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Hello, I'm Mrs. Enock, and I'm really happy to be your Design and Technology teacher today.

We're focusing on cooking and nutrition, with a healthy and varied diet.

And today's lesson, we're going to be focusing on designing a healthy packed lunch, for our target market audience.

So, I'm really excited.

Let's go and see exactly what we're learning about today.

Are you ready? We're going to start today's lesson by looking at our target market audience.

Next, we're going to design a healthy lunch describing the ingredients used.

After that, we're going to use correct vocabulary such as fresh, processed, and pre cooked food.

Finally, we're going to check the suitability of our product for our target market audience.

Are you ready? Let's get learning.

In this lesson, you will need an exercise book or paper and a pencil.

Here's today keys words.

Our first word is target market.

Can you say that for me? Target market, well done.

Target market is the term we use to refer to a group of people who we're designing our products for.

Our next word, ingredients.

Can you say ingredients? Excellent.

Ingredients are the individual items of food, which will be used in a recipe or a meal.

Our next key word, nutrients.

Nutrients are what your body gets from food to help it survive and grow.

They're extremely important.

Let's start by looking at our target market.

Do you remember who we're designing the packed lunch for? Have a quick think.

That's right, our target market are primary school-aged children.

We are designing a healthy packed lunch for primary school-aged children.

Let's go on to designing a healthy packed lunch.

Our design brief is, to design a healthy packed lunch for a primary school child.

We need it to be super tasty.

The ingredients chosen must be tasty, yummy and scrummy and all the wonderful words to describe.

It must be super colourful.

A fantastic way to know you have a lot of fruits and vegetables is if your packed lunch is full of different colours.

And do you remember how many fruits and vegetables we're aiming to have? That's right, four, well done.

We also wanted the packed lunch to be super healthy.

It must be low in salt and sugar, and super fun.

We want our packed lunch to look appetising and be super fun to eat.

In a moment, I'd like you to pause the video and look at the questions you previously asked in our last lesson.

Once you've had a little luck to remind yourself of the questions you asked, I'd like you to press resume and then we can carry on learning together.

So, are you ready to look at your questions you asked last time? Fantastic, off you go.

Did you look at your questions? I bet they were fabulous.

Let's see what we're going to do with those questions.

That's right, we used our questions to come up with a design criteria.

Now your design criteria might be a little bit different from my design criteria.

But I'd like to share mine with you.

So after I ask the questions, I have to make sure my packed lunch includes these following things.

It must have cheese.

It must have the vegetables pepper and carrot, for the colour.

It must have the fruit strawberries.

And it must also have cucumber in it.

It must avoid using snacks such as crisps, sweets, and chocolate.

But the food can be arranged in cute pictures or a theme or have food kebabs, or it can even include all three things.

I'm really looking forward to making this healthy packed lunch.

Are you? Excellent.

It's now time for us to actually design a healthy packed lunch.

So we're going to design exactly what we need it to be.

Now, you can see in my lunch box, I've had a section for a healthy sandwich.

Some ways to include vegetables and maybe even a dip.

Some type of fruit salad, and a healthy treat.

In a moment, I'd like you to pause your video to design your healthy packed lunch.

Once you've done it, press resume and we'll carry on learning together.

Ready? Off you go.

Did you finish designing your healthy packed lunch? I bet it looks fantastic.

Let's have a look and see what I came up with.

Here's my healthy packed lunch ideas.

For the sandwich, I'm going to include a grated cheese sandwich, shredded lettuce, and sliced cucumber.

For my vegetables, I'm going to include carrot sticks and pepper shapes.

For my fruit salad, I'm going to look at making strawberry shaped hearts and cut up grapes.

For a healthy treat, I thought of a strawberry oats bar.

Hmm, I'm feeling hungry just thinking about it.

We're now going to have a look, and describe the ingredients we're going to be using.

Here is a way to organise the ingredients needed for a healthy lunch.

In a moment, I'd like you to press pause.

And I'd like you to write down the individual ingredients you're going to need for your packed lunch.

Your extra challenge is to try and include as many fresh products as possible.

You can see I've organised my thoughts into sandwich choice, vegetable/fruit choice, and healthy treat choice.

I've used bullet points to help me.

So in a moment, you're going to press pause and write down all the ingredients you need for your packed lunch, trying to use as many fresh products as possible.

Are you ready? Off you go.

Did you come up with lots of ideas? Well done if you did.

Here are some of my ideas I came up with.

Keep an eye out for the pink words, because that's the fresh ingredients I chose.

