
Lesson video

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Hello my name is Mrs Finlay, and today we're going to look at variety in our diet.

As a way to make sure that you're somewhere quiet where you can work and you can easily hear my voice, and that you have with you a pen and paper for today's lesson.

So you probably have done the Intro quiz, but what else are we doing today? Well, we're going to look at what do we actually mean by the term dietary need.

And we're going to touch on that a little bit when we look at our keywords in a minute, we also going to look at the different types of dietary needs.

Now we're not going to cover all of them and you might have done some in your schools, but we going to have a look at a few key ones.

And then we going to have a little look at food for all, so taking a recipe and how can we adapt it so that everybody has the opportunity to have that feed.

And then as a waste there'll be an exit quiz at the end.

Let's look at today's key words.

Okay so the first one is dietary need, and this describe something specific that a person must have or something that they must omit from that diet.

Now the word omit means leave out.

And we're going to talk about people who have aren't able to have certain foods in their diet for health reasons as well as reasons of choice, that word is Dietary requirement.

Or sometimes we call it dietary need.

Now protein, I know you know protein because we've done the eat well guide but it's really important to say that you understand what protein does in the diet.

So it repairs cells in our body, and we can find it in foods like meat and fish.

And the last one, which might be a word you've heard a lot of but you don't really understand what it is, is Gluten.

And this is a protein that is found in wheat, rye and barley.

So these are all three key words for today, Dietary requirement, Protein and Gluten.

I want you to look out for these in today's lesson, and let's see if we can use some of those in the work that we write together.

Look at this little activity, we going to do it together as a little bit of a warmer.

So I want you to think about each of these age groups, and I want you to think about the amount of energy they might need, and the amount of movement or their lifestyle or where they are in terms of growth in that age bracket maybe.

Are they growing rapidly, have they stopped growing.

Let's look at Toddlers together.

Okay so think in your head do you think they're growing rapidly? Do you think they move at all? Do you think they have lots of energy? Let's see what it says.

Toddlers grow really quickly and need lots of energy.

Okay Great stuff so let's think about that for their food.

What types of foods would they need in their diet to make sure that they when they are growing, that they are getting the correct nutrients and this is the point that we're going to make today.

What about Children? So not quite as old as you guys yet I think probably more primary school age.

Do they grow quickly do you think? Let's look, yeah children grow really quickly, but that and they're also really active.

And I would say that younger children are probably more active than toddlers even.

What do you think about Teenagers? More active? Let's have a look.

Teenagers have rapid growth spurts, this is definitely true.

Students can go away at Christmas and by the time they come back, they taller than I am.

That's not actually very difficult but they have a rapid growth spurts, and it's really important that they eat a balanced diet.

So as the body's growing, it's really important that vitamins, minerals, are being eaten to help the body grow.

And what about Adults? Well, adults grow and develop development actually stops, so you reach a certain age and you probably won't get any taller.

And it's really important therefore that we have a healthy diet, and we maintain that healthy diet.

And what about Late adulthood.

Maybe not quite elderly, but late adulthood.

Well, our muscle as we age, our muscles decrease in late adulthood with less movement and the body can gain fat.

So we'd have to think about, the amount of fat we would maybe have in our diet at that point.

Now no way in this lesson or we can start to go through a dietary need for teenager.

So how would being a coeliac be different for a teenager than an adult.

But I want you to think about, when we're going through this.

How these different stages and the different needs these different ages have and how that implicates on people's diet.

Vegetarians and vegans.

What do you understand by the term vegetarian.

Have a little think in your heads? Okay, let's have a look.

Vegetarians, DON'T eat meat or fish.

Did you get that? Maybe you just thought me and you forgot about the fish part.

What about the Vegans? Do you know what the difference is? What do you think vegans don't eat.

let's look.

They DON'T eat or wear any animal products.

And this is the key thing, if it comes from an animal, they won't wear it or eat it.

So meat and cheese and eggs are included in that and things like wearing leather as well because it comes from an animal.

Now what's really important for people who are vegetarians or vegans, is they supplement their diet.

That means that they add into their diet or they make sure that they have in their diet, the minerals and the proteins and the vitamins that they would need to have that balanced diet.

Ordinarily this might've come from an animal based or fish based product.

So let's look at that again, Vegetarians DON'T eat meat or fish.

Okay meat or fish.

Vegetarians DON'T eat or wear anything from animals.

Okay I'm going to test you now See how switched on you are today.

Vegetarian would drink a glass of milk, is that true or false.

