
Content guidance

Equipment requiring safe usage.

Adult supervision recommended.


Lesson video

In progress...


Welcome to lesson five on creative crafts.

My name is Liz, and I will be guiding you through this lesson.

Now previously, you began your craft work and you used decoupage technique to cover the base of your box.

So working on the inside of the base, and the outside of the base.

In this lesson, you'll be working on the lid thinking about which materials you will need, which techniques you're going to use to cover the lid.

And adding some embellishments as well.

When you've completed your work, you'll also be evaluating it.

So let's just take a look at what equipment you will need for this lesson.

Before the lesson begins, you'll need to gather the following equipment.

You'll need your sketchbook, a pair of scissors, a pencil, some PVA glue and a paste brush or glue spreader.

And you also need some materials for your finishing touches and embellishments, materials such as paint, sequins, buttons, stickers and glitter.

You may also need some extra paper.

When you review your work in the lesson, you can decide which of these you'll want to use.

And for some activities in the lesson, you will need an adult to help or supervise you.

In this lesson, you will recap on your learning and review your craft work.

You'll be adding finishing touches to your craft work.

Evaluating your finished piece of craft work and then sharing your work with others.

Look out for the key words in the lesson, they'll be in a bold coloured font, and the keywords are medium, which is the type of art or materials used in art and craft making.

Embellish, this means to improve the appearance of an object by adding detail to it, such as adding things like sequins, buttons, beads.

And the final key word is exhibit, and this means to present an image or an object for others to see.

Let's begin with the recap on your previous learning.

So on the left of the screen, you'll see three words appear and these words are all different craft techniques that we've explored previously.

The first word is paper cutting.

The next one is weaving.

And the final one is decoupage.

Now on the right of the screen, you'll see some pictures appear, and these are pictures of objects that have been made using different craft techniques including paper cutting, weaving, and decoupage.

So here's the first object.

Second one.

And the third one, and what I'd like you to do is match the technique of the left to the correct picture on the right.

Off you go.

Okay, let's take a look at the answers.

So paper cutting is matched to the picture in the middle.

Weaving, yep, it's the one that's at the bottom.

And that leaves decoupage, which matches to the picture at the top.

So how did you get on, did you manage to match them all correctly? So I'd like you to take a moment to look at your box.

What have you completed so far? So I've completed the base of my box and I've covered the inside and outside of it.

And on the inside I've used red tissue paper, and I put that down as the first layer, and then I've used cut out flowers on top of that.

And around the edges, I've used some different tissue paper, which has a rose pattern on it.

Now for the outside of the base of the box, I've used yellow tissue paper, and I applied that as a first layer.

And then on top of that, I've stuck cutouts of black and white flowers, again, that were cut out from tissue paper.

And the technique I've used is decoupage, and I stuck down the paper with a mixture of PVA glue and water.

So what I'd like you to do now is talk to someone about your work, talk to them about what you've completed so far, what materials you've used and what techniques you've used as well.

So at the end of the last lesson, I explained that you'll be working on the lid of your box.

And I want you to think about what techniques you would like to use.

So for example, would you like to incorporate some paper cutting, or some weaving? And would you like to use a different medium as well, such as paint or crayons or marker pens? So just take some time to think about what you might like to use on the lid of your box.

So let's move on to the next stage of making, and for this you'll need the lid of your box.

So when it comes to the making, you need to think about the order in which you're going to do things.

So if you were painting for example or adding background colour, you'll need to do this first.

So the first step is to work on the inside of your lid, and I decided that I was going to include paper cutting technique on my lid, because this was a technique that we'd explored previously.

I've also chosen to use the medium of paint as well.

So from the pictures, you can see that I painted the inside of my lid using yellow paint, and I used yellow to match the yellow tissue paper that I used on the base of my box.

And I had to let that dry, first of all.

So whilst that was drying, I cut out my paper design and I used some origami paper to do that.

And then once the paint was dry, I stuck the paper design onto the inside of the lid, and I used a mixture of PVA glue with a little bit of water to stick that down inside the lid.

Now, if you choose to do paper cutting, or maybe to cut some strips out and to do some weaving and add that to the inside of your lid, and please make sure you ask an adult to help or supervise you.

So next, you're going to need to cover the outside of your lid.

So the picture to the left is the outside of my box's lid and I painted some areas yellow first, and then when the paint was dry, I decoupaged some cut out pictures of roses that I'd found in magazine, and I decoupaged those on top of the painted area and left some areas without any decoupage.

Now, the picture on the right is from a different box.

I've included it as an example of how you might use weaving on your box's lid.

And what I did is, I wove the paper strips first using the technique that we'd explored previously.

