
Lesson video

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Hi, everyone, and welcome to today's lesson on Christian beliefs.

My name is Miss Day and I will be taking you through today's lesson.

And as you can see today's lesson is a revision lesson.

So this is an opportunity for you to revisit, all the key content that we have learned so far in Christian beliefs.

So get ready to go through everything we've done so far and check that you feel confident with all the content.

As part of this lesson, we will be looking at Christian beliefs about life after death.

This can be a sensitive topic, so if it's helpful for you to have a parent or carer nearby, so you can discuss it with them, then please do that.

What you need for today's lesson is a pen or pencil, some paper and a different coloured pen.

This different coloured pen is so that you can mark the work that you do, and add in corrections.

If you don't have any of this, please pause the video now and go to get what you need.

And you can press resume when you get back.

So what are we revising today? The first thing we are looking at is key beliefs about God.

So what is God like? And this idea of the Trinity, what is the nature of the Trinity? Then the life of Jesus, so you will remember that we've done a lot of lessons on Jesus and what he did when he was alive and his death and resurrection.

And then finally, we will look at life after death.

So what Christians believe happen when humans die, and how they're judged.

We will also consider how these beliefs influence a Christian today.

So if you have certain beliefs, how that influences how you live your life.

So we're going to start with revising key beliefs about God.

So what is God like, and who is this God that Christians worship? So these are our key terms that we use to describe God.

Let's go through them together.

Omnipotent means all powerful.

And notice there is a P-O in omnipotent, and a P-O at the beginning of powerful.

So omnipotent, all powerful.

Then only omnibenevolent means all loving.

Omnibenevolent, all loving.

And notice there's the word love spelled backwards in the word omnibenevolent.

Thirdly, eternal means lasts forever.

Eternal, last forever.

And finally, creator means made the world.

Creator, made the world.

So these are our four key terms that are used to describe the nature of God.

Remember, the nature just means, what is God like? So if it's helpful, you could cover those and try and say them and see if you can remember them.

And, then we are going to do a little quiz on some of these key terms. So which word or phrase is missing from this list? I will give you five seconds, you can write it down or you can say it out loud five, four, three, two and one it is of course, all powerful.

Omnipotent means all powerful.

Which word or phrase is missing from this list? Five, four, three, two and one, it is of course, omnibenevolent.

All loving means omnibenevolent, well done.

So which word or phrase is missing from this list? Five, four, three, two and one, it is of course, made the world.

Creator can be defined as made the world.

Which word or phrase is missing from this list? Five, four, three, two and one, it is eternal, if something lasts forever, it is eternal, well done.

And which word or phrase is missing from this? Five, four, three, two and one, it is omnipotent, which means all powerful, really well done.

Now, that you have completed that quiz and you feel confident on those key terms, I would like you to have a go at this task.

So you can pause the video, and you need to draw out this table.

You need to enter a definition or an explanation for each word and a scripture which means a quote from the Bible or a Bible reference.

So what story that we have looked at, could may be used to talk about that term.

So you're looking for a Bible story, or a quote, or a verse that we have studied.

So when you have completed this, please press resume, and we will go through the answers together.

Really well done, let's go through some of these together.

So get your different coloured pen and we can mark these.

So omnipotent, means all powerful, well done.

And what scripture Bibles reference could you use, you could use the resurrection of Jesus.

Jesus rose from the grave and the quote is has been raised.

This idea of Jesus rising again from the dead, definitely shows that God is omnipotent.

The second one is omnibenevolent, and this can be defined as all loving.

And what biblical reference could you use? You could use the death of Jesus, Jesus' crucifixion.

This is when God gave up his son to atone for humans sin.

Sacrificed his only son to pay the price for human sin.

Thirdly, eternal means last forever, as you could use a verse at the start of Genesis, to talk about how God lasts forever.

Where it says, "In the beginning when God created the universe." So this idea that in the beginning, God was there.

