
Lesson video

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Hello and welcome back.

My name is Bethany and I am your media teacher for this unit.

This is lesson five of six and in this lesson, we're going to be planning your digital media artefact.

So firstly, this is a couple of key terms that I want to go over before we get into this lesson.

So firstly we have digital media artefact.

So that could be anything that we've covered in this unit, for example, video, a website, a logo, a poster, things like that.

Then client brief.

So we are going to be able to chosen from five different client briefs when you are designing your media artefact, and I will go through the client brief and how you need to dissect it in a second.

So we also have stock materials.

So stock materials are generic media that we can use in our media artefact.

So another term we need to go over is Creative Commons.

So this is the legality of using other peoples work.

If we are going to use anybody else's work in our own projects, we need to make sure that we have the right to do so and that we reference to them appropriately, and we're also going to go over a marking rubric.

So this is a way of self analysing your own work and giving yourself a grade for it.

So task one for this lesson is client brief.

So within this task, you will need to select a client brief within the worksheet and create a digital artefact based around this brief.

So each brief describes the clients name, the product that they have produced, the details of the product and the purpose of the media artefact.

I'm going to go through a client brief in a second, so don't worry.

So all the client briefs are in this format.

They'll give you what the product is, they'll tell you what company has produced this product and also, what the product's name is.

They'll also tell you why the client would like a media artefact produced and who they're targeting with that media artefact.

You will then need to product a media artefact around this, but the media artefact can be of your choosing whether that be a website, a video or a poster, however, for every client brief, you'll also need to produce a logo which will feature on your media artefact.

So now I'd like you to complete task one, which is client brief.

So I'd like you to read through all the client briefs detailed in the worksheet and select one.

I would then also like you to select the type of media artefact that you would like to work with, whether that be a website, a poster or a video and I'd like you to write a short document outlining your reasoning for these selections.

So, pause the video now to complete the task.

Welcome back and I hope that went really well.

So task two is planning your digital artefact.

So for the second task, you will need to have selected a digital media artefact in task one, out of the options we have studied in this module.

This media artefact could have been a digital video, a multi-page website or a digital poster, and you can review any of the materials we have used in this unit to assist you with this task.

So task two, planning a digital artefact using any of the pre-production methods, materials and techniques listed in the worksheet.

I want you to spend around 30 minutes planning your digital media artefact.

So welcome back and I hope that went really well.

So that is the end of lesson five and in this lesson, you learned how to plan a digital media artefact from a selected client brief.

So that is the end of lesson five.

There is a quiz to be completed at the end of this video, so don't forget to do that and also, share your work with Oak National with your parent or carers permission.

Thanks and I'll see you in the last lesson.