
Lesson video

In progress...


Hi team and welcome to this week's construction lesson with me, Mrs. Garrard.

This week we've been learning about transport, in today's lesson, we're going to look at different types of vehicles that we use to move from place to place.

We'll then use construction materials to build a vehicle.

First, we'll think about different types of transport.

And when we might use them, then we'll decide which mode of transport we would like to build and gather the resources that we'll need to build them next, we'll build our vehicle, and then finally, we'll get to share our construction.

You can share your construction with your family at home.

Maybe even with me here at Oak Academy, you could do that by taking a photograph and asking your adult to upload it to Twitter.

For this lesson, you will need your imagination and some building materials.

You could use Lego or G PLO or wooden bricks, but if you don't have those things, it's no big deal, You could use something from the recycling box, they make really great construction materials.

First of all, let's have a think.

How many different modes of transport can you think of? Have a moment to think.

Let's see, did you have mentioned any of these things? We could travel by bus or by bike, by scooter, by train by boat or by aeroplane, by car, by motorbike or by helicopter, you might even have thought of other ways that we could travel, Which mode of transport would be the best for lots of people to use at the same time, I'm going to show you a slide point to the picture of the mode of transport.

That would be best for lots of people to use at their same time, hmm, a bus or a scooter.

What do you think? Wow, lots of friends are pointing to the bus.

You're right, a bus has lots of seats, so it can carry lots of people at the same time.

It makes lots of stops and lets people on and off at different places.

The scooter is just for one person to ride on at a time.

I wonder, have you ever ridden on a bus or a scooter? I have, you could show a me too, if you've written on a bus or a scooter.

Now, let's think, let's have another go.

Which mode of transport, would be best to travel across the water? Are you ready? Have you got your thinking hats on? Hmm, a car or a boat? Wow, So many of you are pointing at the boat and you're right, but did you know that cars can travel across water too, but first they need to be loaded onto a boat.

This type of boat, it's called a ferry.

It has a space in the hall, that's the bottom of the boat to carry cars.

So a car can travel across the water, but it needs the help of a boat.

So if you pointed to their boat, that's the right answer.

Now it's time for us to think about what vehicle you will choose to build today.

Maybe you'll choose a train or a plane or by Lorry, you'll have to think very carefully about the features of your vehicle, If you're building a plane, you'll need to remember to include its wings.

If you're building a train, you'll need to think about how many passengers its going to carry.

And if it's a steam train, like the one in the picture you'll need to include a steam, a funnel for the steam to come out of.

Can you guess what vehicle I'm making? Let's see, I can give you some clues, watch carefully, First I'm fitting bricks together to form the Hull, hmm, the Hull, that's a part of my vehicle.

Oh, can you see how hard I'm having to push down to make the bricks fit in place? I'm looking carefully at the size and the shape of the bricks to make sure they fit in the spaces.

Next, I'm going to make the stern of my vehicle, that's the back part and to fit some small bricks on the back, I wonder what vehicle has a back part that's called a stern.

Hmm, now, I'm building the bow, bow of the vehicle.

That's the front part.

The bow is the front part of the vehicle that I'm building.

A few more pieces to add the front for the bow.

Sometimes the bricks are a little bit tricky and I have to push down carefully with my fingers.

Can you hear they click when they're in place? The next part of my vehicle that I'm going to build is called the bridge.

The bridge of this vehicle is the place that the captain stands to steer.

Here we go, I'm just about to make the bridge now.

I wonder what vehicle has a bridge, where the captain steers from.

Keep thinking, a few more pieces to add to the bridge.

Hmm, it's taking shape now, I wonder if you can see what it is yet.

If you can see what it is, tell your screen.

Last few pieces, adding to the hall of my vehicle.

Oh, I wasn't fitted properly.

Last piece, can you tell what it is now? I've made a boat, this boat is a boat to carry cargo.

This boat is a boat to carry cargo.

I wonder what you will choose to build.

I wonder what you would choose to build.

Hmm, Maybe you will build a boat just like mine with a bow, the front of the boat, the stern, the back of the boat and the bridge where the captain stands to steer his boat.

But you might like to choose something else.

Maybe you'll choose a car like mommy or daddy drives.

Maybe you'll choose a bus.

Hmm, I'm really looking forward to finding out what vehicle you choose to build today.

You could share that with me, by adding, taking a picture and asking an adult to help you to add it to Twitter.

You use the #ONAreception I'll get to see your pictures, really looking forward to seeing them.

see you next time, friends.