
Lesson video

In progress...


Hi friends, it's Miss Molnar here.

And we're going to do this a mass learning today.

oh my goodness, oh, I'm just so thirsty.

Oh, goodness, Harold, can you go grab me that drink of water that I poured? Oh goodness, it's really hot and I'm just really thirsty and I just could use a glass of, Harold, did you drink all of my water? Oh my goodness.

The glasses is empty, oh Harold.

Well, I guess this makes sense because today we're going to be talking about the volume and capacity of different containers and objects.

So hopefully I can get a cup that is full of water by the end of this, Harold, all right.

Let's see what you're going to need for this lesson, okay.

So for this lesson, you're going to need some kind of jug or a big container that can hold some water, and some different sized cups and maybe some cups that are the same size.

So you'll need to ask a parent or care for help with this, to get the items that you'll need for the lesson, all right.

Pause the video, go grab what you need and we can get started, okay.

So I've got five glasses on the table or five cups and they've got different amounts of water in them.

So I'm going to pick up this one first.

I want to be careful with this one.

Why do I have to be careful with this one as I pick it up? How could you describe the amount of water in this cup? What do we think? We could say that this cup is full because the water is up to the very top, okay.

The cups capacity is full up because it's filled to the top with water, okay.

So we could say that the blue cup is full.

So Ms. Molnar wanted a cup of water that was full, but what kind of cup did Harold bring Ms. Molnar.

It was not a full cup of water, was it? That's right, it was an empty cup of water.

And I have right here, this yellow cup, I've got no water or nothing inside it.

So the cup is empty.

Now my other cups, they're not quite full or empty.

So I wonder how I could describe these ones, okay.

This one, this one I've got here, if I turn it around, you can kind of see the water coming up about here.

Okay, and I can see the water inside.

I wouldn't say that this cup is empty, and I wouldn't say that this cup is full.

It looks like it is coming about halfway up the cup.

Okay, so when the water comes halfway up a container, I could say it is half full or I could also say half empty.

Okay, so it is half full.

Now, I've got this one next, this orange cup.

Okay, it's more than half full.

It's not quite up to the top full, but it's more than half full.

So all I could say that this cup is nearly full.

And then finally, I've got this pink cup.

Can you see the water in this pink cup? Hmm, you can see it's splashing around of the bottom there.

It's not empty, is it? It's not halfway full.

It's not nearly full or full.

So I need to describe this amount of water in the cup as nearly empty, all right.

Now I have two containers that are the same size.

How could we describe the water filled in this container? If you said that it's half-full well done.

The container is half full of water.

How would you describe this one? If you can't see it, I can put my finger up here so you can see.

Well done, we could say that this container is full because it's full of water, okay.

So I've got a half full container of water and I've got a full container.

What if I take my full container and I start to empty half of it.

So I'm going to keep empty until it's half empty.

What do you notice about the container that was half-full and the containers that's half empty.

If you said they look the same, you're right, okay.

When I am pouring water out of a container that was full and I've got half of it left, I could say that it's half empty because I was emptying it.

This one, I was filling up and I feel that to a half full, okay.

So it's just about the way you're describing it.

Essentially half empty and half full are the same.

All right, so we want you to have a go describing the capacity of some water bottles.

So on the one side of the screen, you're going to find three different containers with three different amounts of water in them.

On the other side, you're going to find the language to describe them.

So we've got empty, nearly empty and half empty.

So what we'd like you to do is to pause the video, and describe each of the bottles.

You can kind of match them up.

So you might start with the top bottle and say, this bottle is, is it going to be empty, nearly empty or half empty? All right, pause the video and have a go at that, and then we'll come back together.

All right, we can't wait to hear about how you've gone on.

Let's see what you described each bottle as.

So let's start by trying to find which bottle is empty.

Can you point to the screen and show us which bottle is empty? Well done, if you pointed to the middle one, you're so right.

We could say this bottle is empty because there's no water in it, well done.

All right, next, can we find and point to the bottle that is nearly empty, nearly empty, so not quite empty.

