
Lesson video

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Welcome to your Math lesson, with me, Mrs. Harris.

In this lesson, we'll be having a quick look at patterns and the numbers two, three.

This lesson has three parts to it.

In the first part, we'll sing some songs.

I think Math songs are a great way to get to know some numbers.

Then we'll have a quick look at some colour and size patterns and we'll finish off the lesson by looking at the numbers, one, two, and three.

So we know what we're going to do.

Now, let's find out what we're going to need.

Well, the only thing we'll need today in this lesson is you.

Are you here? I'm here.

So we don't need to pause and press play.

We're ready to go.

I do like singing songs.

Oh, I'm not that good at it.

But it doesn't stop me.

And my first song today is about the Finger Family.

You can have your very own Finger Family.

All you have to do is hold up your hand, going to start singing the song.

And I bet you can join him with it whenever you get the hang of it.

So we have, ♪ Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you? ♪ ♪ Here I am, here I am ♪ ♪ How do you do? ♪ ♪ Mommy finger, mommy finger, where are you? ♪ ♪ Here I am, here I am ♪ ♪ How do you do? ♪ ♪ Sister finger, sister finger, where are you? ♪ ♪ Here I am, here I am ♪ ♪ How do you do? ♪ ♪ Brother finger, brother finger, where are you? ♪ ♪ Here I am, here I am ♪ ♪ How do you do? ♪ ♪ Baby finger, baby finger, where are you? ♪ ♪ Here I am, here I am ♪ ♪ How do you do? ♪ So you can take the Finger Family with you wherever you go and you can sing this song again.

Now I chose the Finger Family song 'cause they love patterns.

Patterns is one of the things we're going to be doing today.

Now, that was just one of my three songs.

Let's find out what the next one is.

So my next song, it's about Two Little Dickie Birds.

These are going to be my Little Dickie Birds and they're sat on a wall.

So, would you sing it with me? ♪ Two Little Dickie Birds sitting on a wall ♪ ♪ One named Peter ♪ ♪ One named Paul ♪ ♪ Fly away Peter ♪ ♪ Fly away Paul ♪ ♪ Come back Peter ♪ ♪ Come back Paul ♪ Did you notice at the beginning of the song, I had two birds set on my wall, but one of them flew away leaving just one on the wall.

And then that one flew away as well leaving none on the wall and then another, it came back.

They give me one on the wall and then the other one came back.

Giving me, two on the wall altogether.

Shall we sing it again? Okay, ready? ♪ Two Little Dickie Birds sitting on a wall.

♪ ♪ One named Peter, ♪ ♪ One named Paul ♪ ♪ Flyaway Peter ♪ ♪ Flyaway Paul ♪ ♪ Come back Peter ♪ ♪ Come back Paul ♪ I did like that one.

The next one there, it has three of something.

It has three blind mice.

Do you know this one? Maybe you can join in with me then, we have ♪ Three blind mice ♪ ♪ Three blind mice ♪ ♪ See how they run ♪ ♪ See how they run ♪ ♪ They all run after the farmer's wife ♪ ♪ Who chopped off their tails with a carving knife ♪ ♪ I've never seen such a thing in my life ♪ ♪ As three blind mice.

♪ I like that one as well.

I hope you enjoyed singing your songs Maybe, you know some others that have numbers in that you would be looking at some patterns and the patterns we're going to be looking at, they're a special type of pattern, They're repeating pattern In these patterns, we see something that happens over and over and over and over again.

Take a look at this first one I want to show you.

We could say the pattern is white stripe, green stripe, white stripe, green stripe, white stripe, green stripe.

And that pattern just repeats over and over again.

That's kind of a stripey pattern and it's a colour pattern.

Here's a stripey pattern as well, but can you see the repeat is a lot longer.

There is a lot more colours in this pattern.

I could say the pattern is pink stripe cream stripe, blue stripe cream stripe, orange stripe cream stripe, green stripe cream stripe, blue stripe cream stripe, orange stripe.

And then we're back at the pink stripe again.

And that's where our repeat comes from.

We could also though have size patterns.

Here are two size patterns.

We have short pencil, long pencil, short pencil, long pencil, short pencil, long pencil.

And the pattern, if it went on any further would just keep going on like that.

