
Lesson video

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Hello, and welcome to lesson nine of the globalisation unit.

In this lesson, we're going to be thinking all about how globalised is your life.

Let's have a look at the agenda now.

So the first thing we're going to look at and think really deeply about in this lesson, is how close is the world to you? And then secondly, we'll have a really deep reflection on, how are you impacted by globalisation? Now there are three things you'll need for this lesson, an exercise book or paper, a pencil or a pen, and, most importantly, our brains.

So pause the video now to make sure you've got those things and then resume when you're ready to get started with the learning.

In this first part of the lesson, We're going to think very carefully about how close is the world to you.

And by that, I mean, where do we see globalisation in our day to day lives? Because one of the amazing things about globalisation, is that it has happened at such scale.

And by that, I mean, like it has happened so largely, that we can see examples of globalisation around us all the time, every day.

So for example, we've spoken a lot about trade.

Trade is a significant example of globalisation.

And we see examples of trade in almost every object and thing that we buy and own.

We see examples of globalisation, in the food that we eat.

Remember, we've got a far more varied diet because of globalisation.

And our supermarkets when we go there, all the different foods in there, have all come about mostly because of globalisation.

We see of course, in our fashion, the clothes that we wear.

But we also see it in some things that we've gone into less detail about.

So for example, migration, people moving to New countries, this has increased hugely because of globalisation.

And so we see the impact of this in our communities, where we have many more people from all around the world, living together as a result of globalisation.

We also listen to it through music.

I don't put on my music player and just listen to some guy who's playing the guitar down the road.

I listen to music that comes from all over the world.

And that is only possible because of the increased connections that have resulted from globalisation.

We see it as well, in our TV and movies.

I don't just watch British stuff, I get to watch loads of different TV shows and movies from all different parts of the globe, again, as a result of globalisation.

And then, of course, where would we be without technology? I'm recording this lesson now because of technology.

And in all the technology that we use and see, that has largely been possible because of globalisation.

Here's what I'd like you to do now.

You are going to to make a list of activities that you've done this week that globalisation has impacted.

This could include the food you've eaten, People you've interacted with, shops visited, TV and music that you've consumed or watched and listened to.

Okay? So all you have to do is list activities, maybe come up with a list of about four or five.

Don't worry about explaining how they linked to globalisation, but just list those four to five activities down.

So for example, I completed this exercise or activity earlier, and here's what I wrote down.

So this week, I've been listening to a lot of music whilst running.

And I've watched quite a few Netflix shows in the evening.

I've had video calls with my family, been to the supermarket.

I think I've been to the supermarket every day, Blimey, and of course, my favourite thing in the world.

I've been recording lessons for students.

So when you're ready, make a list of those activities that you've done, include things such as the foods you've eaten, people interacted with, the shops you've visited, and the TV and music that you've consumed or listened and watched.

So pause the video to complete this task, and then resume once you're finished.

Okay, how did you find that interesting exercise writing down all the activities that you've been doing, isn't it? Well, we're going to use that list in a bit.

But let's move on to the next part of the lesson.

So we've got our list of day to day activities now.

And what I'd like you to think about now, based on that list is how are you impacted by globalisation? So I'll give you a couple of examples.

So, as I stated on my list, I went for a run and listen to music while running quite a bit this week.

And, in doing that, there is a number of ways that globalisation impacted.

For example, my very comfy running shoes, I checked the label, and they were made in Vietnam, one of the top manufacturers of clothing remember.

So they have definitely travelled over 5000 miles, to arrive onto my smelly feet.

Again, an example of globalisation impacting my life.

I was listening to a lot of music by artists from the USA.

And that's only possible because of the technology of my phone that I was listening to music through.

And the fact that international connections mean that music is shared far and wide.

Again, another example of globalisation impacting my life.

And then, the actual device I was using, I did a little bit of research and the device that I was using to listen to music that has is made of materials that come from five different countries.

And again, that's only possible because globalisation, the trade that results from globalisation, means that is possible.

I'll give you another example, of how globalisation is impacting my life.

So I said earlier, I've been doing a lot of video calls with family and friends this week.

And again, that's only possible because of technology, my laptop.

And that technology was made in the USA.

So globalisation, has led to international trade, cheaper technology, and that's why I'm able to use this to have those video calls.