A vegetarian would drink a glass of milk what do you think make a decision? Okay let's go.

Yeah It's true well done.

Vegetarians do not eat meat or fish but they do drink milk and they eat cheese and eggs and things like that.

I think you found that easy did you? I've got a killer question for you.

Do you know the name of someone who eats fish but not meat, what do you think? I'm going to tell you the could Pescatarian.

I'm feeling pretty confident with your knowledge same I'm just going to do one more quick check.

A vegan would eat a boiled egg.

Would you think gut reaction true or false.

A vegan would eat a boiled egg.

That's false well done.

Vegans they don't eat eggs, they don't drink milk, and they obviously don't have meat or fish.

Remember those vegans anything from an animal product.

Okay well done.

Eatwell guide.

So you should remember what the different sections are.

So I'm going to pause the video and I want you to tell me if you can name, the five different areas of the eatwell guide.

Pause the video now.

Sure we test your knowledge and let's have a little look.

So the first one that green area.

Yeah fruit and vegetables, great stuff.

Okay let's flip over to the yellow area, can you remember what that was called again with a see carbohydrates fantastic so then now two biggest areas.

Now we going to fly down to the pink area bottom.

Can you remember what that was? Proteins and what's special about protein.

That's right it's one of our key words today.

And do you remember what proteins do, yeah they help repair the cells in the body.

Then and we'll have a look at some of those protein foods in a bit.

Let's fly through blue section, what did you have for that dairy great stuff.

And the last one the purple, which we need very small amounts of oils and spreads.

Good something you not put fats in there but we're looking for oils and spreads, great knowledge well done.

Okay so, if we thinking about vegetarians, specifically vegetarians, and we thinking about what we need to make sure that they got enough protein in their diet.

I want you to point to the screen where is the protein section.

That's right hopefully your finger is on that pink section.

Okay so what could a vegetarian put into their diet to make sure they have enough protein.

Pause the video now and see if you can maybe make a quick little list.

Okay are we ready to check your knowledge now.

Hopefully that lovely clear about that.

The protein section being in that lovely pink area has given you somewhere to start from so let's see what you had.

I have got beans, lentils, nuts, eggs, tofu and pulses fantastic.

And if that was a vegan and not vegetarian, then there are obviously things in there that we would have to omit.

Naturally the eggs.


A coeliac is somebody who can not have gluten in their diet.

Gluten is a protein, and I want you to have a little read of the three sentences on this slide.

Okay so pause the video now and have a little read.

Brilliant, let's read this together.

Gluten is the protein that is found in a number of grains including wheat, barley and rye.

people with Coeliac disease cannot eat a protein called gluten as it stops them from absorbing other nutrients.

Coeliacs cannot eat normal bread or pasta because of the flour used to make it.

They can eat bread made with gluten free flour.

So this means that coeliacs need to make sure that if they are having things like bread or pasta, that they have gluten free flours that used in making those breaths.

Lactose intolerant.

Lactose is found in milk, It is a natural sugar.

Some people are lactose intolerant.

That means their body cannot digest the lactose that is found in milk.

What I would like you to do to start with is to have a read of the three sentences on this slide.

Pause the video now.


So let's look at that together let's have a little think.

Lactose, where can we find it.

Great, we can find it in milk but what is it exactly.

Let's have a little look together look at that second sentence.

That's right it's a natural sugar.

And we find natural sugars in lots of different foods.

So strawberries have natural sugar, Banana has natural sugar within it.

And these are the better sugars for us to eat.

But the problem is with lactose specifically, is that not everyone can digest it.

So it doesn't matter if it's sheep or goats milk or cow's milk, people still cannot digest it.

So what is the biggest concern in terms of having a balanced diet and having the right nutrients for someone who is lactose intolerant.

What do we need to supplement their diet with? What minerals is it is written in there? Can you find it's in that third sentence.

Yeah Calcium, and we know don't we? that calcium is needed for healthy bones and teeth? Especially if we think about those age groups especially as our bodies are growing.

So especially for babies and toddlers and young adults, is really important that we have calcium within our diet.

So where else could we get that calcium from then? If we're not having milk, can you give me two examples? Very good.

So leafy green vegetables, and salmon as well we you might have said white bread fantastic.

And this comes back as well to the importance of having those five portions of fruit and vegetable as well.

So leafy green vegetables really good for us, especially for people who don't have or cannot have a milk in that diet, so has lactose intolerant.

Well done really good.

