
Lesson video

In progress...


- Today's lesson is called Beautiful Explosions.

We will be focusing on how to keep ourselves safe on Bonfire night.

By the end of this lesson, you will know how Guy Fawkes is connected to Bonfire night, you will understand the hazards that could arise, you will be aware of many safety tips, and you will also understand the role of a firefighter.

Finally, you will be able to create your very own safety poster.

In today's lesson you will need some paper or an exercise book, a pen or a pencil, some coloured pencils, or felt tips and your hazard spotting eyes.

Am I in the right place? Are you all here for PSHE? You are? Brilliant.



Let me introduce myself.

My name is Mrs. Walsh.

And I am going to be talking to you through this unit about keeping safe.

Now in this unit, we're going to be looking at keeping safe, both inside the home and outside the home.

And by the end of it, you are going to be experts.

So first things first, I need your heads in working order, and I need your brains thinking.

So give your head a wobble, give it a big, big wobble.

Are we ready? Let's go.


Can you solve this riddle? Clue number one, I come every year.

Clue number two, I am very noisy and pets hates me.

Clue number three, I illuminate the sky like a dancing rainbow.

What am I? Yes, Bonfire night.


Let's refresh our memory and go back to 1603 when king James the First was the ruler of England.

This was a great time for many people, but for some others it wasn't a great time.

King James had some really unfair rules.

There were two main religions in England, Catholics and Protestants.

King James did not like Catholics and he wanted to bring new laws in against anybody who was a Catholic.

In 1605 a group of people had had enough, they plotted to blow up the houses of Parliament so someone else could become King or Queen.

Robert Catesby approached his friends and they decided they would need an explosive expert.

They found Guy Fawkes who agreed to carry out the Gunpowder Plot with them.

They hid barrels and barrels of gunpowder in the basement of the Houses of Parliament, which was enough to blow it up and all the people in it.

This conspiracy was called the Gunpowder Plot.

Guy Fawkes and his friends were discovered and arrested by the king's soldiers.

They were found guilty of treason and sentenced to death by being hanged, drawn and quartered.

So what do you think children? Do we celebrate Guy Fawkes because he was a hero or a villain? A villain.


So what do you think we're actually celebrating? A man trying to blow up the houses of parliament or are we celebrating the fact that he failed to blow up our precious Houses of Parliament? It's task time.

Pause the video and write down your answer.

Use my writing frame to help you.

Here are some more examples for you.

Pause the video and jot them down.

For years and years, many people have commemorated this event by placing a sculpture or model of Guy Fawkes on the top of their bonfires to burn like this one right here.

Along with bonfires, many of us watch colourful firework displays like these.

These are beautiful to look at, but can be very, very dangerous if we do not follow the safety rules.

And these safety rules will be the focus of our lesson today.

Now we are going to be thinking about hazards.

But before we get started, let's have a practise together.

Oh, please forgive me.

Some of you will be wondering what a hazard is.

Let me tell you.

A hazard is a danger or a risk.

You know, something that can harm us.

So if we look at this picture here, we need to think about the dangers and the risks to this man.

The fire is hot so he could get burned.

His clothes could set on fire if he gets too close.

He could trip over into the fire and seriously hurt himself.

Or if it's windy and he stood too close to the fire, the wind could fan the flames.

Okay? Now it's your turn.

Have a go at spotting the hazard in this picture of the people using the sparklers.

Pause the video and write them down.

How did you do? Yes.

If the sparklers aren't held correctly, they could catch someone else's clothes.

They could burn their friends' faces if they're not stood still.

And the flames could get out of control.

You will learn how to use sparklers safely in a little while.

Have a look at the following pictures.

These are some of the exciting things you will see, feel, hear, smell, and taste if you go to a bonfire.

There'll be delicious toffee apples, shimmering sparklers, booming fireworks, fairground rides, and roaring bonfires.

Here is a real firework from my last Bonfire night.

You might want to cover your ears.

Loud wasn't it? Now you know, what hazard is, I am super confident you will smash this next task.

I would like you to draw a table on your sheet of paper like mine right here.

Pause the video whilst you do this.

On one side, I would like you to write all the amazing things about Bonfire night.

Let's get some wow-words in there.

And on the other side, I would like you to list all the dangers and risks.

The first ones have been done for you.

Pause the video and do this now.

How did you get on? Those hazards sound really scary.

Take a look at mine.

Pause the video and add any of the ones that you have missed off.

Do you know something, boys and girls? I think I've reached my limit now.

I feel like we need some extra help.

I know that you're all really, really good hazard spotters, but we need a professional to come in and help us.

But who can I ring? Somebody who is good at spotting hazards? Somebody who knows how to keep safe.

I know.

My good friend, firefighter Lee.

He's a professional superhero.

- Hello.

Firefighter Lee speaking.

- Hello firefighter Lee.

This is Mrs. Walsh speaking.

- [Firefighter Lee] Hello, Mrs. Walsh.

how are you? - I'm good.

Thank you.

I was wondering if he could help the nation out.

- [Firefighter Lee] Certainly.

What would you like to know? - Firefighter Lee, we've been looking at all the amazing things about Bonfire night, but we've also been looking at the dangers too.

What advice could you give to us? - [Firefighter Lee] Bonfire night? I love Bonfire night.

It's the busiest night of the year, especially at the fire station.

Best advice I can give you, Mrs. Walsh, always go to a Bonfire under adult supervision and stay with the adults.

Never, ever get too close too the fire and always let adults light the fireworks.

Is that okay? - Firefighter Lee, that is tremendous advice.

- [Firefighter Lee] No problem.

