
Lesson video

In progress...


Hi everyone.

My name is Ms. Molnar, and I'm here today to do the counting lesson with you.

I know that you've already done some counting with Mrs. Evans and Mrs. Martin.

And I've brought a friend with me today.

This is Harold the hedgehog.

Say hello Harold.

He's going to help us with our counting today.

Have you been using your tens cards at home? I know that Harold has been using his.

He's been trying to use them to sequence them and put tens in order.

So Harold has prepared a sequence for you.

He's put his 10 cards in order.

Oh no! Harold's made a mistake I think.

But you know what Harold? Don't worry because our friends at home are really good at counting in tens.

Let's see what mistake we might have made.

Can you help Harold spot which tens cards he's missing in his sequence? Count from the start, and count on and see which one he's missing.

Let's find out.

That's right.

It was the 60 missing from his sequence.

That's okay Harold, we're still getting better and practising.

We're going to be counting today in fives.

I know that you've been getting really good at home at counting on in twos and tens.

So we're going to start on the number line on zero, counting on first in fives and then counting back.

And we've even got Harold here today to help us with our counting.

All right, so we're going to start on zero.

But whilst we're counting on, I want you to do some thinking.

Even Harold has got his thinking face on.

He's thinking really hard.

Can you show me your thinking face at home? All right, so while we're thinking, we're going to be thinking about what is the same and what's different about counting in fives and tens? All right, let's start counting on together.

Are we ready? Zero, five, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50.

Well done everyone.

Now, what I would like you to do is tell your adult, your friend, or even if you're working on your own, you can tell Harold.

What did you notice was the same about the fives and what was different about the fives than the tens? Harold's going to tell me what he thinks.

All right, so Harold told me that he noticed, that he noticed that there were some of the tens numbers in our fives.

So we've got 10, 20, 30, 40, and we have 50 in our multiples of five.

He also noticed that there were some differences.

He noticed that every other number, it's one digit ended in a five.

So we had five, 15, 25, and so on.

And their all of their one digits ended in a five.

All right, we're going to keep counting in fives, but we're going to count backwards this time, starting on 50.

Are we ready everyone? 50, 45, 40, 35, 30, 25, 20, 15, 10, five, zero.

Well done everyone.

♪ Five members in my band ♪ ♪ One, two, three, four, five ♪ ♪ Five fingers on one hand ♪ ♪ One, two, three, four, five ♪ ♪ High five, high five, high five, high five ♪ ♪ High five, high five, high five, high five ♪ ♪ To the side, up above, down low, too slow ♪ ♪ High five, ooh I feel so alive ♪ ♪ You know that you've arrived ♪ ♪ When you're with number five ♪ All right, so we've brought our Numberblock friend, five today to help us with our counting.

Have you seen "Numberblocks" before? I'm sure you have.

We love watching "Numberblocks".

So the reason why we brought our five Numberblock is to reminder us our high five.

We've got five fingers on one hand.

So that's going to help us with our counting today.

How many hands did you use when you were counting in tens? That's right, we used two hands when we were counting in tens because two hands have 10 fingers.

Five is half of 10.

So we're just going to use one hand today to help us.

All right, so let's use our high five.

Show me your high five hands.

And it's going to help us count our groups of five.

So I'm going to show you first before we start together.

So we'll say one group of five is five, two groups of five is 10, three groups of five is 15.

All right, let's start together counting on, showing your high five to the screen with me.

Are we ready? One group of five is five.

Two groups of five is 10.

Three groups of five is 15.

Four groups of five is 20.

Five groups of five is 25.

Six groups of five is 30.

Seven groups of five is 35.

Eight groups of five is 40.

Nine groups of five is 45.

And 10 groups of five is 50.

So then we can just count that in fives now together, ready? Five, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50.

Well done.

Now we've got pictures of hands to help us count.

We want to find out how many fingers are there all together on this screen.

So we need to count our groups of fives again.

Are we ready to count together? One group of five is five.

Two groups of five is 10.

Three groups of five is 15.

Make sure you're saying it with us.

Four groups of five is 20.

Five groups of five is 25.

Six groups of five is 30.

Seven groups of five is 35.

Eight groups of five is 40.

Nine groups of five is 45.

There are 45 fingers up on the screen.

Now, let's just count on the number of fingers in fives, just by saying the number.

Are you ready? Five, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45.

Well done everyone.

Now, I want you to have a go at home.

Can you tell your adults, your friends or even Harold first, how many groups of five are there? Can you count how many groups of five are on the screen? That's right, there's seven groups of five.

Now can you tell your friend, Harold or an adult count on in fives, how many dots are there all together on the dice? All right.

Let's count together to see if we were right.

We're going to start by saying one five is.

So one five is five.

Two fives are 10.

Three fives are 15.

Four fives are 20.

Five fives are 25.

Six fives are 30.

Seven fives are 35.

Did you get 35 at home? Well done everyone.

Let's give a high five.

High five.

Now, I know that Mrs. Martin's asked you last time we did a lesson, to make some fives tokens.

Have you made your fives tokens at home? If not, that's okay.

We're going to do some counting with our fives tokens.

Maybe you want to pause this right now and go get your fives tokens so you can use them the same as we're using them.

All right.

So what we're going to do is we're going to count now with our fives tokens, how many dots there are all together? How many fives tokens does Ms. Molnar and Harold have on the screen? That's right, we've got four groups of five.

You can lay out four tokens as well.

Let's count on in fives together to see how many dots we've got all together.

Are we ready? Five, 10, 15, 20.

There were 20 dots all together.

Wow, I think I know why Harold is so excited about this question.

Because there's loads of Harold the hedgehogs on the screen.