You doing so well, I just want to look at these foods with you now and think about those four dietary requirements.

So vegetarian, vegan, good coeliac and what was the last one? Lactose intolerant well done.

So what we're going to do is we're going to work through these I'm going to think about who would be suitable for the different dishes.

So let's look at the four dishes together now.

Is the vegetable stir fry with egg fried rice, there's chicken and red pepper omelette, there's tofu curry, and there's baked salmon with bread roll.

So let's have a little look let's start looking through those.

So let's start with vegetable stir fry with egg fried rice.

Let's have a think about who would be suitable for that dish.

Okay so there is I get it.

So you may be not suitable for who do you think? Yeah a vegan okay.

So let's see who I've put for this one.

Oh vegetarian.

Good, so hopefully you picked up a vegetarian could eat that dish.

There are other people with different dietary who needs that could as well, so that's okay if you've got that well done let's look at the next one.

Chicken and red pepper omelette.

So immediately I am thinking who's out in the picture.

Yeah the vegetarians and vegans.

So let's see who potentially could have had that.

Cool coeliac.

So we haven't got any flour to be honest you could use gluten free flour can eat but suitable for coeliac, good fat any alterations.

What about a tofu curry? Who could have a tofu curry do you think.

Who have we've got left, we've got left the lactose intolerant and we have the vegan.

Who do you think specifically it would be more aimed at maybe.

That's right the vegan.

And that means the last one would be lactose intolerant person that's correct.

Now these dishes could be served without alterations, but sometimes we do have to make alterations within a recipe.

And that's what we going to look at a little bit later in the lesson, well done.

We now going to look at bringing all that information that we've learned together.

Now I've put this in a table so it's very easy, but you might want to do it as a little bubble with a little arrow describe it another a little arrow, giving an example I don't mind, but we going to do it together but I know you know this okay, this is such great knowledge to have so have at your fingertips if you like.

Okay so let's, I'm going to give you a little chance to work out how you're going to put this together.

It might be that you want to use your paper and write the dietary need on the left-hand side.

Then write a little description then underneath the little example, it's up to you.

Okay it's totally up to you but this is information that I want you to put down.

It might just be that it's easier for you to pop it in a table.

Okay so pause the video and I want you to set your page up please.

Okay great stuff are we ready to go.

So I'm going to help you on the first one.

So a vegetarian doesn't eat meat or fish, examples of food that they cannot eat, would be salmon sausages and bacon.

So if you can pause the video and put that down it might be that you want to put different examples of food you might be a vegetarian, and you might think or have people who are vegetarian in your family or your friends, and you have some better examples of mine and that's fine.

So pause the video and have a doing that now.

Well done.

Let's look at vegan together.

Can you remember what a vegan is? Somebody who.


And what about examples of food that they would not eat.

Now really technically I should probably put in there things that they wouldn't wear as well.

That's giving you a bit of a clear let's look at it together.

A vegan does not eat or wear any animal products, and they wouldn't eat or drink things like eggs and milk because remember they are from animals.

Sausages is enough chicken in there as well.

So pause the video, and make sure you have put your.

Really make sure you've got eat or wear down in the description.

Okay? Let's move on to coeliac.

Now do you remember a lovely word that I was trying to get you to use when to do with coeliacs? Can you remember? Yeah It's that lovely word digested.

Try not to use the word eat.

So have a little look, pause the video and see what you think for coeliac.

Hopefully we're digesting there.

Let's have a look, cannot digest gluten and found in wheat, barley or rye And sometimes it's found in meats as well.

The foods that they can't eat are bread rolls, sauces thickened to a flour or cakes, obviously they would use gluten free flour for that.

So really make sure that you have got the word digest written in that description.

Pause the video and add any annotations that you need to.

Fantastic let's have a little thing together then about lactose intolerant the last one.

We know you want to use this wonderful word digest, so let's have a thing.

What is the description of someone who's lactose intolerant? What can they not digest? Can you remember? You got it.

So hopefully you said they can't digest lactose rather than them not digesting milk.

And an example is a food that they can't eat, Let's look at this together last one really good guys.

Cannot digest the lactose which is found in milk, they cannot have things like cheese milkshakes, omelettes.

Can you make sure that you have added these last little bits to your notes and really make sure you've got those lovely words like gluten and lactose and digest in there as well.


Here is the recipe card for Spaghetti Bolognese and these are the ingredients.

Pause the video and have a little read some of the ingredients that are used in this recipe.

