
Lesson video

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Hi everyone, my name is Miss Sabzvari and I'm really excited you decided to join me today for our maths lesson.

The unit we're studying is fractions.

In the previous lesson we focused on identifying half of a shape.

In this lesson we'll be identifying half's, third's and quarters of a shape.

So, when you're ready, let's begin.

So, lets have a look at today's lesson agenda.

First we'll begin by looking at the unit fractions.

Then we'll move on to a talk task.

After that we'll be recording fractions and finally you'll complete your independent task.

And before we begin today's lesson, you will need the following items. You will need something to write with and something to write on.

So please pause the video now and get the items that you need.

Unit fractions.

So, have a look at this square on your screen.

How could we divide this square into halves? Pause the video now and share your answer with the screen.

Great work! So we know that a half means dividing into two, okay.

So, we could divide a square like this.

Where we have two equal parts.

Great work.

How could we divide this square into quarters? Pause the video now and share your answer with the screen.

Great job! So we know that quarter means dividing our shape onto four equal parts.


So, we could have something like this, where we have one, two, three, four equal parts.

Great job.

And how could we divide this square into thirds? Pause the video now and share your answer with the screen.

So, a third means dividing our shape into three equal parts.

Okay, so have a go at dividing the shape into three equal parts, if you haven't done so already.

Great job.

So we'd have something which would look like this.

Okay so, we've got one part, two, three.

So three equal parts.

Our shape has been divided into three equal parts.

Good job.

Now, moving on to a talk task.

What I would like you to do is to fold the square into halves, quarters and thirds.

Okay? And as you're doing this, I would like you to say the following, okay? So, lets have a look at a quarter as an example.

There is one equal part shaded so the numerator is one.

There are four equal parts altogether, so the denominator is four.

Okay? So, create your halves, quarters and thirds.

Shade one half, one quarter and one third of each shape.

And then I would like you to say the following, okay? Do that now.

Great job! So, recording fractions.

Each part of this shape is one third, okay? So, this is one third, this is one third and this is one third.

Now, if I wanted to write one third as a fraction, how would I do that? Pause the video now and write down one third on your piece of paper.

Do that now.

Great work! So, you might have remembered that for the first thing we do, is to draw our vinculum.

That's write.

Then we are going to write three.

Why am I going to write three? Tell your screen.

Great job! Because our shape has been divided into three equal parts, Okay? And we write it at the bottom, how many equal parts we have all together.

And what do we call this number that we write at the bottom of the fraction? What's the name for it? Great job! We call it the denominator.

Okay? My turn, your turn.


great job.

And then the number that we write at the top is going to be one.

That's right because one equal part is shaded.

And we call that the numerator.

Excellent work.

So, this one third.

My turn, your turn.

One third, one third.

Great job.

Do you think it matter which part is shaded? Does it have to be always the middle part that's shaded in order for it to be one third? Pause the video now and tell your screen.

That right, it does not have to be.

It doesn't matter which part is shaded.

Okay? Because all of the parts are of equal size.

That's right.

So, lets have a look at the next picture on our screen.

How many equal parts are there altogether? Four.

So, each part is one quarter.

Okay? My turn, your turn.

Each part is one quarter.

Great job.

So, have a go at writing one quarter one your piece of paper.

Do that now.

Great work! So the first thing we do is to draw our vinculum.

Then we are going to look at how many equal parts there are altogether.

How many equal parts? Great job.

Four So my denominator is is going to be four.

And one equal part is highlighted or shaded.

So my numerator is going to be one.

My turn, your turn.

One quarter, one quarter.

Again, does it matter which one is highlighted? That's write, it doesn't.

Okay? Because each part is equal.

Therefore, whichever part that's highlighted would still be one quarter.

Okay? Because one of those parts are shaded.

Great job.

And have a look at this shape.

Again, each part is one quarter.

How do we know that each part is one quarter? Pause the video now and tell your screen.

That's right, because the shape is divided into four equal parts.

Great job! So, have a go at writing one quarter on your piece of paper.

Do that now.

Excellent work! So, first we'll begin by drawing our vinculum.

Then we know that there are four equal parts.

So that's going to be my denominator.

And finally, one of those equal parts is shaded.

And that will be my numerator.

Excellent work.

How a look at this shape on your screen.

Each part is.

tell your screen.

That's right, each part is one third.

Have a go at writing one third as a fraction on your piece of paper.

Do that now.

Great job.

So the first thing we are going to do, is we are going to draw our vinculum.

Then we know that there are three equal parts altogether.

Therefore, my denominator is going to be three.

And one of those equal parts are shaded.

So my numerator is one.

So, this fraction is one third.

My turn, your turn.

One third, one third.

Excellent job.

Now moving on to our Independent task.

What I would like you to do is to match the shapes to the correct fractions.

Okay? So the fractions are here at the bottom.

Okay? So, we've got one half, one third and one quarter.

What I would like you to do is to have a look at the shapes and write the fraction down.

Okay? On your piece of paper.

And when you're ready, we'll go over the answers together.

Do that now.

Great job.

So, lets have a look at the answers.

The first shape I can see, is being divided into two equal parts.

Okay? So my denominator is goin to be two.

And one equal part is shaded, therefore my numerator is one.

Excellent work.

Moving on to our second shape.

I can see that there are four equal parts altogether.

Okay? So my den imitator is going to be four.

And one of those equal parts is shaded.

So, my numerator is going to be one.

Great job.

So, one quarter.

The next shape I can see again has been divided into four equal parts.

Great job.

So my denominator is four.

And one equal part has been shaded.

So, my numerator is one.

And finally my shape has been divided into two equal parts.

So, I know my denominator is two.

My numerator is one because one of those equal parts has been shaded.

Excellent job.

And if you'd like to, please ask your parent or carer to share your work on twitter @Sabzvari @Oaknational and #LearnwithOak.

And now its time for you to complete your end of lesson quiz.
