
Lesson video

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Hello everybody.

And welcome to today's session.

My name is Miss Hughes, and today we're going to be exploring components or parts of numbers within 100, as part of our bigger unit, numbers within 100.

So we'd better get started.

For today's lesson, you will need a pencil, some paper and some countable objects to represent tens and ones.

Pasta works really well if you've not got dienes or cubes or counters at home.

You can also draw your tens and ones too.

Please pause the video now to go and get these things if you haven't got them already.


Let's have a look at our lesson agenda for today.

We're going to start off by looking at the number of 100.

Then we're going to see how we can represent the number 100.

Next, we will be consolidating our understanding of 100 and then you will have your independent task.

Finally, we will check how much you have remembered in our final quiz.


To kick off today's lesson.

I want you to look at this exciting image that I have on my slide of a machine in a brick factory.

The machine puts single bricks that you can see here, these single ones, into two packs of 10.

How do you think I would write the numeral for one brick and 10 bricks on my place value charts below here.

I'm going to give you a little bit of thinking time for this one.

Well, one brick has the value of one.

I haven't got any tens, so I just put one into the ones column and nothing into the tens column.

So one in the ones column represents one lot of one.

Here, I have one pack of 10.

In other words, I've got one 10.

So I'm going to put a one in the tens column to represent that.

I don't have any ones because they are all.

Because all of my single bricks have been grouped together to make the one group of 10.

So I've put a zero in the ones column to represent the fact that I have no ones.

So what about this representation over here? I have three packs of 10 bricks and four single bricks.

Which number does that represent? It represents 34.

Because I've got three tens, 10, 20, 30 and 4 ones.

31, 32, 33, 34.

Because I've got three tens here, I'm going to put three into the tens column like this, and because I've got four ones here, I'm going to put four into the ones column.

So my digits in this place value column represent the number 34.

Let me tell you a little bit more about this brick factory.

10 single bricks, make one pack.

And 10 packs of bricks fit in one box.

I'm going to count the packs of bricks that go into each box just to make sure.

I'm going to count them in tens, because I know that there are 10 single bricks inside each pack.

So 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100.

So there are 100 bricks in each box.

That means that 10 groups of 10 are equal to one group of 100.

Because I've got 10 packs of 10 bricks that equal my box, which has 100 bricks in it.

Let's represent this in dienes.

So I have my 10 groups of 10 here.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10.

And I can group them all together to make one group of 100, which would look like this.

10 groups of 10 is equivalent to 100.

In bricks, 100 is one whole box.

With no spare packs of 10 bricks and no single bricks.

So I put a one here to represent my one box of 100, a zero here, because I've got no packs of 10 leftover and zero here because I've got no single bricks left over.

In an actual place value chart, I would write one in the hundreds column to represent 100.

And again I would write zero in the tens column and zero in the ones column because I've got no tens and no ones left over.

So we've seen in our images of the bricks and the dienes blocks how we can represent 100.


So in 10 groups of 10.

In this part of the lesson, we are going to explore some more different ways in which we can represent 100.

For example, this picture.

So in the school lunch hall, 10 children sit around a table.

There are 10 tables in the hall.

Let's count that to be sure.

So there are 10 children on each table.

one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10.

And there are 10 tables.

10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90,100.

That means that in this picture, we are representing 100 students.

Because there are 10 tables with 10 students on each table.

In this next image, I have 10 plates.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10.

And on each plate, there are 10 peas.

So let's count them.

10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100.

So 10 plates of 10 peas is equivalent to 100.

Now it's your turn.

I want you to make your own representation of 100, by making 10 groups of 10.

You can use dienes, bead strings, lollipop sticks, pieces of pasta, or even draw this representation.

Pause the video now to complete your task and then press play when you are ready to continue and move on with your learning.

Welcome back team.

Now that you've made your different representations of 100, it's time to develop our learning a bit further.

Here is a multiple of 10 made from dienes.

And I want to know what number these dienes represent.

Firstly, I can see the number has been made using 10 sticks.

So let's count how many groups of 10 there are altogether.

one group of 10, two groups of 10, three, four, five, six, seven.

I've got seven groups of 10 altogether.