And finally, the creator.

The explanation, is God made the world.

And finally, you can use Genesis 1, the whole creation story.

So any quote from the creation story would work there.

If you would like you can pause the video here, and add some corrections to your notes, really well done know you're an expert on the nature of God well done.

Now that we feel confident with the nature of God, it's time to do a little recap on the Trinity.

Sometimes the Trinity is what really confuses people on Christianity but, I think we can master this.

So do you remember what the Trinity is? If you do, you can just say it out loud now, to the screen.

Let's have a think about it together.

So you might remember that we use this idea of a Twix, to describe what the Trinity is.

How does that work? There are three different parts to a Twix, there's the chocolate, the caramel and the biscuit.

But all three are necessary to make it a Twix, if I just gave you the caramel.

It's not really a Twix, so all parts of the Twix play their own rule in the Twix.

So how can that be compared to God? So God is one, but made up of three distinct persons, so three separate persons, and those persons are the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

So each of them has their own role, and they are separate, but they are all God.

Remember, we said as well, they are all equal.

So it's not that the Father is really important, and the Holy Spirit's down here, they're all equal in importance, and they all have their own role.

So what I would like you to do now, is to pause the video, and to create a mind map or bullet point, everything you can remember about the Trinity.

And then we will go through some of your ideas together.

So pause the video now, and have a go at writing down everything you can remember.

Really well done, let's go through at some of your ideas now.

So things you could include, is that there's one God but three separate persons.

You can name them they're, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

You could also talk about their roles.

So the father's role was to create the world, and you can talk about the creation story.

The sons role, was to come to earth to be crucified and resurrected.

And you can talk about the life of Jesus in that.

Finally, the Holy Spirit's role is to guide humans on Earth.

And you can talk about Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit came to Earth, when you mentioned that.

Really well done, you might have had some other things as well.

But you can add these to your notes.

Now we have looked at the nature of God and the Trinity, it's time to recap on the life of Jesus.

Jesus is a key figure in Christianity, and his life is the centre of Christianity, it forms the whole belief that they have.

So let's look more closely about what happened in the life of Jesus.

So these are the key events that we need to look at.

So we have the incarnation, which was when Jesus came to Earth, when God came to Earth in human form.

We have Jesus miracles, teachings and actions.

Then the crucifixion, when he died on the cross, the resurrection when he rose again and the ascension when he went back up to heaven.

So these are the key events that you need to be aware of, and that we are going to recap on now.

So firstly, what is the incarnation? So this is simply becoming flesh or taking a human form.

So in Christianity, this refers to when God took human form.

And this could be seen when Jesus was born in a stable in Bethlehem.

That was the moment that God came down to the Earth.

And the key quote that you can use is the Word became flesh, from John 1:4-10.

So remember, the incarnation happens when Jesus is born.

We talked about that story of the nativity when he's in the stable, and he has visitors from the shepherds to the wise men.

And that is the moment when God comes to Earth.

So that is the first key event and that is the incarnation.

Secondly, we need to look at the miracles, actions and teachings of Jesus.

So you will remember that we looked at feeding the 5000 as a miracle.

And this miracle happened when Jesus was teaching lots of people, and then it got to lunchtime and the disciples said, we should feed these people, but we don't have enough food.

We only have five loaves and two fish.

And Jesus said, okay, he prayed over it.

And then he got the disciples to start handing it out.

And in the end, it said, there were 12 baskets, leftover at the end.

so we knew that this miracle showed God's power or God's omnipotence.

Then we looked at Jesus's actions and the action that we focused on was when Jesus washed the disciples feet.

And we said that this would have been an act that, servants would have done for their masters.

So Jesus to do this was so counter cultural, but he did it as an example of humility and of serving other people.

And finally, we looked at Jesus's most famous sermon, the Sermon on the Mount, and three key teachings from that sermon.

And that was don't judge other people, turn the other cheek, and don't build up material possessions on Earth.

