enjoyed hearing them when you told your teddy.

Well done.

I hope you had fun making your hand print aliens today, I know I had lots of fun.

Now, the last thing you need to do is make sure that you share your work with somebody in your household, your teddy or your toy.

And you can ask your parent or carer to share it on Twitter with the @OakNational and the hashtag #LearnWithOak because I would love to see your hand print aliens as well, I'd love to see the different colours that you've used and how many eyes your aliens had and what shapes their arms and legs were, especially if they were different to mine.

Well done everyone, see you next week.