He wants you to count at home, how many hedgehogs are there all together? So you can count on in fives, to your adult, a friend, or even to us.

All right, have a go.

All right, shall we count down together? Five, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30.

Well done, did everyone get 30? All right.

So wow, there are a lot of counters on the screen.

We need to find out how many there are all together.

How should we count them? Oh, I think Harold has an idea.


So Harold thinks, that we should count all the counters one by one.

Going one, two, three, four.


Do you think that's the best way to count them efficiently? Can you tell your adult or a friend or even us, how you think we should count them.

That's right.

Counting them in ones is not very efficient.

It would take us a very long time.

That's okay.

But I know that you've counted them before, haven't you in groups of twos and tens? And today we're going to group them into fives.

So, let's put them into groups of five.

Are we ready? One group of five, two groups of five, three groups of five, four groups of five, five groups of five, six groups of five, seven groups of five.

All right, we know we have seven groups of five now.

So let's count on together, how many we have all together just counting on in fives.

Ready? Five, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35.

Seven groups of five is 35.

All right, we've done this before, haven't we Harold? We need to make groups of five now, okay? So we need to circle around a group of five.

I'm going to circle around a group and I want you to help me count.

So we'll say one group of five is.

And say the number together.

All right, are we ready? One group of five is five.

Well done.

Two groups of five is 10.

Three groups of five is 15.

Four groups of five is? Good, 20.

Five groups of five is? Well done, 25.

So this is how I grouped around the stars to make groups of five.

But I bet if you were to do it, you might have grouped them a little bit differently.

I've tried a second way.

Do you want to see? So, this is the other way that I group the stars in fives.

You can make different combinations, but we still have the same amount of stars and the same number of groups.

Let's check to make sure.

So let's make sure that we've got five groups over here.

So we've got one, two, three, four, five.

We've got five groups.

And we know that five groups of five is 25.

So even though I circled them differently, in a different way, it's still the same amount of stars and groups.

All right, so I've sent Harold away with a task.

I've asked Harold to draw 15 apples on his whiteboard.

So Harold's gone ahead and he's drawn 15 apples on his whiteboard.

All right.

Now I'm going to ask Harold to group his apples into groups of five.

So let's see what he comes up with.

All right.

So Harold has grouped his apples into three groups of five like this.

Now what I would like you to do is pause this, get a piece of paper and a pencil or a pen.

And can you draw 15 apples on the paper? And can you group them into groups of five in a different way? So yours might even look different than Harold's.

Have a go at that now.

All right, so I've brought Harold back for this question because it's a little bit tricky.

We're going to be counting in five still, but we're going to be starting on a different number than zero.

So first thing I need you to do, is can you tell me how many fingers are on the screen already? That's right, there's 20.

So we're going to count on starting on 20.

So we're going to say, four groups of five is 20.

Four groups of five is 20.

Five groups of five is 25.

Six groups of five is 30.

Seven groups of five is 35.

Eight groups of five is 40.

Nine groups of five is 45.

All right.

Tell your adult or tell us at home, what are we going to count on from this time? That's right, 10.

We're going to start counting from 10.

15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45.

All right.

Hopefully you've got your fives tokens with you at home because I'm going to teach you a game that you can play with an adult, maybe a brother or a sister, or even you can challenge yourself and play on your own as well.

So I'm going to show you with Harold.

Harold has drawn his tokens.

So even if you don't have fives tokens, you could draw them on a piece of paper as well right now.

So, Harold's going to lay out an amount of fives tokens, as many as he wants.

Okay? So this is how many Harold has set out for Ms. Molnar.

So I know that he set out five, 10, 15.

He set out 15.

And what I need to do is I need to count on from 15 all the way up to 50.

Okay? So I'm going to count on now 'cause that's the challenge he set out for me.

So I'm going to go 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50.

Okay? Then you can swap and the other person can set out tokens and you can count on from that number.

Then if you want to get even trickier, this time Harold is going to set out a new amount of tokens for me.

And instead of this time counting on, what you're going to need to do.

Okay, so this is how many he set out for me.

So I've got five, 10, 15, 20, 25.

This time you need to take the tokens away and count back until you get to zero.

Okay? So if I was to take away the tokens, I know I've got 25 right now.

So take one away.

20, 15, 10, five and zero.

So you can play that.

You can pause it, and you can play that with an adult or a friend, or even on your own now, or maybe at the end.

Do you want to have a go? All right everyone, we've really enjoyed counting in fives with you today.

I hope you've enjoyed it as well, but we're not finished yet.

We've got, Harold and I have got an activity for you to try afterwards.

So what you need to do, is you need to find 20 objects at home that you can count with.

So it might be 20 Lego pieces.

It might be 20 straws.

It even might be 20 pieces of dry pasta, but make sure you ask an adult first.

So once you have your 20 objects, I want you to group them into equal groups.

So you.

I wonder is there only one way that you can do it? Is there more than one way? But remember, the same amount of objects have to be in one group.

I wonder if you can think about your learning from counting in twos, fives and tens, and then next time we can see how many ways you were able to group 20 objects.

Thank you everyone for great listening today.

We're going to leave you with the high five song to enjoy, and we're going to say bye now.

Bye everyone, see you next time.

♪ Five numbers in my band.

♪ ♪ One, two, three, four, five ♪ ♪ Five fingers on one hand ♪ ♪ One, two, three, four, five ♪ ♪ High five, high five, high five, high five ♪ ♪ High five, high five, high five, high five ♪ ♪ To the side, up above, down low, too slow ♪ ♪ High five, ooh I feel so alive ♪ ♪ You know that you've arrived ♪ ♪ When you're with number five ♪.