Now let's count them in tens.

10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70.

So these 10 groups of 10 represents 70.

70 is made of seven tens and zero ones.

I can put that in my place value chart like this.

Seven tens and there are no ones leftover.

Now the time I know these dienes represent 70.

I want to think about this question.

How many tens do I need to add to make 100? Well, I know that 100 is equivalent to 10 groups of 10.

So 100 would look like this.

That would be 10 groups of 10.

And I'm just going to write that that makes 100.

Therefore I know that I need three more groups of 10.

I need to add three more groups of 10 to my 70 to make 100.

Because I can see that three are missing.

Seven tens add three tens is equal to 10 tens, which is equal to 100.

In other words, 70 add 30, make 100.

So let's add them in.

That's my three more tens.

And let's move them here into my missing sections.

There we go.

Now I have 10 lots of 10, and that makes 100.

You can see this in a part whole model like this.

So our whole that we're trying to make is 100.

And one of our parts was 70, because we started with 70 dienes.

So the other part will be 30 because we needed three more groups of 10, which is 30, to get to our whole, which was 100.

Let's have him look at another one.

Here's another multiple of 10 made from dienes.

What number do these dienes represent? I'm going to give you a few seconds to think about it.

Well firstly, I can see my number has been made using 10 sticks.

So let's count how many groups of 10 there are.

One, two, three, four, five.


So I've got five groups of 10.

Let's count them in tens now.

10, 20, 30, 40, 50.

So these dienes together represent the number 50.

Five groups of 10 is 50.

Let's put that into a place value chart now.

So five.

I have five tens, so five is going to go in the tens column and I have no one's left over so that's going to go in the ones column like that.

So this is how we would represent the number 50 in a place value chart.

So now that we know that these dienes represent 50, we can have a think about this question.

How many tens do I need to add to 50 to make 100? So here are 50 dienes that we started with.

And remember we're trying to get 100 dienes altogether.

So we need to think what is missing.

How many more do I need to add to 50 to get me to 100? Well, I know that 100 is equivalent to 10 groups of 10.

So 100 looks like this.

Therefore I know that I need to add five more groups of 10 to 50 to make 100.

Because I can see that there are five missing.

One, two, three, four, five.

Let's put them in.

One, two, three, four, five.

Five tens and five tens are equal to 10 tens, which is equal to 100.

50 add 50 makes 100.

And we can see that's happened here.

We can represent this in a part whole model.

So our whole is 100.

Oh sorry.


Our whole is 100, which is what we're trying to make.

And one of our parts is 50, because remember we started with 50 dienes.

Our other part will also be 50.

Because we needed to add five more tens, which is 50 to get our whole 100.

Right team.

That's our developed learning term for today's lesson.

And now it's time to put this into practise in your independent task.

Today, I would like you to use dienes or countable objects you can find at home to represent tens and ones.

Oh sorry.

To represent tens, to investigate how many different ways you can make 100 using multiples of 10.

One has already been done for you.

Remember, we found out from our develop learning that 70 add 30 makes the whole 100.

Because if we have seven tens, we need three more tens to make 10 tens altogether.

And 10 tens is equal to 100.

Use these part whole models to record your answers.

Remember you are only working with multiples of 10 today, so you should be working with numbers in the 10 times table.

Pause the video now to complete your task and resume the video when you are finished and ready to continue with your learning.

Welcome back team.

I hope you enjoyed your independent task.

Let's see how many different combinations you were able to find that make 100 using multiples of 10.

You could have had the number 90 and 10 together make 100.

You could have had 80 and 20, which together make 100.

You could have had 60 and 40, which together make 100.

50 and 50, like we saw in develop learning, makes 100.

And of course you could also have had 100 and nothing makes 100.

So those are all of the different ways that you could make 100 using multiples of 10.

Well done if you've got some of those.

Really well done, if you've got all of them, fantastic job, Fantastic job team.

All that's left for you to do now is to complete the quiz.

Fantastic learning for today team.

This is the end of our lesson.

So I really look forward to seeing everything that you've remembered in your quiz.

Don't forget to do that at the end of the lesson.

And I look forward to seeing you again soon on another session.
