Hi friends, it's Miss Molnar here.
And Harold the hedgehog, my trusty talk partner.
And we are going to do some maths learning together today.
Alright, to get us started off on our thinking, I want to know what is a liquid? Hmm? Could you describe to me what is a liquid? Well if you're not quite sure that's okay because we are going to explore a little bit more about liquids today.
A liquid is something that you can pour.
Alright, let's see what you're going to need for this lesson to get ready.
Okay, so the only thing you're going to need for this lesson is some different sized cups and containers.
Okay, so you're going to need to pause the video and ask your parent or carer to help you get some of these items ready.
Alright, so when we think of the two words of capacity and volume when we're thinking about liquid and containers.
Capacity refers to the amount of liquid that a container can hold, okay? So this container's capacity can hold liquid all the way to the top here.
Whereas volume means the amount of liquid that the container is actually holding.
Okay so this container here, what's the volume of this container at the moment? How full is this container? That's right, it's about half way full, excellent.
How wold you describe this container with water? How could you describe it? That's right, we could say that this container is full.
It's to its full capacity isn't it? The volume of water inside is up to its full capacity.
So which container has the most water at the moment? Point to it on the screen.
That's right, the one that's full has the most water in it.
You're right.
This container has less water.
So because the containers are the same size we can just put them right next to each other and compare them.
That this one has more water than this one.
Okay so I could have another go.
And I'm still going to work with my same containers but I'm going to pour some of the water out of this container.
How could we describe the water in both containers now? Which one has more? They're very similar at the moment aren't they? This one I would say has a little bit more water.
But they're both about half full aren't they? Okay, and I could play around a little bit more with them.
Maybe I'm going to dump out a little bit more water.
And I can compare them side by side and it's easy for me to tell because of the same size container which one has more water this time.
Exactly, this one has more water 'cause I can see it's gone further up the jar.
This one has less water because it's lower down.
Alright, for your talk task we want you to have a go at this exciting activity.
So you're going to need to get two cups about the same size and a jug full of water.
What we want you to do is take different times, we want you to pour in some water into both cups.
Okay, and then we want you to tell us which container or which cup has more water.
Which one has less water.
And we want you to tell us why you know this.
So you might say I know that this cup has more water because it is fuller to the top.
I know that this cup has less water because the volume of water is only this far up the glass.
Then you can pour the water back in and have another go.
Maybe you're going to fill them up the same amount.
You can have a few go's at that.
So pause the video and have a go and then we'll come back together.
Alright, so I've got two different size containers here.
What's the same and what's different about them? You can pause the video if you want to have an extra think.
Alright, so you might have said that this one and this one are about the same height aren't they? They come up to about the same height.
And they're both made of glass and I can see through them both.
They both are rounded a bit as well aren't they? Well what's different about them? You might have said that this one is a bit narrower, it's a bit thinner.
This one is a bit wider or a bit thicker isn't it? A little bit fatter.
Which container do you think will hold the most liquid and why? Hmm.
Well you might say that they hold the same amount of water because they're both the same height.
But I wonder if anything about it being thinner or wider has to do with it.
Which one do you think will hold the most water and why? Pause the video if you want to have a minute to explain that.
Alright, so we're going to test this out.
I'm going to take the same amount of water and I'm going to fill it into both containers.
Okay, so I filled up this orange cup with water.
And I'm going to put an orange cup full of water in both containers and we'll see what happens.
Okay, so I'm going to pour a cup full in here.
And then I'm going to get another cup full from my orange container.
And I'm going to put it in my other container.
What has happened? Is it the same amount of water in each of these containers? It doesn't look like it.
But remember I filled up this orange cup the exact same amount of water, poured it in this cup, then filled it in and poured it in this cup.
Why does it look like this container has more water than this one? It's all to do about the size of the container.
So like we said in the beginning, this container is wider and it goes wide the whole way up the container.
Even though they're the same height this one is wider so it's got a bigger capacity to hold more water than this container.
This container is narrower.
So its capacity is smaller.
It can't hold the same amount of water.
So this one would get filled up faster using the same amount of water.
Okay, so for your main task we want you to have a go at this activity.
We want you to go grab some different sized containers.
Maybe some same, similar sized containers.
And we want you to test out pouring the same amount of water into two of them at a time.
What do you notice about the different containers? Are they wider, are they thinner? Are they taller, are they shorter? Does the water look the same in both the containers? Why or why not? So, we want you to pause the video and have a go at just exploring some different containers and some water and then we'll come back together and talk about what you've noticed.
Well we hope that you had a fun time exploring the different containers and how much water they can hold.
Did you find some that could hold the same amount? Did you find some that could hold more than others? What did you find out when you explored? Well, we would absolutely love it if you had took photos of your learning today.
I'm sure your teacher would love to see all of that, all of what you've been learning about.
And of course Harold and I would love if you'd like to you could share some of your photos from your learning today with our social media on Oak.
So you could just ask a parent or carer and they could do that for you.
We'd love to see the learning.
Alright, well that's all we have time for today I'm afraid.
But we really hope you enjoyed your learning today, and we really hope that you enjoy the rest of your lessons.
Bye everyone.