
Lesson video

In progress...


Hello everyone.

I'm Ms. Grey, and I'm going to be helping you continue your learning on how we write multiplication expressions.

You are going to need to remember all of that learning that you've been doing over the previous lessons to help us.

So I hope you have those brains switched on.

In today's lesson, you're going to need two things.

You're going to need a piece of paper, and either a pencil or a pen.

If you haven't got any of those things at the moment, pause the video, and then come back when you've got them.

Got them? In the last lesson, Ms. Perry gave you a practise activity.

The practise activity was, does this show three times four or four times three? Or does it show both? Let's have a look.

I found it showed three fours.

It showed three groups with four characters in.

Your four counters may have been in a slightly different group to mine.

But as long as you have four counters in each group, that's fine.

I also found it showed four threes.

Four groups with three counters in.

Again all three counters may have been in a slightly different shape to mine.

As long as there was three in the four groups, that's all that matters.

Then Ms. Perry asked if you could challenge yourself, and see if there were any other expression that you could find after the counters.

When I had a look, I found three ways.

Let's have a look at them.

The first way was 12 ones.

The second way was six twos.

And the third and final way that I found, was two sixes.

If you found all three ways, give yourselves a big thumbs up, well done.


In the previous lesson, you were looking at pictures.

And you were writing expressions to say what you could see in the pictures.

So let's get ourselves warmed-up by having a go at this one.

Look at the picture really carefully and say what you can see.


There are four desks and two children at each desk.

So I can put two on each desk, to show that there are two in each group.

How would I write that as a repeated addition? Let me think.

I think you're going to be better at it than me.

Can you write down what is going to look like on your piece of paper? Let's have a look.

I wrote two plus two plus two plus two.

Is that what you write too? Excellent.

But I know there's a quicker and more efficient way of writing it.

Could you write that down for me as well? Let's have a look at what I've written.

Four times two, four groups and two each group, four twos.

Well done.

Now, let's look at this picture really carefully.

Have a think.

What is it that you see? Yeah, four desks.

But hold on a minute, there are no children.

So four desk, desk is my group, but there's no children.

So when there's nothing there, we write zero.

Ah!Zero, zero, zero.

Whenever I say the number zero, I have to have to think about the numberblock zero, he is my favourite.

I'm so glad you could join us.

So back to my desks.

I've got four desks, zero children.

So my group is my desk, I've got four of those but there's nothing in each group, it's zero.

How do I write that as an addition sentence? Each addition, have a go and write on your piece of paper.

What do you think is going to look like? Here's how I wrote mine.

Zero plus zero plus zero plus zero.

Is that what you wrote? Yeah.

Now that really efficient way of writing things.

If want to write that more efficiently in my multiplication expression, how am I going to write it? I'm going to show you 'cause this one's a bit tricky.

Four times zero.

The red four represents yeah, that's it.

It's the four desks.

We know that, don't we? From our previous learning.

Then the zero.

That zero is representing how many in each group, and we have nothing in our group.

We have no children, nothing zero.

So that's why we write, four times zero.

Let's look at both of these together.

So if we look at both together, we both have four desks, our group size changes.

So we go from having full groups with two in, can you see that over here? Four groups with two in, so we wrote four twos, to having four groups with zero in, so we wrote four times zero, four zeroes.

I hope that makes sense for you.

Let's have a look at another question.

Ah!I got some nests with some eggs in.

Could you have a look at this picture.

And have a go at writing the repeated addition? What would that look like as repeated addition? Yeah.

Five plus five plus five.

How would we write that as a multiplication expression? Yeah.

Three times five.

Got three nests, five eggs in each.

Ah!Our nests are back.

But what do you notice that's different? Yeah.

There are zero eggs in there this time.

So as a repeated addition, we're going to write zero plus zero plus zero.

Now this time, I want you to have a go.

Can you write on your piece of paper, what will that look like as a multiplication expression? Remember, how many groups have we got, and how many in each group? A go, you've done it? Three times zero.

I'm so glad you got that.


We've got three nests and zero eggs in each.

We've got three zeroes.

So we have looked at zero being in each group, now we are going to move on to something a little bit different.

I want to see if you notice the difference.

What do you see in this picture? Yeah.

Four groups of two.

I've put that.

Wow! I've got my four groups with two in each.

You can draw it with pictures, or you can show it with boxes and numbers in.

It's the same.

How would we write that as a repeated addition? You're getting really quick at this now.

Could you write that down on your piece of paper? Yeah.

Two plus two plus two plus two.

Well done.

Now as the multiplication expression, how would we write our four groups of two? Yeah.

Four times two, four twos.

You're super good at this now.

Now I'm going to change something and I want you to tell me what I've changed.

Watch carefully.

What's different? Yeah.

I've now got one football in each group.

So how would that look in a bar? Let's have a look.


So in each box I have got one, because there is one in each group.

Did you write on your piece of paper what that would look like as a repeated addition for me? Yeah.

One plus one plus one plus one.

You are getting so, so good at all of this.

Now challenge, write as a multiplication expression.

Remember, how many groups have you got? How many in each group? Have a go.


Four times one.

Four groups, one football in each, four ones.

You're so good at this.