We have our recipe and we're going to look at our Spaghetti Bolognese recipe in terms of the alterations we would have to have for the four different types of dietary needs.

So the first one we're going to look at is vegan.

I'd like you to pause the video now, which of these foods would you have to change to make this suitable for a vegan? Pause the video now.

Let's look at the answers together then I wonder what you had, let's have a look.

So mince beef, a vegan you got that was obvious.

Hot beef stock, tricky one did you get that? Worcester sauce.

Now this is a new one worcester sauce actually has anchovies in it, so that wouldn't be suitable for our vegan.

But you can get with the source that is suitable for vegan so it might be that you could change that in.

And grated cheese 'cause obviously cheese is a by-product of milk, and therefore vegans don't have milk or anything that comes from animals.

You guys should try one more.

Let's look at vegetarian so same thing, which of these ingredients wouldn't be suitable for a vegetarian.

Pause the video now.

Okay you ready? Should be super easy 'cause the vegan one was tricky Let's have a look at the vegetarian one.

Yep that's right It's the lean minced beef, the hot beef stock and the Worcester sauce.


So same as before.

What would have to be swapped in for a coeliac, and can you think of what we could replace it with.

Let's look together then.

The Spaghetti really super tricky.

So that you can get gluten free pasta.

It does need to be cooked slightly differently, but you that's what I would replace that for because yeah, We could have vegetable based ones but you still have the flour aspect as well.

So well done so we could have gluten-free spaghetti to put into that, let's see what else we have.

Lactose intolerant last one.

See if you can find it, and what would you replace it with? The cheese yes.

So it might be that we have to replace it with a totally different ingredient.

It might be that you decide to put herb's on the top, or you might have something like black crumbs to give you some texture and some crunch maybe.

So well done.

And this is what it's about when we move through as we get older and we're starting to put our own recipes together we need to think about others.

And so it's really good that we learn to be adaptable to work out what ingredients we might need to switch in and switch out.

So what we going to do is you going to use your table that you did your notes previously on the four different dietary requirements, and the work we've just done on the Spag bowl.

And for each one, we going to write some super sentences about our Spaghetti Bolognese.

I'm going to give you an example so we start with vegan.

Vegans do not eat wear or drink any animals or fish products so I've started by saying what a vegan is.

And then given an example of what they wouldn't drink or eat.

And then I've put about my spaghetti Bolognese in the recipe I would change the mince beef, the beef stock and the cheese, I would use veggie mince, vegetable stock cube and I could also add vegan cheese on top.

So you're taking the information that you've put already or the information you already know about vegan.

What specifically describes someone who is a vegan? What do they or don't they eat or drink and how would you change the Spaghetti Bolognese.

So you're giving fact fact and then you opinion on this bag at the end.

you won't want to pause the video now and do this task.

We going to do the same thing for the vegetarian, coeliac and the lactose intolerant.

What I would like you to do now is to go through vegetarian coeliac and lactose intolerant and complete the same structured work for each of those.

You might need to make sure you pause the video now, and do that work and then we'll go through it together.

Well, we've already got the example of the vegan, so let's look at the vegetarian.

Let's look at the vegetarian together.

So if firstly the statement vegetarian should not eat meat or fish, fantastic.

Then an example, an exam.

For example a vegetarian would not eat salmon or bacon.

And then we going to add the sentences in regard to this spaghetti bolognese.

In the recipe, I would change minced beef from beef stock.

I would use the veggie mince, a vegetable stock cube instead.

What I would like you to do is add particularly the highlighted bits any bits that you haven't quite got done just correct your work now.

Let's look at the coeliac.

So coeliacs cannot digest gluten so hopefully again I'm looking for those lovely words digest gluten found in wheat, barley and rye.

For example coeliac would not eat bread or cakes, and then link to the recipe.

In the recipe I would change the spaghetti I'd use gluten free spaghetti instead.

Okay and this.

And let's go back through your work and just make sure you've got those keynotes down, and then let's do the last one.

Lactose intolerant people cannot digest lactose, that lovely word digest.

And we're saying lactose, we're not saying milk we're saying lactose.

For example person who lactose intolerant could not have milk or dairy based products.

And then when we think about the recipe, say I've just said in mine that I would change the cheese I would use fresh chop parsley instead to go on top of the dish.

Well done today, there was a lot of theory in our lesson, but a lot of that knowledge is going to stand you in really good state when you're back at school.

As a waste, there's an exit quiz and I know that you going to do really well on it.

See you next lesson.