
Lesson video

In progress...


- [Miss Jadoon] Hello, everyone and welcome to this week's session all about making kindness count.

My name is Miss Jadoon and I'll be talking to you all about kindness.

It's because I'm the kindest person in the world.

Honestly, I really am, you should ask my mom.

Well, I am most of the time.

Anyway, so, let's talk about last week's session.

In last week's session, you made "worry extinguishers" and I've seen them online.

They're amazing, you're all so creative! So, I'm expecting some big things this week.

Okay, let's go, let's get started.

In this lesson, you will need some coloured card, or paper, a pair of scissors, some colouring pencils, or felt tips, a glue stick and maybe even some glitter.

Pause the video while you go and collect these items. We're going to start the lesson off, by asking, what is kindness? How can we be kind at home? What would you do? Making a Kindness Chart and then you're going to share your work.

What is kindness? Kindness is being friendly, generous and considerate.

Can you think of a time when you have been kind to someone? Great.

Even smiling at someone, is kindness.

Teaching someone a new skill, is kindness.

Now, let's see what other people think kindness is.

What is kindness? - So to me, kindness is about treating people the way that you would want to be treated and knowing that you would've felt really happy if someone else have treated you that way.

- Kindness is showing other people that you care about them and looking after them.

- Kindness is giving your last little bit of food to somebody else.

- Kindness is gentle.

- Kindness spreads goodness throughout humanity, sprinkle it everywhere.

- I think kindness is showing compassion and overall niceness to people, even when they don't deserve it, or when they do deserve it and you're just giving people that hand, that shoulder to cry on, just being there for people.

- Kindness is like confetti and you should spread it everywhere you go.

- Kindness is a compliment when someone needs it most.

- Kindness is being selfless.

- Kindness is a mark of faith.

- It takes courage to be kind.

- Kindness is filling your heart with love.

- Now then, the next slide is super duper exciting.

On the next slide, you have something called, "A Kindness Grid".

Do you know what a Kindness Grid is? No? Well, then why don't I tell you? A Kindness Grid has lots of different colours on it.

It has some blues and some pinks and some greens.

What you get to do, is look at the Kindness Grid, think about all the kind things that you have done in the last week.

Maybe you shared something with one of your siblings.

Maybe you did some washing up for someone.

Maybe you said some kind words to somebody else, somebody who really needed to hear them.

What you do, is look at the Kindness Grid, choose all the kind things that you have done and then add up all the points.

It's really quite simple.

If you need some help, ask an adult to help you add up.

I'm going to tell you a secret, my little sister isn't very good at adding, so she asks for my help and you know, it's quite easy once we do it together.

So, get someone's help if you need some.

Good luck! Look at the grid and add up your score.

Look at all the kind things that you have done and what does your score add up to? Now, don't worry if your score is low, you've got the rest of the week to improve! So, why don't you choose one of these things and try it out? They're really quite easy.

Enjoy! Hey, how did you do? Was it amazing? Did you get a really great score? Good! Now, if you didn't get a great score, like I said, don't worry about it, you've got the rest of the week to improve, so get going! Now, you ready for the next part? You're going to be looking at something called, "What would you do?".

You're going to watch a clip of two gentlemen, one is called, Siraj and the other is called, Ismail.

Now, Siraj is trying to do something and Ismail has to decide whether or not he wants to help him.

So, watch the clip and think about, what would you do.

- Ah, Ismail, this is too heavy, I can't pull it.

- [Miss Jadoon] What should Ismail do? Siraj is struggling, what should Ismail do next? Option one, ignore him and walk past? Option two, laugh at him and call him a weakling? Option three, help him by pushing the trolley, or option four, take a photo of Siraj struggling and show it to all of his friends? - [Siraj] Ah, Ismail, this is too heavy, I can't pull it.

- [Miss Jadoon] What should Ismail do? - I'll help.


Aah! - Ismail did the right thing, yay! I always knew he was going to, I'm so glad! Did you? Did you know he was going to do that? Okay, so for the next part of our lesson you're going to do something super exciting.

Okay? You're making a Kindness Chart.

Let's see how to do it.

This is Wacky Art! This is Wacky Art! This is Wacky Art! Hello, boys and girls and welcome to Wacky Art.

You're going to love today's lesson, today, we're making a Kindness Chart, isn't it amazing? And you can make your very own one at home.

Come, come and have a look.

Okay, so you need to start off with a piece of card.

Now, you can get lots of pieces of coloured card from any good art shop, or any supermarket.

So, I've got a piece of card here, it's yellow, I quite like it.

Steps, step one.

What you need to do, is fold it in half.

So, take one corner.

Ooh, it's a bit tricky and touch it to the other end and then the other side too and just put a crease in.

Okay, step two.

Now, you need to get four, eight different sections in this piece of card.

So, you need to fold it in half, mm, like that and fold it in half again.

And this should give you eight equal sections, actually, this is quite good for your fractions.

So, I'm gonna open it up and you'll see my eight different sections.

So, let's have a look over here.

There you go.

You've got one, two, three, four, five, six, seven and eight.