And then once I'd woven them, I then stuck them onto the lid.

Now the strips had to be measured first to make sure that they fitted the shape of the lid.

So here's my box.

You can see the outside and the inside, the base and the lid in the pictures.

I've tidied some of the areas where there were gaps in the paper, and I also added a final layer of PVA glue mixed with water, and this acts like a varnish to seal the paper and cut outs onto the box, and it also gives the box a slightly shiny finish.

So have a look at your box.

How does it look, and do you think you need to make any final changes to it? And then when you're happy with that, cover it with a layer of PVA glue and water.

So for the final stage of making, you're going to be adding some finishing touches to your box.

Do you remember how the artist Chila Kumari Singh Burman used lots of different materials to cover her tuk-tuk? And do you remember, she used things such as Christmas decorations and stickers and bindis? Well, I'd like you to decide what you will use to embellish your box, and when you embellish something it means you add detail to improve its appearance, to make it look even better.

And there's some examples of materials that you could use to embellish your box on the screen.

So we've got sequins, buttons, glitter, ribbon.

Now you may have something else to use, have a look through the materials that you have collected and decide what you would like to use.

Think carefully about where you want to place your embellishments so they add just enough detail to make your work look even better.

Now start with less, you can always add more, and make sure you don't cover up or detract from any of the work that you've already done.

Now, just use PVA glue, you don't need to add any water this time, to stick down your chosen materials on to your box.

Now you can see from the picture, and also I'll just show you here, my lid.

So I decided that I was just going to use sequins on the lid of my box.

I didn't add anything to the base, as I already had a lot of details on the inside and outside of my box.

So just think carefully before you attach any embellishments to your box.

Well done, your work is now complete.

And for the last part of the lesson, you'll be evaluating your finished piece of craft work.

For the evaluation, you'll need your sketchbook and a pencil.

So if you can, I'd like you to take a photograph of your craft work and print it out and then stick your photograph in your sketchbook and then evaluate your work by answering the questions that are on the screen.

Now, if you're not able to take a photograph and print it out, you could draw your finished box and write your evaluation in your sketchbook.

Or if you prefer to, you could just write your evaluation and not include a photograph or a drawing.

On the screen, you can see both a photograph of my work and also you can see an image from my sketchbook and I've drawn my finished box, and then at the bottom, I've written my evaluation.

So I'm going to model to you, first of all, answering the questions on the screen.

So have a listen to my evaluation first, of my finished piece of craft work before you start to do yours.

So first question is, which materials and techniques did you use? Well, I used the following materials, I used tissue paper, cut outs from magazines, origami paper, yellow acrylic paint and I also used sequins.

I used the techniques of decoupage and paper cutting.

Does your choice of materials work well on your box and why? Yeah, I think the materials work well together because the combination of using the acrylic paint and paper creates different textures.

I also think the choice of a yellow background has made the flowers stand out.

What was most successful? I think the, the decoupage work that I did and the paper cutting on the lid of my box, the design that I used fitted perfectly inside of the lid, and I think the sequins just added enough embellishment.

What would you change if you made it again and why? I would definitely decoupage more flowers to the outside of my box, and that's because I think it looks a little bit bare in some sections.

So now it's your turn.

I'd like you to complete your evaluation using the questions on the screen to guide you and then restart the video when you have completed it.

So artists and craftspeople will often exhibit their work and show it to others in an exhibition.

And their work may well be exhibited in an art gallery or it could be in their studio or workshop or it may even be on display or for sale in a shop.

And the work may be viewed by other people, either in an indoor setting or an outdoor setting.

So have a think about your craft work, and if you were going to exhibit it and show it to other people, where would you display it? So usually the arts and craft works on display in an exhibition will have an information label next to the work with the name of the artist or craftsperson who made it, the date when it was made, a title and the materials it was made of.

And sometimes there's a description of how it was made, what it's about and what the inspiration was for the work.

Now I'd like you to create an information label for your craft work.

You can see my example on the screen.

I'd like you to include your name, the year of making, a title and a statement about your work.

Include some information about how your work was made and what materials it was made from.

Now you can write your information label on a piece of card and then maybe take a photograph of your work next to the label if you're able to, then print it out and stick it in your sketchbook.

Now, it's also helpful to hear what others have to say about your work, and if you can, I'd like you to share your work with a friend or with your parent or carer, and ask them what they like about your work and what they'd like to know more about.

Well done for the amazing work you've done in this lesson.

I hope it's inspired you to do more creative crafts.

If you're able to, please take a photograph of your work and ask your parent or carer to share it with Oak National on Twitter tagging @OakNational and #LearnwithOak.