
Lesson video

In progress...


Hello, everyone.

It's lovely to see you.

I hope you've been having a great day.

I've been having a great day with my friend Reggie.

Can you say hello Reggie? Reggie and I have been busy creating patterns using actions.

Would you like to see what Reggie's been doing? He's made a great pattern.

Goes a little bit like this.

♪ Clap Clap nod your head ♪ ♪ Clap Clap nod your head ♪ ♪ Clap Clap nod your head ♪ ♪ Now you've made a pattern ♪ Well done, Reggie.

That was great.

Would you like to take a look at my pattern? I made one too.

My pattern goes a little bit like this.

♪ Clap clap tap tap tap ♪ ♪ Clap clap tap tap tap ♪ ♪ Clap clap tap tap tap ♪ ♪ Now I've made a pattern ♪ Would you like to have a go at making your own pattern? Press pause and you can have a go now.

Then when when you've finished, you can press play and we can move on to today's learning.

Welcome back everyone.

Did you make your pattern? I bet it was great.

Give yourselves two claps for amazing work.

Now, for today we're going to be using two D shapes to create and finish some patterns.

Here's what you're going to need.

You are going to need three different kind of pens or pencils.

And you're also going to need a sheet that looks a little bit like this.

Press pause to go and get those things if you haven't got them already and I'll see you in a bit.

Welcome back everyone.

Now that you've put your pens and your sheet, you are ready for today's learning.

Let's take a look at our star words.

I'm going to say them and you can say them after me.

Are you ready? Side, edge, curve, straight, square, circle, triangle, rectangle, corner and the last one for today is pattern.

Well done.

Now, I've got another sheet that I'd like you to look at.

It's got a picture on it.

In the picture there are some flowers and some trees and a house and a lovely little pond.

My question for you is can you see any patterns in the picture? Can you see any patterns in the picture? If you can shout out what you can see, what patterns can you see and what does it look like? Shout your answer out now.

I can hear so many of you shouting out the pattern.

Let's take a look at one in particular.

Have a look at the top here.

There are some trees.

What do you notice about the trees? What patterns can you see? Shout out your answer when you know.

I can hear a lot of you shouting out some great answers.

Let's take a look.

The shape on the trees.

Oh, shout out the answer.

They're triangles.

There's a dark green triangle and a light green triangle, a dark green triangle and a light green triangle.

And so the pattern continues all the way until the end.

Dark green, light green, dark green, light green.

That's a lovely pattern.

There's another pattern that we can notice about the trees.

Have you noticed it? Tell me what you think it is.

I can hear some of you shouting out the answers.

That's great.

We have a tall tree and then a short tree and then a shorter tree.

So we have tall and then a shorter one and a shorter one again.

We can even say tall, middle, short.

Tallest, middle, shortest.

Tallest, middle-sized, shortest.

There are lots of ways we can describe that pattern.

Well done, everyone.

Now let's take a look at some of our shapes.

I'm going to hold them up and you can shout them out to me.

Are you ready? Let's take a look.

Keep going well done.

Great, now let's say them together.

Triangle, circle, square rectangle.

Well done.

Those are some of the shapes that we're going to be using now.

Let's take a look at our next task.

There is a sheet here.

There are some patterns on the sheet.

We've got a red circle, a yellow triangle, a red circle, a yellow triangle, a red circle and a yellow triangle.

What do you think comes next? What shape comes next? And what colour will it be? Have a think.

I am going to give you some options.

Will it be a red circle? Will it be a yellow triangle or will it be a green rectangle? What's the next shape in the pattern? And what colour is it? Here are the options.

Yellow triangle, red circle or green rectangle.

Shout out the answer when you know.

Great, I can hear some of you shouting out the answer.

It is the red circle.

And there we are.

So we've got red circle, yellow triangle, red circle, yellow triangle, red circle, yellow triangle and red circle.

How are we going to finish this pattern? What comes next? Is it going to be the yellow triangle or the green rectangle? Shout your answer out when you know.

Great, it's the yellow triangle.

Well done, everyone.

That was great helping.

Give yourselves two claps.


Now let's take a look at this pattern here.

This pattern uses rectangles all the way through, but the rectangles are positioned in a different way.

We have a horizontal rectangle and a vertical rectangle.

We have a blue rectangle and a green rectangle, blue rectangle, green rectangle, blue rectangle, green rectangle.

You know the question, what comes next? Is it the blue rectangle or the green rectangle? Shout your answer out when you know.

Will it be the green rectangle or the blue one? I can hear some of you shouting out the answer.

It is the blue rectangle.

Well done.

And how are we going to finish the pattern? Will we use a green rectangle or a green square? Shout your answer out when you know.

Great, the green rectangle.

Well done, everybody.

Give yourselves two pats on the back.


Now we're going to move on to our next activity and you're going to need your sheet for this.

Let's take a look.

So here's our sheet.

It's got a circle at the top, a triangle, a rectangle and a square.

We are going to have a go making a pattern.

I am going to have a go first.

I'm going to see if I can make a pattern using the colours and the shapes at the top.

Let's choose the circle first.

So I'm going to do a circle here.

My circle is green.

Then I'm going to do a rectangle.

And my rectangle is blue.

Then I'm going to do a green circle and a blue rectangle.

And then I'm going to finish that off until I get to the end.

And that's going to be my pattern.

There we are.

I've used two colours and two different shapes.

There's my pattern.

Now let's see if we can do a pattern using three shapes.

I'm going to use one colour this time.

I'm going to use green, but I'm going to do a circle, then a triangle and then a square.

Circle, triangle.

What comes next? The square, well done.

Can you shout out the next one? Circle, great.

Circle, triangle, square, and then circle.


Now it's your turn to have a go.

Press pause now to make your own pattern.

You can use all of the shapes at the top of your piece of paper to help you Will you make a pattern using two shapes? Will you make a pattern using different size shapes? You might make a small circle and a big circle or a small circle and a big triangle.

It's up to you.

Press pause now to make your pattern.

And I'll see you in a bit when you're finished.

Welcome back, everyone.

Did you make your pattern? What shapes did you use? Great and did you use different colours? Fantastic.

I can hear some of you have used different colours and different shapes.

Maybe you even used different sizes.

You can have a practise making different patterns on a different piece of paper, or if you've got a spare strip at the bottom, you can practise making another pattern.

Well done.

Have a look at my arm before you go.

Can you notice my pattern? What does it look like? Well done.

You've noticed it.

Great work everyone.

Well done for today.

Remember to practise making your patterns and I'll see you again next time.