
Lesson video

In progress...


Welcome to the second lesson in this unit of work, respectful relationships.

In this lesson we will understand the importance of freedom of speech, as well as the problems associated with cancel culture.

We will also discuss the harms associated with censorship and no platforming.

There is some sensitive content in this lesson, so please make sure you have checked with an appropriate adult and you have someone that you can trust to talk to.

In today's lesson, you will need an exercise book or paper.

You will also need a pen.

So if you need a moment now to go and get that equipment, pause the video and press play when you're ready to resume.

The agenda for today's lesson is to start by looking at the term respect and what that means.

We will then discuss the harms of cancel culture as well as the harms of censorship and no platforming.

We will finish with a reflection and an exit quiz.

Our key words for this lesson include cancel culture.

This refers to the popular practise of withdrawing support or cancelling your support for public figures when you disagree with something they have said or done.

And censorship, this is the act of forbidding or banning something.

For the first part of the lesson, let's have a think about this term respect.

On your piece of paper, create a mind map of anybody that you have a relationship with.

An idea to add first of all might be your teachers.

Pause the video and see how many different types of people you can write down on your mind map of who you have a relationship with.

Press play when you're ready to join back with the lesson.

Let's see if we've got the same kind of people on our mind maps.

So we've already discussed teachers as someone that you might have a relationship with.

Other groups of people might have included your friends, your family, people in the local community, and perhaps even your doctor, your dentist, anybody like that.

Let's talk through some true or false statements together.

So in a respectful relationship, you should be able to express your feelings and opinions.

Point to the true or false on the screen now.

So this is true.

You should be able to do this without being made to feel stupid, scared, or embarrassed.

Next in a respectful relationship you should be able to listen to opinions.

Is this true or false? Great.

This is true.

You should genuinely value the other person's feelings and opinions and they should do the same for you.

Our third statement, in a respectful relationship you should be able to disagree.

Is this true or false? This is also true.

You should be able to do this without causing a fight or saying hurtful things to someone.

To summarise that, in a respectful relationship, you should remember that you should be able to express your feelings and opinions, listen to and genuinely value other people, and also be able to disagree without causing any fights or hurt.

What I'd like you to do now is to go back to your mind map and give an example of how you show these people the respect that they deserve.

So if we take our first example of teachers, you might write something like this.

"I listen and follow teacher instructions.

"I value what they are teaching me "and I debate ideas politely with them." That covers our definition of a respectful relationship.

Pause the video now and see if you can add some examples to the other types of relationships that you have on your mind map.

The next part of our lesson is to look at the harms of cancel culture.

Can you remember the definition from the beginning of the lesson? I would like you to now copy out and complete the definition that you can see on the screen.

I have added the keywords that are missing at the bottom.

Pause the video now and complete this activity.

Here are the answers.

So cancel culture refers to the popular practise of withdrawing support for cancelling public figures after they have done or said something considered objectionable or offensive.

Being called out means that is an opportunity to do more learning.

However, cancel culture can cause harm.

The world is not a simple place.

There are many ambiguities.

People who do good things, do have flaws, but by cancelling them, they are not given the opportunity to defend or apologise.

We should be respectful and care for one another.

Don't be too quick to judge others.

Seeking to get somebody cancelled simply because you disagree with them is a form of bullying and it is not acceptable.

Let's move on and now look at the harms of censorship and no platforming.

I would like you now to think, "What do you think freedom of speech means?" Pause the video and take a moment to reflect on that term, freedom of speech.

Now you've had time to think about freedom of speech, have a go at matching up these words with the definitions on the other side.

Pause the video and copy out what you think censorship, freedom of speech, and no platforming means.

Press play when you're ready to discuss the answers.

Let's compare.

So no platforming is the act of taking away a person's platform, so for example, social media, because of your objections to something they have said or done.

Censorship is the act of forbidding or banning something.

And freedom of speech is when people should be able to say anything they want.

Censorship and no platforming are harmful and damaging, and just like cancel culture, they are not always the most appropriate way to deal with someone online.

Let's remind ourselves now, seeking to get somebody cancelled simply because you disagree with them is a form of bullying and is not acceptable.

Point to the screen.

Is this true or false? This is true.

There are better and more effective ways to deal with someone that you disagree with, for example, unfollowing them on social media.

For the final activity today, I would like you to write me a paragraph that summarises what you have learned today.

There is a point system on the screen for you.

So see how many of the keywords you can include in your paragraph.

Some of the words include censorship, no platforming, and harmful.

Make sure your paragraph summarises as much of the lesson as you can.

Pause the video now and complete this task.

Let's end with a reflection.

Everybody should show the same respect to others regardless of how different they are to them.

Cancel culture and no platforming can cause harm and are both an example of bullying.

Freedom of speech is important to have a free and tolerant society.

I have been Mrs. Smith.

Thank you so much for joining me in this lesson.

If you would like to share with us any of the work you have completed, please use the #LearnwithOak and make sure that you have permission from a parent carer or guardian.

Thank you again.
