
Lesson video

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Hello, and welcome to lesson four of the geography field work unit.

In this lesson, we're going to be learning all about, can you create a sketch map of the roads in your community? Let's have a look at the agenda together now.

So the first thing that we're going to look at in this lesson is what is a sketch map.

And then in the second half of this lesson, we're going to be looking at how do you create a sketch map and very excitingly, you'll be able to create your own sketch map, which is going to be great.

Now for this lesson, you'll need an exercise book or paper, a pencil, or a pen and most importantly your brain.

So pause the video now, make sure you've got those things and then resume once you're ready to get started with the learning.

So, in this first part of the lesson, we're going to be looking at what is a sketch map.

What do you think a sketch map is? Just have a think for yourself for a moment, maybe stare at the screen.


Well, here's what a sketch map is.

So there's an example on your screen right now, maybe that gives you another clue as to what a sketch map is.

Well, a sketch map is a simple drawing or drawings of the landscape and field work and geographers completing field work Will use these to create sketch maps of the environment that they're working.

They can be done in two different ways.

They can be done from a bird's eye view.

So as if you were a bird looking down and observing the land underneath them, or you could do a horizontal drawing of the horizon.

But most are from the birds eye view they are particularly useful because some, when you have your own sketch map, you can show details that might be hidden on regular or normal maps.

So this is a very rough sketch map that I have done of my local community.

And the reason why I'm showing you this is 'cause I want to show you the four key things, the four key things that you must always include in a sketch map.

So the first key thing that you need to have in your sketch map is a frame.

So like a picture frame, it's the box that's going to contain the map itself.

So point on my picture where is the frame of my sketch map.

Pointing at it? Okay, nice one.

That's where oh, that's where the frame is.

And that's really helpful as well, because then you know, like where your sketch map is going to begin and end.

The next thing that you need to have on your sketch map is the title.

So you can see up there, I've got a very simple title.

It just says my local community.

Another key thing that you need to have on your sketch map is a key.

Point on the sketch map where you can see the key.

Okay, good spot.

Bottom right hand corner.


So the key will include the different labels or symbols that you're using on your map.

So my sketch map, all I've done is I've created a colour code.

So you can see on the key what each colour, what kind of building that represents.

So I've got shops in blue, houses in pink, and then parks are in green.

One more thing that you need for your sketch map of course is the direction.

Point on my sketch map where you can see the direction.

Done that? Absolutely.

There it is.

Oh, there it is.

And all I've done is I've just shown one part of a compass needle showing where North is on my map.

And because if you know where North is, then you'll know where all other directions are.

And it's really important to have that on a map.

So you can understand the perspective or the orientation of where you're looking on the map.

So, now that we know the four key things that we need to include on our sketch map, let's move on to drawing your very own sketch map of your local community.

In this second part of the lesson, we are going to go through step by step, how you can create your very own sketch map.

So let's begin with step one.

So step one is about the visual information.

So the sketch map that I'd like you to produce is going to be a map of the road network in your local community.

So that could be the town and village you're living in, or it just might be like sort of the immediate area around your home.

But in order to do that, you need to have some visual information to work with unless you've got it all memorised in your brain, in which case, well done.

But I think for most of us, we need to have something to be able to work with.

So to do that, you've got two options.

Option number one is you, if you are able to, you could go for a walk with your parents or carer in order to be able to see, okay, what's the layout of the roads around here.

And then you'll be able to sketch that later on.

Option number two, if you can do that, is that you could use a satellite image.

So if you go onto the website Google Maps and type in your address, there's an option of clicking on the satellite button and then it will produce an image like you see on the screen now.

And so that is an image of my local neighbourhood.

And you can see it's great because it shows the road networks, it shows key locations, and you know, it's so good you can see the trees and the shrubbery and everything else.

So those are your two options.

Option three, which I haven't put it on the screen, but there is an option three is that you could actually do both.

So go for a walk with your parent or carer, observe the layout of the roads and things like that.

Then look at a satellite image and then, wow, you've got some seriously good visual information.

But if you can only do one of those options, that's absolutely fine.

So pause the video now, talk to your parent or carer about what option you're going to do, and then resume once you're ready to move on to step two of how to draw a sketch map.

Okay, you've made your decision? Let's move on to step two of how to draw a sketch map.

And we're going to start by drawing a frame.