Then we move on to the crucifixion.

And if you look at this image, it will remind you of what this is all about.

Remember, we said that this was a Roman method of execution that was reserved for the worst criminals.

Criminals were affixed on to the cross and left to hang there to die.

This was a terrible way to die.

It was painful, it was a horrible experience.

But Christians believe that God sent Jesus to die like this, to pay the price for their sin, to atone for their sin, so that they could become one with God again.

And then three days later, we move on to the resurrection.

And this image depicts Mary sitting outside the tomb crying because in the story it says that, she goes to the tomb on Sunday morning, but she can't find anyone there.

She goes into the tomb and sees it's empty.

But then men appear to her and say, Why are you looking for Jesus here? He's not here he's raised.

And she goes back to the disciples and tells them that Jesus has risen from the dead.

As we said, when we did this lesson, this is the key event in Christianity.

There's a quote in the Bible that Paul says, where he says, if the resurrection didn't happen, then the whole Christian faith is useless.

The resurrection, is what proves that Jesus is the Son of God.

Christians believe that the resurrection proves that God has power over death and that Jesus is who He says He is.

If Jesus had died and hadn't rose again, then Christianity doesn't really offer that much hope.

But Christians believe because Jesus rose again, it is powerful and it offers hope.

And finally, we look at the ascension.

If you look at the image, you see this cloud and these people standing on a hill.

And if we read the quote, it says, "He was taken up to heaven as they watched him, "and a cloud hid him from their sight." And this is when Christians believe that Jesus returned to heaven.

Before he returned, he gave his disciples his last instructions.

He said, go and be my witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the ends of the Earth.

So he told them to go and tell everyone about him, and then after he did that he was raised up to heaven and hid by a cloud.

So, let's see what you can remember.

We're going to do a little true and false quiz to test your knowledge.

Number one, the incarnation that happened in Bethlehem.

Five, four, three, two and one, that is true, Jesus was born in Bethlehem.

Number two, Jesus carried out two miracles in his life.

Five, four, three, two and one, that is of course false.

We have only looked at one in detail, but we have discussed that Jesus carried out many miracles.

Number three, the Sermon on the Mount taught people how to treat others five, four, three, two and one, that is true.

Remember, we looked at some of those teachings that Christians shouldn't judge others, that they shouldn't build up material possessions and they should turn the other cheek.

Number four, as Jesus was crucified, the temple curtain tore in two.

Five, four, three, two and one, that is of course, true.

You will remember from the story that as Jesus died, there was an earthquake, darkness came over the land, and the temple curtain tore from top to bottom, meaning that human beings could have a relationship with God.

Number five, Jesus rose again four days after the crucifixion.

Five, four, three, two and one, that is of course, false.

The Bible says that Jesus died on Good Friday and rose again on Easter Sunday, so that would be three days after.

Number six, the resurrection showed Christians that God has power over death.

Five, four, three, two and one, that is of course, true.

The resurrection proved to Christians, that if God can raise Jesus from the dead, that he has power over death.

Number seven, the descending was when Jesus went back to heaven or was taken back to heaven.

Is that true or false? Five, four, three, two and one, that is of course, false.

You might remember it's called the ascension.

And number eight, the Great Commission was Jesus' final instructions to his disciples.

Is that true or false? Five, four, three, two and one, that is of course, true.

That is when Jesus told his disciples to go and be his witness across the earth.

Now your task is to create a timeline about the life of Jesus.

So this is your opportunity to be really creative.

You can do this on a big A3 sheet and you can write quotes all over it, you can draw pictures, and you should include all the key events that we have discussed.

So his incarnation, what happened during his life, the crucifixion, the resurrection and the ascension.

So please be creative, add colour, add pictures, add images, and add some Bible quotes around it.

And when you're ready to resume, please click resume.

Really well done, and I hope that you enjoy doing that and have lots of creative revision timelines about Jesus' life.