Let's look at both of them together.

Now we know a group over here, we had two in each group.

So we had written two plus two plus two plus two.

That gave us our four twos.

We good at that.

Then over here, we had one football in each group.

So we had one plus one plus one plus one.

Four times one, four ones.


What do you see in this picture? Yeah.

Did you say you see five one pennies? Brilliant.

So, how would we write that as our repeated addition? Write on your piece of paper.

Did you write that? One plus one plus one plus one plus one.


Now as a multiplication expression, how would you write that on your piece of paper? Write it down for me.

Let's check.

Five times one, five ones.

If that's what you wrote, excellent, well done you.

This time, you're going to see things little bit differently.

Here's a picture and two multiplication expressions.

I want you to look at that picture really carefully, which you are getting really really good at now, and tell me which multiplication expression it would match with.

Point to it with your finger.

Let's check.

Four times three.

I have four vases and there are three flowers in each vase.

Four threes.

Well done.

Look at this vases, look carefully, which multiplication expression matches the picture? Point to the right one.


Four times zero, four zeroes.

Because I have one, two, three, four vases but in each vase there are no flowers.

So I have four zeroes.

You are getting really, really, really brilliant at this.

So I'm going to make it a little bit harder now.

This time you have one expression and two pictures to choose from.

Which picture matches the expression, four times one? Have a look, point to the picture.


This one at the bottom, because we have one, two, three, four vases and each vase we have one flower.

This time I have a multiplication expression and I would like you to draw me a picture to match.

So we have six times zero.

I wonder if you could pause your video here, and draw a picture to match that expression.

I wonder how long it will take you.

You're back.

Did it take you long? Of course it didn't.

Because we have six groups of zero.

Remember zero, my favourite numberblock it represents nothing, none, nothing there.

Here's my picture.

Can you see? So I've got six times zero.

So I drew six ice cream cones, with no ice cream in it, none.

Doesn't take very long, does it? So I have six zeroes.

Well done for your drawing too.

If have this picture, I'd like you to look really carefully at it.

Think about what do you see? I've got a multiplication expression, but this time there's a blank box! Whatever goes in there, have a look really carefully.

So what does the two represent? Yeah.

Two represents the two dodgem cars, two dodgem cars.

How many children or people do I have in those dodgem cars? Yeah.

Zero, none.

So which number go to in our empty box? That's right.

A zero, two times zero.

Two dodgems, no people, two zeroes.

This time, I want you to choose a correct multiplication that matches this sentence.

There are seven groups of zero.

So with your finger, I want you to circle the expression that matches that sentence.

You might want to pause the video here, to have a little think and look really carefully at those three expressions.

You're back.

I missed you.

I hope you were doing really brilliant maths.

So seven groups of zero, groups of that means I've put items or objects into a group.

Seven groups of zero.

So there are seven of those groups, and there's nothing in each group.


Seven times zero.

Seven groups with zero in seven zeroes.

Well done if that's what you circled.


Here's a practise activity for you.

How could Tanek improve what he has written? There's his picture and he's written, this represents three plus three.

You going to have to think of your learning across all of this sequence of multiplication, but I've got a clue for you.

Are you ready for the clue? Think about being efficient.

We've used that word a lot in this lesson in particular.

Think about being efficient.

When you've had a go at this practise activity, come back because I have another one for you, see you soon.

You're back.

Did you have a good go at Tanek's question? Oh, good.

Here's another practise activity for you.

Can you write a multiplication expression for this image? So we've got our plates and our bears, what would we need to do to match a multiplication expression? That's a bit tricky.

So I've got another clear for you.

Are you ready? Equal groups are really important.

So through your learning in this sequence, we've thought a lots about equal groups and how that is important for us.

So that clue will really help you to work out the answer to this activity.

Before you pause to have a go at this activity, just to let you know that this is the last lesson in this sequence.

So I have given some slides with the answers on after this one, but you can't peak.

You have to have a go at both practise activities, and then you can come back and find out the answers, don't peak.

You didn't peak, did you? You can't have a look at this unless you've had a go.

Oh, good.

I'm glad you've had a go.

So we were asked how could Tanek improve what he has written? This represents three plus three.

And we have to think about being efficient, being quicker.

So he's got three plus three.

I know that's two times three, two threes.

He's got two threes.

Well done If you got that right.

You now know what efficient means and you can write your multiplication expression.

You didn't peak, did you? You've had a go? Oh, good.

Can you write a multiplication expression for this image? What would we need to do to match a multiplication expression? And I gave you the clue, equal groups are really important.

Why were the equal groups really important? Did you notice? Yeah!My bears aren't equal.

So I need to make them equal before I can write my expression.

So let's check our picture now.


Each group is equal.

There are two bears in each group.

That what you did? Oh, good.

Then you are definitely, super fantastic at knowing that you need four equal groups.

So now to the multiplication expression, what did you write? Four times two.


Four twos, I have four twos.

I am so impressed with your learning throughout this lesson, you have been amazing.

You've been able to use your equal groups, you've been able to write repeated addition sentences, multiplication expressions.

You have been fantastic.

I think you need a high five.

Did you get it? Let's have another one just in case.

Catch your high five.


See you soon everyone.