If you pointed to this one over here, way to go, this bottle is nearly empty because there's a little bit of water left in it.

And finally, we need to find half empty.

This bottle is half empty because it's right about in the middle filled up with water.

So we could describe it as half empty.

We also could say, depending that it's half full.

Well done, everyone.

All right, let's have another go at these three, okay.

So this time you're going to match up for nearly full and half full, all right.

Pause the video, have a go at matching those up and then we'll come back together.

All right, friends.

Let's start by finding which bottle could be described as full.

Can you point to the bottle that we think is full.

Well done, if you got this one you're right.

This one's full because you can see the water has gone all the way up to the top of the bottle.

All right, next let's find nearly full.

So it's not quite all the way full, it's nearly full.

All right, did you find it? Well done if you pointed this one at the top, fantastic.

And then finally last but not least, we've got half full, which is similar to half empty.

Wow, you guys are superstars.

All right, so now I've got my tall water bottle and I've got this bottle that's kind of wide at the bottom and gets narrower.

The taller it goes up the higher it goes up, okay.

So how can you describe the amount of water in my water bottle right now? It's not full, it's not empty, it's not nearly empty, it's a little bit more than half full, isn't it? I could say it's probably around halfway full, isn't it? Or just a bit past half, okay.

So I'm going to take the same amount of water, and I'm going pour it into this container really carefully.

Let's see what happens.

Oh my goodness, what has happened? Yeah, it's overflowing a little bit, hasn't it? What we can say is that this container has been able to be filled all the way up, and this container it was just past halfway full.

How is that possible? Can you explain why that's happened? Pause the video if you need a minute to think about it.

So if we look at the shape of both containers, this container goes straight up and the width of it stays the same the whole way up.

Okay, so when we have that same amount of water, it was only taking us to about just past halfway.

This container it's quite wide at the bottom, that the higher we go up this bottle, the neck of it gets narrower as it goes up, okay.

So what that means is that the bottle's capacity is much smaller once it gets narrower, it can't hold as much water at the top.

So this container's capacity isn't as great as this one.

This bottle can hold more.

So as we pour the water in the same amount of water, it quickly got filled up, okay.

It took a little bit longer to fill up this bit of it, 'cause it was wide, wasn't it.

But as soon as we got further up as it narrowed it quickly filled all the way up to the top, okay.

So depending on the shape of the container that affects its capacity as well.

For your main task, we would like you to get six empty cups, okay.

We want all be about the same size as well.

But if you don't that's okay.

So you're going to ask your parents or care to find six cups that you can use.

If you've got some plastic ones that's even better, but ask your parent or care which ones you could use.

You're also going to need a jug filled with water.

What we'd like you to do is we would like you to take your six cups and fill them up different ways.

So we want you to show us one cup that is full all the way to the top, one cup that is nearly full, one cup that is half full, one cup that's empty, one cup that's nearly empty and one cup that's half empty.

Wow, that is a lot to do.

So maybe thinking about where you might start in this.

It might be easiest to pick up one cup and say, this is my empty cup and you're already done that one.

You could say, this is my empty cup because it's got no water.

Then you might start by doing, maybe you're going to start by doing, by filling up your next one just a little bit.

So you can get the newly empty, okay.

So maybe you want to work in a little bit of an organised way, all right.

Pause the video to grab what you need and go get started and we can't wait to see how you've done.

All right, how did everyone get on filling up all their cups? Were you able to fill them all and describe them all? Well, I'm still feeling a bit thirsty, but it looks like Harold has went in and got me a nice glass of water.

Now, will I say that this glass is full Harold? Not quite, I would say that it's nearly full, but thank goodness for bringing that.

All right, well, we are all out of time I'm afraid friends, but we hope you really enjoyed your learning today.

And hopefully you've taken some great photos of your learning that you can share with your teacher.

And of course, Harold and I would love to see your learning from today.

So if you'd like you can ask a parent or care to share it with us on our social media at Oak.

All right, everyone.

Well, that's all we have time for, we'll see you next time.