At the end, I will tell you how you can share that so that I can see all of your great work.

Now we are going to consider some Christian beliefs about life after death.

So what do Christians believe happens after death? And how do they believe this happens? So before we consider this, we need to remind ourselves of the problem of sin.

So Christians believe that all human beings have the problem of sin.

And this can be defined as an offence against a religious or moral evil.

So Christians believe that every single human being has a problem of sin.

And this is due to original sin which entered the world when Adam and Eve ate the fruit from the tree in the garden of Eden.

So why is this sin such a problem? So this sin is such a problem, because Christians believe that it separates them from God.

So they believe that because of this problem of sin, they can't have a relationship with God.

And this is because God is a just God and He has to punish sin, He is holy and therefore he can't tolerate a sin.

So Christians believe this gives them an issue because they can't have a relationship with God due to this problem of sin.

So what was then a solution? So then God's solution was Jesus' crucifixion.

And Christians believe that Jesus' crucifixion has allowed them to have a relationship with God.

They believe that Jesus dying on the cross meant that he took the punishment that humans deserved.

So he paid the price for sin.

He atoned for human sin, so that humans could again have a relationship with God.

So because of this, Christians believe that when they die, it's not all bad news.

So they believe that actually there are different places that people can go when they die.

So the first one is heaven.

And they think this is where humans and God lived together.

They think there will be no more pain or suffering.

The second one is hell and this in the Bible is described as a second death, and a place where there's a fiery furnace and gnashing of teeth.

And finally, there's a place called purgatory.

This is mainly a Roman Catholic belief, and is a place of purification, where they believe that souls are purified so they can go to heaven.

They believe that you can only go to heaven from purgatory, and the actions on earth can help those in purgatory.

We're now going to have a little quiz so you can test your knowledge on heaven, hell and purgatory.

So please select which of the following places is the correct answer for the statement.

So where is a place of purification? You can point at the answer or write it down.

Five, four, three, two and one, it is of course, purgatory.

This is where they believe the souls are purified.

So where does the Bible teach that evil people go? Five, four, three, two and one, it is of course, hell.

This is where the Bible teaches that evil people go.

Souls go to heaven from here.

Five, four, three, two and one, it is of course, purgatory, well done.

Remember, Roman Catholic Christians believe that, from purgatory, you can only go to heaven, you can't go to hell.

This place is not permanent.

Five, four, three, two and one, it is of course, purgatory.

Christians believe that both heaven and hell are permanent, they last forever, they're eternal, but purgatory is a temporary location.

This will be a place with no more pain or suffering.

Five, four, three, two and one, this is of course, heaven.

The Bible teaches that heaven, will not have any more pain or suffering.

So now that we've been through that in a quick fire quiz, hopefully now you have lots of ideas about what heaven, hell and purgatory are.

So what I would like you to do is to pause the video here and draw out this table, and see if you can list everything that you remember about heaven, hell, and purgatory.

And when you're ready to resume, just click play on the video.

Great effort, let's go through some of your answers together.

So, you can use your different coloured pen and make some notes beside your notes.

So heaven, this is where humans and God live together in relationship.

There's no more crying and no more death or pain.

Hell, the Bible teaches that evil people go there, there will be a fiery furnace, there will be gnashing of teeth, and it's described as a second death.

And finally purgatory, comes from the words purify its a Roman Catholic belief mainly, people on Earth can help those in purgatory and all souls go to heaven from there.

You can pause the video here and write down some of these points.

Make sure that you've got all of this information into your head, really well done.

Now, as we said earlier, please do feel free to share your work with Oak National, especially the timelines that you made.

And if you'd like to please ask a parent or a carer, to share your work on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter and tag @OakNational or #LearnwithOak.

Thank you so much for joining and today's lesson.

It's been great to have you here and I hope this lesson has helped you to recap on some of the key content that we have covered.

Now you can have a go at the summary quiz to see what you have learned.