And then the one with the Teddy bears, we have small Teddy, tall Teddy short Teddy, tall Teddy short Teddy, tall Teddy.

And it would just keep going on and on and on.

Not the only patterns though We could have a spotty pattern.

I said the pattern is how would you describe that one to me? The pattern is Yes, the pattern is, green dot purple dot, green dot purple dot, green dot purple dot Is that one a size or a colour pattern? That's right, it's a colour pattern 'cause all the dots, all the spots are the same size.

They're just different colours.

We could have a shape pattern.

shapes in this fish.

Maybe, you know some shape names.

Even if you don't, you can see that they repeat, we have circle, square, square, pentagon then the circle, square, square starts again I think there's a shape missing off the end of this pattern.

The pattern is circle, square, square, pentagon And then on the last one, they just have circle, square, square.

What are they missing? They're missing that pentagon, aren't they? So that was a shape pattern.

If you wanted, you could colour it in if you ever made a shape pattern as well.

And then I chose this pattern.

This pattern is just with hearts.

I like the way they've used hearts the right way up and upside down.

Now you might start seeing patterns all around you.

Maybe you've got some clothes with dots or stripes on.

Maybe you could make a pattern using anything you can find around the house.

Anything you can find outside.

As long as you repeat it, I've made some patterns.

I made some patterns with my Lego.

The pattern is blue, yellow, blue, yellow, blue, yellow, blue I made a pattern with this, my Rubik's cube and I made this pattern.

It's like a checkerboard pattern.

Isn't it? see that one.

And I had orange, red, orange.

Then I alternated it underneath to make the pattern look quite interesting.

I also made another pattern.

Let me get it for you and this pattern, I don't know if it'll stay on it's little square, big square, little square big square, little square, big square.

I do like patterns Well I do like numbers too And just like the patterns, I think you're probably starting to notice numbers as you're out and about.

Maybe you've noticed some numbers on front doors, on your channel changer.

Maybe you've noticed some numbers on car number plates, on street signs.

Numbers are all around us and I'd love you to look out for the numbers One, two and three.

I found some whilst I've been out and about.

Here's what I found, I found one on a birthday cake.

I found two painted on the road in a car parking space.

I was super safe though and I found three on a gorgeous front door.

Can you point to number two? Can you point to number one? Is that one up there? Isn't it? Oh there, I was pointing the wrong way.

it's that one, up there.

And can you point to number three? it's over there on the front door.

Now, knowing our numbers is really, really good, knowing what they look like.

but knowing what they represent is really good, too.

Let me show you this piece of Lego.

What number would we write to go with that? Would you write a number one? Would we write a number two or would we write a number three? That's right, we'd write a number one.

And I have to say, when I write a number one, I just do a line straight down.

It's much easier.

So that's number one that we would write would represent the one piece of Lego.

What about these pieces of Lego? What number would we write to go with them? That's right, we'd write a number three.

Why is that? Well it's because we have three pieces of Lego.

Look, one, two, three, So the three represents the three pieces of Lego.


What about just this piece? Oh, hang on.

That was our number one, wasn't it? Wanted to do number two.

Don't worry, I've got another piece of Lego around here somewhere.

There it is So I've got one piece of Lego and one piece of Lego.

And altogether I have two pieces of Lego.

So I would write the number that's right above me to represent these pieces of Lego.

I would write the number two and I can say I have two pieces of Lego.

What if I showed you this? what number would that be? It would be number two.

It's got one, two holes What's if I showed you this? It's a the number one, it's got one hole Well I'm wearing them as rings.

Mustn't get distracted.

What if I showed you this piece? That's right, it's a three.

It's, one piece of numicom but it represents the number three because it has three holes, one, two, three.

You notice how I touched each hole as I counted it.

So I'm really impressed, with how well you do know your numbers, how well you know your patterns and look what I decided to finish our lesson on I made a pattern, with the numicon, from numbers, one, two, three, one, two, three.

I repeated them one, two, three, one, two, three.

I hope you enjoyed your quick less~on today, on patterns and the numbers one, two, and three.

What I want you to take away from it, is that you can notice patterns and numbers anywhere and that you can count anything.

If you would like to share some of your work with me and everybody at Oak National, you could ask your parents or carer to share your work on social media.

I'll be looking out for it.
