
Lesson video

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Hello, everyone, and welcome back to another lesson with me, Miss Sidenius.

I am so excited today to talk about the changes in the weather and the world around us during different seasons in the year.

So in today's lessons, we're going to be thinking about all the different seasons in the year.

We're going to create a beautiful seasons collage together, and we're going to share it with somebody in our household, a teddy, or a toy.

So you're going to need four things in today's lesson.

We're going to need some paper, some coloured paper, especially colours like orange, red, green, some coloured pens or pencils, and a teddy or a toy.

If you don't have coloured paper, don't worry.

You can always colour it in afterwards.

The first season that we're going to be talking about is spring.

Springtime is from March all the way through until the end of June.

How do we know when it is springtime? Have a look at the pictures on the screen to help you, and turn and tell your teddy or your toy.


You're right.

We know that it is springtime because plants start growing out of the ground and beautiful flowers start to spring as well, especially daffodils, those lovely yellow ones that you see at the beginning of springtime, and bluebells as well.

The days start to get a bit warmer.

We might have a bit more rain, but you will also hear something in the morning when you wake up.

What can you hear outside your window in the springtime? You might hear some birds tweeting very loudly outside your window in the springtime.

They start to wake up really early.

And young animals like chicks and baby lambs are born in the springtime as well.

And the days start to get a bit longer.

So after springtime, it becomes summertime! You're right.

How do we know when it's summertime? Have a think about it, and turn and tell your teddy or your toy.

We know that it's summertime because the days start to get much longer.

It's light, longer into the evening, and it's the hottest time of the year.

Woo! We have less rain and the trees start to get lots and lots of green leaves.

So those leaves that start to come in spring, now there's lots of them in summertime.

We also know that it's summertime because we get animals like bumblebees buzzing around getting the pollen from the flowers.

And we'd like to dress in cooler clothes like tee shirt, shorts, dungarees.

And we like to eat things like ice creams to keep us cool in the summertime as well.

So we've done spring, we've done summer.

After summer, it becomes autumntime! You're right.

How do we know when it's autumntime? Look at the pictures on the screen to help you again and turn and tell your teddy or your toy.

We know that it's autumntime because it gets colder again.

So we've had a very hot, hot summer, and now it's starting to get colder again.

The leaves change from green to orange and red and yellow, just like you can see in the picture on the screen.

And lots of the trees start to lose those leaves, so they fall off.

And we can also find some things like conkers and pumpkins, which grow in the autumntime.

But after autumn, what does it become? We've had spring, we've had summer, we've had autumn, now it's wintertime! It's so cold in the winter.

It's the coldest time of the year in the season of winter.

We might even get some snow or some ice, if the temperature falls so low, if it gets so cold that it's freezing.

We wrap up in winter in warm clothes like scarves and hats, and we wear gloves on our hands to stop them getting too cold.

In winter, we also get very strong winds that blow off the last of the leaves on the trees.

And the days are very, very short.

It gets dark very quickly in wintertime.

So we have talked about four different seasons.

What's one of the things that you noticed about all of the changes in those seasons? Look at the picture on the screen.

We talked about the changes to the trees in all of those seasons.

In springtime, the trees start to grow leaves, lovely green leaves, and maybe some flowers as well.

In the summertime, the trees have lots of leaves on them, so they're very bushy and big.

In the autumntime, those green leaves start to change from green to yellow and orange and brown.

And some of them start to fall off as well.

And then just like you can see in the picture here, in wintertime, there's barely any leaves left on the trees.

Most of them have all fallen off.

So today, I'm going to create a seasons collage.

And to do that, I'm going to draw four trees to represent four different seasons.

Would you like to have to go with me? Let's see how we're going to do it.

So I'm going to get a piece of paper, and I'm going to fold it in half making sure that my edges meet, like I've made them a bit neater there.

And I'll fold it along the bottom.

And then I'm going to fold it in half again and push down the edges with my hands.

Now, when I fold it out, you can see, I have four sections on my piece of paper, three, four, for my four different seasons, spring, summer, autumn, winter.

So pause the video here, fold your bits of paper, and come back when you're ready.

Great job, everyone.

