
Lesson video

In progress...


Hi, I'm Rebecca, your computing teacher for the programming Part Six unit.

An echo I would just like to say goodbye to you because this is the very very last lesson in this whole programming unit.

So all the way from part one to Part Six so well done for getting this far.

In this lesson, you're going to need your code which you did a few lessons ago now in your replica account that you set up with your parent or carer's permission.

You're also going to to need a pen and paper or some way of writing down your evaluation.

It's a really good idea as well to remove as many distractions as possible so that you can really focus in this lesson.

Here we go, in this lesson, you will evaluate a challenging programme.

So why evaluate then? So why do you think is important to evaluate your programmes? And how do you know if your project was successful? Just pause the video while you think about those two questions.

So why do you think is important to evaluate your programme.

So you might have come up with something like this.

So to reflect on your progress, to think about the efficiency of your solution, to see what you have learnt and to decide how you can improve for your next project? Then the other question was how do you know if your project was successful? Well, you might have put something like this.

You will have met all of the points listed in your success criteria.

That's what we did right at the very beginning of this big problem that we had to solve.

And then the project will work as expected.

So you should have tested it all the way through using the erroneous data boundary data and the normal data to make sure that it works.

And there'll be no runtime errors as well during execution because that wouldn't be good at all with it.

So you will now complete the evaluation of for your project where you will write about how you have worked to meet the criteria set in the scenario.

So use your code log to support you with this.

So write an evaluation of the programme project that you've completed using the success criteria as a guide.

Pause the video now while you write your evaluation.

So the end, is this the end though? Well done, this has been an epic journey into programming.

If you've been following this all the way from part three, part one, all the way to Part Six.

You've been on a very epic journey into programming.

But this is not the end.

No, it's not.

Your journey is just beginning and you can use everything that you have learned in this unit to develop your own projects.

And there's lots of things that you can do to take your programming further.

So that's it from me.

Well done you've worked extremely hard.

I'm very, very proud of you.

And if you'd like to please ask your parent or carer to show your work on Instagram or Facebook or Twitter tagging at Oak national and #learnwithOak.

Be great to know about your experiences throughout this unit and the journey that you've been on.

And I won't see you again soon because this is the end of the unit and it's the end of the lessons.

So Goodbye and good luck with all your programming endeavours.

Bye bye.