And then the people I actually spoke with! I spoke with, well, I've got family from Hungary.

And I've got friends from the Republic of Ireland, all of whom now live here in England.

And the reason why they are able to live here is because of migration, people moving to other countries.

And we know, globalisation has led to much higher levels of migration.

So another example, of how globalisation has impacted or continues to impact my life, every day, even in the most basic things, going for a run, all sorts of different ways that globalisation is impacting me there, and then talking to friends and family, again, all sorts of different ways, that globalisation is impacting my life.

Here's what I'd like you to do now.

Choose, three to four, of the activities that you wrote down for the previous task, and explain how they have been impacted by globalisation.

So you've just seen how I sort of looked at my day to day activities and broke down the different ways that they've been impacted by globalisation.

That's what I would like you to do now, with three or four of the activities that you wrote down.

And here's how I would suggest you go about writing this answer.

So my first example was listening to music whilst running.

Here's what I wrote.

This has been impacted by globalisation, because I wore running shoes manufactured in Vietnam, which is an example of the globalised fashion industry.

I also listen to music from the USA, which is an example of the increased connections between countries because of technology.

Okay? So you can see a broken down the different things that make up me going for a run.

And then I've explained how they linked to globalisation, for example, it links because of the globalised fashion industry.

And it links because it's an example of increased connections.

Let's have a look at another example before you get started.

So here's my video calls with family and friends, is what I wrote.

This has been impacted by globalisation because I used technology manufactured in the USA, which is an example of international trade.

I also spoke with friends who live in the UK, as a result of migration that has been made easier by globalisation.

So again, I broke down that activity into the different elements.

And then I've mentioned how that links to globalisation, because it's an example of international trade.

And, because it's an example of migration that has been made easier by globalisation.

Okay, it's over to you now, choose three to four of your activities and explain how they've been impacted by globalisation.

And when you're ready, pause the video to complete your task, and then resume once you're finished.

Okay, good job.

Again, very interesting exercise to reflect on how significant, the impact of globalisation is on the most basic activities that we do every day.

Now that we've finished that, let's move on to the final part of this lesson.

So the final part of this lesson, I have a very creative challenge for you.

So what I'm going to ask you to do is to create a poster, displaying how your day to day life has been impacted by globalisation.

So you have a list of day to day activities already.

And you've explained how three or four of them, are impacted by globalisation.

Now use that information to make a beautiful poster, that shows all those different ways.

And it doesn't have to be lots and lots of writing, you can have brief sentences, and then use lots of different images to represent those different things.

Here's my example for you.

So this is a poster I made, and I called it globalisation and me.

And so you might want to start your poster by writing that in the middle of your piece of paper, and then branching off like I have, with all the different ways that globalisation is impacting your life.

So here are all the different ways I wrote.

So top left, I have lived in working Canada, Albania, Malawi, Uganda and Kenya.

Yes, it's been quite a life so far.

And that's only been possible because of increased connections, migration, or as a result of globalisation.

I've got family in Italy, the USA, Germany, Hungary as well.

I didn't mention that I should maybe add Hungary on there.

Again, another example of globalisation through migration.

I wrote, I teach students who have families from across the globe, again, as a result of globalisation.

I've written something that makes me very happy, related to globalisation in food, which is, I love eating food from all over the world.

Particularly, I love Thai food.

I love Thai green curry, it's absolutely fantastic.

And then a slightly more boring, but very practical thing is that my smartphone is made of materials from at least five different countries.

How's that an example of globalisation? What's that you say? international trade, technology? Absolutely right.

So this is the kind of thing that we're that I'm looking for, you might choose to design it in a slightly different way.

But try and have five or six different points about how globalisation has impacted your life.

So when you're ready, pause the video, to complete your task.

And then resume once you're finished.

That brings us to the end of this lesson, well done on all the fantastic learning and creative work that you've done in this lesson.

Before we finished, there are just two things that you need to do.

First of all, don't forget to write down three key things that you'll remember from this lesson.

And then after that, make sure you complete the exit quiz, so you can see the amazing progress you're making on this topic.

Lastly, if you'd like to, please ask your parent or carer to share your work on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter, tagging @OakNational, and hashtag learn with Oak.

It will be fantastic to see, the wonderful posts that you've created from this lesson.

I hope you enjoyed the lesson, and I look forward to teaching you again very soon.