
Lesson video

In progress...


Hi, friends! It's Mrs. Molnar here, and we are going to do some math today.

Now, I was hoping that a friend of mine, my talk partner, would come, but I just haven't seen him.

He's running late.


Oh! There he finally is! It's Harold the hedgehog, everyone! Say hi, Harold! Did you forget what day it was? Oh, that's why maybe he's late.

Well, it's a good thing that we are going to be going over the days of the week today and what events we might do every day.

All right.

Let's see what you are going to need for this lesson.

So, for today's lesson, you are going to need a paper and pencil and some colouring pencils.

So, if you don't have those things on hand, pause the video, go grab what you need, and then we'll come back and get started.

All right, so, Harold and I were thinking that we could get warmed up with a little bit of a starter.

Since we are thinking and talking about the time today, we thought what we would do is put on a one minute timer for you, and we want to see how many star jumps you can do before the timer is up.

So, get yourself ready.

Stand up.

Get ready to do your best star jumps, and we want you to keep track of how many you do, and then we'll tell you when the time is up.

Are you ready? Set.

Go! Oh, man.

Was that exhausting? Well done on all of those star jumps.

All right, so, hmm.

I wonder.

What day is it today? What day of the week is it? What day was it yesterday? Do you know what day it will be tomorrow? Well, if you don't know, that's okay because we're going to look a little bit closer at each of the days of the week.

Do you know how many days of the week there are? There are seven.

Do you know any of the names of the days? Well, let's take a look.

Oh, goodness! Well, we've got our days of the week here, but they seem to be all jumbled up.

So, I can see that there's Thursday, Saturday, Monday, all of these days here, but they are not in the right order.

Could you help Harold and I put them in the right order? Do you know what day comes first in the week? I'll give you a hint.

It's not a school day, and it begins with a "s" sound.


Well, if you said Sunday, well done! Sunday is the first day of the week.

What comes next, everyone? If you said Monday, well done! Monday comes next, and that's a school day, isn't it? So, we've got Sunday, Monday, and then we've got Tuesday.

Do we know which day comes after Tuesday, Harold? That's right! It's Wednesday.

And then after Wednesday comes Thursday.

And then we have the last day of the school week is a Friday.

Well done.

I like to call it a "Fri-yay" because it's the end of the week- of the school week, but we know it as Friday.

And then finally, the last day of the week, a day off from school is a Saturday.

Way to go, everyone! So, the days of the week will always come in that order.

That means after Wednesday, it's always going to be a Thursday.

And after Saturday, it's always going to be Sunday the next day.

They always come in the same order.

Hmm, I wonder if there's certain activities that we always do on a certain day.


Do I go to school on a Saturday? No! We never go to school on a Saturday.

What about a Sunday? No, we never go to school on a Sunday.

Hmm, can you think of a day of the week that you would usually go to school? That's right! You could have said either Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday.

Those are the days that we would normally go to school.

Can you think of anything else special that might happen on a certain day of the week? Like, maybe, you go food shopping with your family every Wednesday.

Or maybe you always have PE and you have to bring your PE kit to school on Monday.

What can you think of that you do during the week? Well, that's great.

What we would like you to do now is talk about the different days of the week and use some of the sentence stems to explain.

So, maybe you are going to say, "On Mondays, I go to school." Then, maybe what you are going to do is you could take some of the days of the week and you could say, "Saturday comes before Sunday." Or you could say, "Thursday comes after Wednesday." So, we want you to pause the video, and we want you to tell us and think about different things that you might do on different days of the week, and have a go at challenging yourself to say which days come before or after.

All right, pause the video now and have a go.

All right! Were you able to talk about different activities or things that you do during the week? What was something exciting that maybe you did during the week? Well, Harold, he loves to do swimming lessons on Wednesdays.

So, every Wednesday, Harold goes swimming.

I wonder if you do swimming lessons.

Or gymnastics? Or maybe some other kind of sport? Well, if you do, we want to know all about it.

So, for your main task, what we would like you to do is we would like you to draw a picture of something that you do on that day every week.

So, it could be something you would normally do at school, or it might be something you do at home as well.

So, get creative! Is it swimming? Is it karate? Is it piano? Is it going food shopping? Let us know what it is you do every day of the week.

So, you can either use the chart that we provided for you the template that already has the days of the week for a timeline and you just need to draw a picture using your colouring pencils or pencils to fill each box in.

Or, if you would like, you could also just take a piece of paper and draw your own.

All right, pause the video and have a go at drawing the activities that you take part in every week.

Well, everyone, we would be so thrilled if you shared your timeline on what you do on every day of the week with your teacher.

We know that they would love to see it.

And if you'd like, you could ask a parent or carer to share a photo of your amazing learning from today with us here at Oak.

Harold and I would definitely like to see what activities you get up to.

Maybe we do some of the same things.

Well, on Thursdays, Mrs. Molnar always does yoga.

I like to do that to exercise.

And, remember, Harold loves his swimming on Wednesdays.

We'd love to hear and see what you were doing on your days of the week, but that's all we have time for today, I'm afraid.

So, we'll see you next time, everyone!.