Step three, you need a ruler and a felt tip pen, or you could use a pencil to outline the different sections.

So, I'm gonna start with the portrait side.

So, I'm going to get my ruler and a piece of card, I'm gonna hold it from top to bottom and just with one swift action, create, whoops, a straight line.

There you go.

And it's all right if you make a mistake, this is your Kindness Chart and little.

Okay so, once you have drawn all the different sections, what you need to do, is to make it brighter.

So, what I've done, is I've cut out some pieces of card earlier, which I'm going to add on, like this.

Now, you can do 'em in a nice little pattern, so you could put a green one, or I'm using green and red and then another green and another red, or you could even swap it round and do it like that.

You need to actually stick them on with some glue, or else they'll keep moving.

So, I'm gonna get some glue, put it on in the middle and get it on that section.

There you go.

So, here's one that we've prepared earlier and you can see actually, that each section has a different coloured card on it.

So, that's what it looks like.

Okay, so once you've got all the pieces of card stuck on, like I have done, you need to start writing your random acts of kindness.

So today, I actually, I actually cleaned a fish tank.

So, I'm going to write, "Cleaned the fish tank".

And make sure it's neat writing.

There you go, "Cleaned the fish tank".

And what I might even do, is draw a little fish on there, 'cause I quite like drawing.

There you go.


Okay, oh, maybe even some bubbles, just had an idea.

There you go.

So, you can record the random acts of kindness as you go along.

You don't have to record them all at the same time.

In fact, I have a larger Kindness Chart here and I'm still recording as I go along.

Each time I do something kind, I record it on a piece of card, I write it down and then I do the last step, which I'll show you next.

Okay, so this is my favourite part.

What you need, is to get a scrap piece of paper and put it underneath and then put your Kindness Chart on top.

Now, you can use a glue spreader for this, or you can use a paint brush.

I'm using a paint brush, because it gives me more control.

So, get yourself a little pot, put some PVA glue in it and get yourself a paint brush, preferably a small one, because it gives you more control.

If you use a bigger paint brush it'll just be a bit trickier to do.

So, get the glue and spread it right along the edges of your rectangles.

So, that's one side and then I'm gonna dip it back in again.

I'll put it here, so you can see, dip it back in again and do the other side.

There you go.

Just follow it along and it's all right if it goes a little bit over the letter, just don't completely cover the letter up.

There you go and make sure you put enough glue on, be generous.

Okay, let's get some more and along the edge, too.

It's all right if it gets on your scrap piece of paper.

Take it nice, don't wait too long.

Don't be, I was gonna say, do it nice and slowly, but if you're really slow, the glue will dry up.

Oh, I absolutely love working with PVA.

I especially love it when you gets dry on your fingers and you get to peel it off, it's my favourite part.

And there we go.

Okay, so I've got PVA and you have to work quite fast.

Now, I've got some blue glitter here, I've also got some gold glitter.

And I think out of the two I probably prefer the blue on the yellow, I think it'll just really brighten it up.

So, get your gold, oh, sorry, your blue glitter and I'm going to just tip it on top of the glue and not too much, don't make a mess.

You don't want your mom walking in and saying, "Hey, what have you done here?" Or Dad.

So spread to the edges.

Don't push it and then, for the big reveal, tip it off.

And look at that! There you go.

You've got glitter all around the edges and it looks fabulous.

Now, that's only my first random act of kindness.

As I keep recording things, I will keep adding them on and maybe using different colours of glitter.

That's how we made this one.

And each time we did something kind, or each time Laura did something kind, she added it on and then she added some glitter on and at the end it looks fabulous.

She shared it with all her friends and her family.

I'm going to keep adding to mine.

So, mine looks like this, at the moment, you've already seen it.

I'm going to keep adding to it, as I do something kind.

And that's what your Kindness Chart looks like.

Good luck! Make it at home and send your entries in to us, we'd love to see them.

Here are some examples of the Kindness Charts that I've made.

Now, you can make them the same, or you can change them by adding in characters, by adding in different colours, by putting in folds, so that you can open parts of the Kindness Chart up.

Remember, be creative, make it exciting.

Here's your success criteria.

Your task is to create a Kindness Chart.

Now, remember first you must make the chart.

You can use card or paper.

Remember to create eight different sections.

You can decorate each section, however you like.

Use glitter, use stickers, use felt tips, whatever you fancy.

If you're an artist, why don't you draw something nice on it? Then complete your acts of kindness.

Now, this bit is the most important bit.

You've got to do kind things, to be able to record them and write about them and to inspire others.

Do the kind things, maybe take some photographs.

Those photographs would be good to use in your Kindness Chart.

Once you've done your acts of kindness, record them onto your chart.

Now, this bit is also very important, because this is the part which will inspire everybody else.

Once people have seen all the kind things you have done, it will make them feel good and it'll inspire them to go out and to do some of them themselves.

So, go record all the kind things that you have done onto your beautiful chart and then share.

Share your work.

Share it with us, share with your friends and share it with your family.

We love seeing all the great work that you do.

Good luck!.