- I was also wondering if you could give us some advice on sparklers? - [Firefighter Lee] Sparklers.


They were my favourite fireworks.

Best advice using sparklers, always hold them at arms length.

Never, ever point them into anybody's face.

You must always get an adult to light the sparkler.

And when you're finished, you should have a bucket of water at the side of you to extinguish the sparkler.

And that goes for all of the fireworks.

- Wow.

So you can't just throw them on the floor? - [Firefighter Lee] No, no.

You must never ever just throw them on the floor.

'Cause even though the spark has gone out, it's still red hot.

If somebody sees it on the floor, they might pick it up and burn their hand.

So always, always put it in a cold bucket of water.

- Ah, I see.


Thank you.

Next thing.

I'm being really safe and using my cooker lighter to light fireworks.

Is this okay? - [Firefighter Lee] Can you use your cooker lighter? No you must never do that.

That's really, really dangerous.

What you've got to light the fireworks with is the taper, which comes in the fire work box.

You must always used that and never ever let the children light the firework.

There must always be an adult.

Somebody over 18 years of age has got to light the fireworks.

Got to remember that, it's really important, Mrs. Walsh.

- Mm.

That is good advice.

But why do you have to be over 18? - [Firefighter Lee] Well, it's the law.

You can't just go to the shop and buy fireworks.

If you're under 18, you must always be under adult supervision.

I can't stress enough how dangerous bonires can be.

- Well thank you for all your help firefighter Lee.

It is much appreciated.

I'm sure all the boys and girls will be much safer now.

- [Firefighter Lee] Oh Mrs. Walsh, before you go, let me remind you.

You must always go to an organised event where possible and stay with the adults under adult supervision.

Never, ever light the fireworks.

Always let the adult do that and use the taper that comes in the box.

One more thing, if you're really, really unlucky and your clothes are set on fire, what we say, we have a saying of the fire service, it's called stop, drop and roll.

And by stop, drop and roll, all I mean is if your clothes should set on fire rather than run away, because that will fan the flames.

You've got to drop on the floor, stop running, drop on the floor and just roll and roll and roll.

And that'll smother the flames.

But that's only if you really, really unlucky.

If you with an adult that should never happen.

So all I'll say is be very, very sensible.

It's a great night.

It's Bonfire night.

And I want you to enjoy yourselves and stay safe.

Is that okay, Mrs. Walsh? - Stop, drop and roll.

That's easy enough to remember.

- [Firefighter Lee] No problem, Mrs. Walsh.

Nice to speak to you.


- [Mrs. Walsh] Firefighter Lee has really helped us out there, hasn't he? He told us to always go to an organised event.

Stay with an adult under adult supervision.

Never light fireworks.

We have to let the adults do this with the taper provided in the box.

We also must remember to stop, drop, and roll if we are ever hit with a firework.

And we have to look after our lovely pets.

Pets are all scared of fireworks.

We must also make sure that the adults in our house store our fireworks in a cool, dry place.

- Hello there children.

Let me introduce myself.

I'm your Fairy Job Mother, and I'll be popping in from time to time to tell you about various jobs.

Maybe you've got an aspiration to be a firefighter, and that's great.

To be a firefighter you need to be extremely fit.

Carrying around all that heavy equipment in a burning building is very, very tough.

You also need to be really courageous and love caring for people.

It's a very, very demanding job, but it's also extremely rewarding.

Why don't you go on the internet with an adult that you trust and have a look at how to be a firefighter? There's really good hints and tips.

You never know, this could be the dream job for you.

- Oh, thank you Fairy Job Mother.

She did a good job, didn't she? Okay.

Now we are aware of how to keep ourselves safe, we must make a promise to ensure we educate all the people we will be spending time with on this year's Bonfire night.

Can you promise? Fantastic.

So now it's your turn to get creative children.

I know that there are lots and lots of creative children out there.

Much more creative than me.

Your task is to create a poster so that many people as possible are aware of firefighter Lee's top tips and the dangers of fireworks on Bonfire night.

Your poster could include how to handle a sparkle safely, how to behave around fireworks, or your poster could be encouraging people to go to your local organised bonfire.

Wherever that may be.

I can't wait to see your wonderful creations.

Here are some I made earlier.

You can use these to inspire you.

Here is your success criteria.

Step one, choose your topic.

You can choose whether you're doing your poster on how to handle a sparkler, how to act around fireworks, the stop, drop and roll technique, or whether you're going to encourage people to attend your local bonfire.

Step two, create your poster.

Be creative.

Make them as bright and as colourful as you like.

Remember that fireworks are bright and colourful.

You must then remember to check your spelling and grammar.

Step three, spread the word.

Tell everybody.

Your parents and carers.

Educate your friends.

Stick your poster in your window at home.

- [Firefighter Lee] So children just before I go, with Bonfire night coming up I know you're all getting a little bit excited.

Try and go to an organised event.

Always go with an adult.

Stay on the adult supervision.

You must always, always let adults light the fireworks and use the taper that comes in the box and ideally have a bucket of water so you can extinguish your fireworks properly.

Stay safe and have a really, really good time.

Because Bonfire night's great.

Cheers kids.

- [Mrs. Walsh] Ah, so that's it, children.

It's time for you to get busy with your posters.

I do hope you have enjoyed our first lesson together.

I hope you have the most amazing Bonfire night celebrating with your friends and families.

The most important thing you can remember, is to keep safe.

I want to see you back next week.

I cannot wait to see the posters that you've created.

If you'd like to, please ask your parents or carers to share your work on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter, tagging @OakNational and #LearnwithOak.

See you later.