My sandwich, I've got cheese, brown bread, butter, lettuce, and cucumber.

In my vegetable and fruit choice, I have strawberries, grapes, carrots, cucumber, pepper.

In my healthy treat choice, I've got oats, honey, strawberries.

We're going to focus a little bit more on using the correct vocabulary that we've looked at in previous lessons.

Now we've named our ingredients.

We're now going to focus on what types of ingredients they are.

In a moment, I'd like you to press pause on the video and organise your ingredients, into fresh, processed, and precooked.

I've used different colours to help me.

You can do that too.

Or simply write them down in a brand new list.

When you've finished organising, press pause, and we'll have a look to see what I came up with.

Ready? Off you go.

Did you manage to organise your ingredients? Well done if you did.

Let's have a look at what I came up with.

Under fruits and vegetables, I've got strawberry, which is fresh.

I've got carbohydrates, the bread.

I've got protein, which is the cheese.

And I've got fats and oils, which is the butter.

Can you think of any more ideas? Well done if you did.

Let's recap on our learning now.

Here's a quick quiz.

You ready? I bet you're going to do great.

Okay, which food is precooked? Oranges or microwave curry.

Pick your answer now.

That's right, it's microwave curry.

A microwave curry has been pre prepared and pre cooked.

So it only needs to be warmed up.

Here's our next question.

Which of these foods is processed? Dried pasta or bananas? Are you ready to choose? The processed food is dried pasta.

Well done if you've got that correct.

Pasta has been made by combining different ingredients.

It needs to be cooked by boiling it in water.

Here's another question.

Which of these foods is fresh? Blueberries, or blueberry muffin? Make your decision now.

Fantastic, if you chose blueberries.

Fruits and vegetables are fresh.

The blueberry muffin is processed, because the ingredients have been combined and cooked.

We're now going to organise our ingredients into different food types.

I've got fruits and vegetables, carbohydrates, protein, and fats and oils.

Have quick pause on the video in a moment, and see if you can name your ingredients under each of these categories.

When you've done it, press pause and we'll carry out our learning together.

Ready? Off you go.

Did you have a think? Well done if you did.

Let's see my ideas.

Under fruits and vegetables, I feel quite proud because actually there's quite a lot of them.

We have lettuce, cucumber, carrots, pepper, strawberries and grapes.

Under carbohydrates, we have bread and oats.

The protein I have is cheese.

The fats and oils is the butter I will use to spread on the bread.

And that rhymes.

Another way we can analyse the food and the ingredients we're doing, is we can recognise which foods are fresh, processed, and pre cooked.

Let's have a look and see.

You've got it.

All the fruits and vegetables are fresh.

The carbohydrates are bread and oats.

The protein is cheese.

That's processed.

And my fats and oil are also processed as well.

There were actually no pre cooked items in the packed lunch I'm designing.

And as you can see, there were a lot of fresh ingredients being used.

That would help make my packed lunch incredibly healthy.

I wonder what type of ingredients you have in your packed lunch.

I'm now going to sort the foods, and do each ingredient.

You can see the pepper has already jumped onto my screen.

The pepper is under the vegetable and fruit choice.

Under my sandwich I have cheese, brown bread, butter, lettuce, cucumber.

Under the fruits with the pepper, I have strawberries, grapes, carrots.

For my healthy treat choice, I have oats, honey, strawberries.

We're really organising our food in different ways, aren't we? Okay, let's move on to checking suitability for target's market.

Essentially, we are just checking whether our packed lunch is suitable for primary school children to eat.

Let's have a look and see.

Ensuring your packed lunch is suitable for your target market audience.

We don't want those primary school children not enjoying it, do we? Not at all.

Okay, ask yourself.

Are the ingredients in your packed lunch super tasty? I bet they are.

Are the ingredients in your packed lunch super colourful? Well done if they are.

Is it super healthy? Are your ingredients low in salt and sugar? Fantastic, if you've managed to do that.

Finally, will your packed lunch look super fun? They'd be really into it if you managed to do that.

We've had a really good lesson today.

We've recapped on lots of learning, and focused on lots of different vocabulary.

We looked at our target market audience.

We designed our healthy packed lunch.

We described the ingredients used.

We certainly used a lot of vocabulary.

And finally, we checked it was suitable for our target market audience.

I feel like we're really prepared and ready to make our healthy packed lunch now.

I've really enjoyed teaching you today.

I hope to see you in the next lesson that we're going to actually start preparing the packed lunch.

Well done for all your hard work today.

You should be really proud of yourself.

Take care, and I hope to see you soon.