Very important part of drawing a sketch map, drawing a frame.

So very simply all you need to do is on your blank piece of paper, It's all right if it's a lined piece of paper, but ideally a blank piece of paper, draw a square frame.

And my frame, I think was 13 centimetres by 13 centimetres, but just make sure it's big enough that you can draw a pretty decent map of the local road network.

So when you're ready to do that, pause the video to complete your task and then resume once you're finished.


Got a nice, neat frame?.

Yes? Good.

Used the ruler? Fantastic.


Now that we've got a nice, neat frame to be working with.

Let's move on to step three, not the most exciting of steps but a very, very important step, which is, add a title.

So, above your frame, please write the following title so you can see it underneath my head now, the title is going to be, a map of roads in my community.

So nice, neat writing, underlined, write that title above your frame.

And pause the video to complete your task and then resume once you are finished.


Got a nice, neat title? I'm sure you do.

Good job.

So we've got a title, we've got a frame, let's move on to step three which is the best part, maybe the best part, maybe the second best part.

You'll see.

You'll see.

We are now going to draw the roads onto our map.

So remember, we've got all the visual information because you've either been out, you've seen the roads or you've got your satellite image or even better you've got both, we're going to use that to draw the roads onto our map now.

So, here's my example and a great example of how this does not have to be the most beautiful work of art.

Okay? It's a sketch map.

It's a rough drawing of the layout of the roads.

So that was the layout of the roads in my area and do take notes how I have left two spaces in the top right and bottom right of my sketch map.

Why do you think I've left a space there? Say it to the screen now.

Well, because Mr. Barber you need room for your orientation or direction and your key.

That's exactly right.

I've left space for the direction and the key there as well, and just roughly sketched the road.

So when you're ready, sketch the roads in your local community inside your frame now.

And if there's a main road and you know the name of that road, you can write those in there as well.

So pause the video to complete your task and then resume once you're finished.


How was that? I know I found it a little bit stressful drawing those roads in there.

I think it's because, you know, you just want everything to be perfect, but sometimes you just have to accept, Hey, this is not going to be a perfect work of art, but does it show neatly the layout of the roads? If it does, then well done.

Let's move on to step four, which is, we're going to add the direction now.

So remember you've left a space in the top right hand corner of your map to put in the direction.

So remember, all you need to do is just label where North is.

If you've been using a satellite image, that's very helpful 'cause the Google Maps image, North will always be at the top.

So when you're ready, pause the video to add the direction it's facing onto your map and then resume once you're finished.

Okay, we've got a direction.

That's going to be very helpful.

Let's move on to step five which is to add the key to your map.

So, in order to have a key, you need to actually have some things that you've labelled.

So what I would like you to do, is on your map, add any sort of local features that you think are important to include on the map or any local places maybe that you visit a lot.

So I just added three local features onto my map.

I put the local school and I just drew it as a block and I coloured it in yellow.

Then I added a local cafe that I like to visit and I made that purple.

And then I've put in the supermarket because I just ended up going there all the time.

And so I coloured that in red.

And then you can see on the key, I've labelled, I've colour coded what those different buildings represent.

So, what you're going to do now is pick two or three features that you think you could add to your map.

Add those features, you could colour code them, or you can add a symbol it's up to you but make sure that you add your key afterwards.

So, pause the video to complete that task and then resume once you have finished.


So looks like finished the map.

Let's just go through a checklist now to make sure your map has got everything that it needs.

So, first of all, let's just double check.

Has it got a frame? Check.


Has it got a nice, neat title? Check.


Has it got roads? I mean, I really hope it does have some roads.

It does? Check.


Does it show the direction? Have you got the compass needle pointing North? Check.

Good job.

And then lastly, does it have a key and have you added a couple of local features? You have? Check.

Then you have finished your sketch map and hopefully that is something that you are really proud of.

So job well done.

And that brings us to the end of this lesson.

Well done on all the fantastic work that you've done.

There are just two things that you need to do now.

First of all, please remember to write down three key things that you'll remember from this lesson.

And then secondly, don't forget to complete the exit quiz at the end, which is going to be a great way of seeing how much progress you're making in this unit.

Lastly, if you'd like to, please ask your parent or carer to share your work on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter, by tagging @OakNational and #LearnwithOak.

Once again, well done for completing this lesson.

And I hope you have a fantastic rest of your day.