
Lesson video

In progress...


We'd like to start the lesson by singing a song.

I think it might have three of something in it.

Then we'll do some new learning.

After that, I'd like you to do a little bit of talking, and then you're going to develop your understanding.

Let's find out what you need.

Okay so, you need the printed worksheet, some building blocks, maybe like the Lego ones I've put on the screen, and if your parents or carers say it's okay, some scissors would be super as well.

If you haven't got them, pause the video, and then come back to me with everything you need.

So our song is about the three blind mice.

Let's listen to it together.

Welcome to your maths lesson with me, Mrs. Harris.

We'll be learning to count up to three objects reliably in this lesson.

So let's find out what this lesson's going to look like, and what we're going to need.

♪ Three blind mice ♪ ♪ Three blind mice ♪ ♪ See how they run ♪ ♪ See how they run ♪ ♪ They all ran after the farmer's wife ♪ ♪ Who cut off their tail with a carving knife ♪ ♪ Did you ever see such a thing in your life ♪ ♪ As three blind mice ♪ ♪ Three blind mice ♪ ♪ Three blind mice ♪ ♪ See how they run ♪ ♪ See how they run ♪ ♪ They all ran after the farmer's wife ♪ ♪ Who cut off their tail with a carving knife ♪ ♪ Did you ever see such a thing in your life ♪ ♪ As three blind mice ♪ Our three blind mice are on the screen.

They've each got a number on them.

They've also got some pieces of cheese under them.

Their numbers match the amount of cheese they have under them.

The first one, the one with the number that looks like this.

That has one piece of cheese under it, because this is the number one.

But, I don't write my one's like that.

It takes too long.

I just write a number one straight down.

So that mouse, with the number one, he has one piece of cheese under him.

The next mouse, he has how many pieces of cheese under him? He has one, two pieces of cheese under him.

I like to point as I count.

If I can't touch the real things and move them, I like to point.

So I'm thinking that must be the number two on his tummy, and we write a number two by starting at the top, going around, down, and across.

And that's how we write a number two.

But there's another mouse, isn't there? Because how many blind mice do we have? We have three blind mice.

And that mouse does have the number three on him, so he has one piece of cheese, two pieces of cheese, three pieces of cheese underneath him.

Just check by counting.

You can check from my picture or on the screen.

I'll do my picture.

One, two, three, and he has the number three on him that is written like that.

It's time to find out what your talk task is, and for your talk task, you need your building blocks, just like mine.

I chose yellow cause it reminded me of the cheese that the mice like.

So for your talk task, you'll have your cards of your mice all cut out, and what I'd like is them turned over, just like mine are now, so that you can't see them.

Then, you're going to turn one over.

I'm going to turn one over now.

I've turned over this one.

What number mouse is this? That's right, it's number three.

Maybe you're starting to recognise the number three, or maybe you counted the pieces of cheese underneath.

Now I said this was a talk task, so your talking is you need to say, to somebody else, or maybe to yourself if you're working on your own, how many blocks you need.

So I would say I need three blocks, and then my partner would give me one, two, three blocks.

I could even build them into a tower.

And then I'll have another go, I'll turn over another card.

I have found the number two.

I need two blocks.

And then my partner would give me two blocks, one, two.

I would make them into a tower as well.

And then, I would turn over the last card.

What do you think my last card is? I think so too, I think it's number one, but I'm not going to show you.

Because now, it's time for you to do your talk task.

So pause the video now, and have a go.

Are you back? Did you find all the mice? Did you build a tower for each of their numbers? Did you notice that a tower with just one piece of cheese was shorter, smaller than the one with three pieces of cheese? I think three is greater than one.

What do you think? The three blind mice, they're trying to hide in my hair.

Can you see their tails? We've got one, two, three.

Now I don't think this is a very good place to hide, and I was thinking about what you just did for your talk task, where you started building with a Lego.

I know we pretended it was pieces of cheese, but actually I think we could build them a wall to hide behind.

I've got mine here, my pieces of cheese, and I think that actually they'd make a great wall.

And then maybe the mice would get out of my hair and they would hide behind the wall.

So what you can do now is you can play a game to help the three blind mice, of course.

You can play build the wall.

And as you play build the wall, you need to decide, are you going to build with one brick on your go? Are you going to build with two bricks on your go? Or are you going to build with three bricks on your go? Will it make a difference to who wins? Because you're going to take turns with another person.

Now you can change the amount of bricks you put each time, but no more than three.

I'm going to start my wall by putting one block on the wall.

And then it will be my partner's turn, and they can put a brick in the wall, or two, or three.

We can see, with my bricks here, that three is greater than one, like I thought.

Two is greater than one.

And one is just one, it's less than two, and it's less than three.

So now it is your turn to play build the wall so that the mice can hide behind it.

Come back to me when you've finished playing build the wall.

Did you build the wall in time? Did you win? Did you find a way of winning that was tactical? That was sure you could win? Did the person who went first always win? Was it better to put one block, two blocks, or three blocks on the wall? You could play that game again if you wanted, but thank you very much for saving the three blind mice from the farmer's wife.

But we've reached the end of our lesson now, so it's time for me to say goodbye.

But just before I do, if you would like your grown ups to share any of your work with me, they could do it on social media.

So your parents or carer, they could look on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter, and tag @OakNational, and I'll be sure to see your great work on the numbers one, two, and three.
