
Lesson video

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Hello, and I'm Mr. Whitehead and welcome to the RSHE Healthy Lifestyles: Choices when approaching adulthood unit.

Today, we will be looking at being a donor and looking at how the science can help us choose the right choice, whether you want to be a donor or not when we go into adulthood.

Okay, let's get started.

To successfully complete this lesson, you will need the following items: a piece of paper or a notepad, and a pen or a pencil.

So for this lesson, you should've already completed the intro quiz and hopefully, you got full marks in that quiz.

We're then going to take a look at some key words that you will need for this lesson.

We will then look at blood donation, stem cell donation, and organ donation.

And lastly, you will complete the exit quiz at the end of this lesson.

Let's take a look at some key words that you will need to know throughout this lesson.

First of all, transfusion is when someone receives donated blood or parts of that blood.

Organ donation is the process when a person allows an organ of their own to be removed and transplanted to another person.

And stem cells are able to turn into other types of cells such as blood cells.

They can be used to treat people with blood disorders such as leukaemia.

Okay, in a moment I want you to pause the video and write down as many parts of the body that you think we can donate.

Okay, take this opportunity to pause the video and have a go at this question.

Welcome back.

Let's take a look at some parts of the body that we can donate.

So we can donate blood, bone marrow, different organs, which we will look at throughout this lesson, tissue, plasma, and platelets.

We're now going to take a look at the science behind blood donation.

So as people donate blood, this blood is used for transfusions to treat conditions such as sickle cell disease, cancers of the blood such as leukaemia, and severe bleeding that can be caused through surgery and childbirth or accidents that may have happened.

There are four main blood groups which are A, B, O and AB.

And the letters relate to the presence of antigens and antibodies in our blood.

Red blood cells can have antigens called rhesus D.

And you can either be positive or negative.

This creates eight more specific blood types which can be seen on the image on the right.

If you decide to donate blood, your blood type will be displayed on your donor card.

Okay, let's take a look at this statement and we need to decide whether it is true or false.

So there are eight main blood groups.

Is that true or is that false? I'm going to give you a few seconds to think about this before we look at the answer.

And the answer is false.

There are only four main blood groups which is A, B, O, and AB.

However, there are eight specific blood groups dependent on your RhD positive or negative.

So if you were to decide to donate blood, you would have to be over the age of 17.

When the blood is taken, each time, 470 millilitres, which is less than half a pint, is taken from your body which is roughly around 10% of our body's blood.

The blood is then tested for type and infection.

It is then filtered and stored in blood banks until people need the blood.

Once you've donated the blood, it takes around 24 hours for the body to replenish the blood volume and up to four to six weeks to completely replace red blood cells.

Okay, take a little time to think about this question.

Roughly how much blood is taken from our body when donating? Is it five, two, 7.

5, or 10%? Take a few moments to think about the answer before we resume with the lesson.

And the answer is 10%, 10% of our body's blood is taken each time that we donate some blood.

Let's take a look at donating our organs.

So first of all, when we donate an organ, it can either be used for medical treatment, which is also known as a transplant, or for medical research and this can save or prolong a life and increase the quality of life.

When we donate an organ, first of all, they need to match the blood type to make sure that it's matching the person's body that our organ is going into.

Most organs can be donated, including heart, liver, lungs, kidney, pancreas, and our small bowel.

In addition, tissue and bone can be donated and tissue includes skin, tendons, eyes, heart valves, and arteries.

Okay, let's take a look at this statement and we need to decide whether it is true or false.

The donation of organs can be useful for research.

Is that true or is that false? Take a few moments to have a think about this question.

The answer is true.

Organisations use organs to conduct research to help them understand how certain organs work and to introduce treatments for illnesses.

Historically, adults in the U.


had to opt-in to the donation scheme, whereas since May 2020, all over-18s must opt out of the organ donation.

Under 18s, the decision is made by your parents.

But if you have certain wishes, then please discuss it with your parents and get it recorded.

'Cause it's really important that your view is listened to.

Another type of donation is stem cell donation and stem cells are made in bone marrow and these can treat blood disorders and leukaemia.

But you can only donate your stem cell between the ages of 16 and 30.

90% of these donations are just done through a normal blood donation with 10% from the bone marrow.

And this bone marrow donation can be done under local anaesthetic procedure where you are just numbed in a certain area of your body so they can get donations from your bone marrow.

There is more information and useful organisations to aid your informed choice on the certain websites listed on the page so NHS Blood Donation, NHS Organ Donation and the Anthony Nolan Organisation where you can get plenty more information to help you choose what you want to do.

Okay, now comes to the final task of the lesson.

So your task is to write an explanation justifying your views on donation.

And things you need to consider when you're writing your justification is should donation be compulsory? Should donation be encouraged? Do you have an opinion or a different view about donation? And give reasons for your answers.

So you will need your pen and paper for this part of the lesson and make sure you get plenty down and get your opinion across.

It doesn't matter whether you would like to donate or you wouldn't like to donate, just important that you justify your answer.

So you're going to pause the video now and take the opportunity to write your explanation justifying your views on donation.

Okay, use this opportunity to pause the video and resume so we can complete the lesson.

Thank you so much for engaging in a lesson today.

I hope you took a lot away from it and you know a lot more about donating.

If you would like to share your work, please Tweet us tagging @OakNational and hashtag LearnWithOak.

I hope to see you all again soon.

Take care.