Let's get started on our collage.

So we said that we were going to draw trees for our collage.

So I'm just going to draw the outline of a tree with some branches on it.

It doesn't have to be perfect.

I've got lots of different branches coming off my trees.

And I'm just finishing off those branches and making my trunk come to the bottom.

Then I'm going to try and draw a similar tree in the next one.

Doesn't have to look exactly the same.

I'm going to do the outlines of my trees in all of my boxes so that I have one for spring, summer, autumn, and winter.

I've just tried to copy the tree that I already did, but they don't have to be the same.

So I'm doing my branches again here, and those trees do look a little bit different but it doesn't matter.

And now, I'm doing my last tree so that I've got four altogether.

Again, I'm just trying to copy the ones that I already did.


So I've got my four outlines of my trees.

Now, it's your turn to draw your four trees.

Pause the video here, and come back when you're finished.

Great job, everyone.

Now, it's time to start adding some leaves to those trees.

So in the springtime, what do the leaves look like in the springtime? Oh, yes.

They're just starting to grow.

That's right.

So I'm going to get some green paper for some green leaves, and I'm cutting my paper up into lots of different pieces.

Lots of little pieces being really careful to keep the scissors away from my fingers.

And I'm going to bunch up my paper again and cut it one more time in the middle to make sure that they're really small bits of paper.

Now, I'm going to get a different colour green because leaves on the trees are not always the same colour.

But if you only have one green, don't worry.

It doesn't matter.

And I'm going to cut those ones into little pieces as well.

Lots of little pieces.

And again, I'm being really careful to keep the scissors away from my hands.

Now, I'm getting some glue and I'm going to put it all over the branches of my tree.

So I put my glue all over my branches, and now I can stick my papers straight onto my tree so it looks like leaves.

Just stick them straight onto the glue.

And I'm using the two different colours so it looks like leaves on the trees.

So I'll finish sticking all of my green paper onto my tree so it looks like it's got lots of leaves.

There we go.

Oh, I'm going to put a little bit more on.

And I'm going to put a bit of glue on that piece so that it can go in front of the other bits of paper.

There we go.

I think I finished.

So I've got my spring leaves on my tree.

Pause the video here.

Stick your spring leaves onto your tree, and come back when you're ready.

Great job, everyone.

Now, it's time to do our summer tree.

So in the springtime, the leaves start to grow on the trees, but in the summertime, what do they look like? In the summertime, we have a loads of leaves on the trees.

So I need to stick lots and lots of green paper to my tree for my summer tree.

So again, I've stuck the glue onto the page and I'm just going to stick loads of green leaves on my summer tree.

Putting lots of leaves on.

You can see, it looks like it has even more leaves than my spring tree.

And now, I'm putting some different coloured leaves on as well to cover up those gaps and make sure that it looks like there's leaves all over my tree.

Now, from my summer tree as well, I'm going to choose a different coloured piece of paper to show some flowers on the tree.

So I've chosen a red piece of paper, but you might choose a different colour.

And I'm going to cut up some very, very small strips.

And then, I'm going to cut them again into smaller pieces to make my collage.

That's it.

So I've got my flowers, and now I'm going to put a little bit of glue on each one and stick it onto my tree.

So I can see that my summer tree is different to my spring tree because it has more leaves and it has some little flowers on it as well.

Maybe these flowers could be apples or another type of fruit that grows on trees in the summer as well.

And there we go.

I've finished my summer tree.

So pause the video here.

Have a go at putting the leaves on your summer tree, and come back when you're finished.

Great job, everyone.

So we've done our spring tree, we've done our summer tree.

But what happens to the leaves in autumntime? They change colour, don't they? You can see I'm choosing some yellow paper here so that I can make some yellow leaves because the leaves change to a yellowy red, orange, and brown colour in autumntime.

So I'm going to cut up my yellow paper into lots of little pieces.

Like that.

And I'm going to get some red paper as well because some of the leaves do turn red in autumntime as well.

Cut up lots of red bits of paper.

And I'm going to stick them to my autumn tree.

This is our third season now.

So I'm sticking all of my autumn leaves on there.

Now, my autumn tree has still got quite a lot of leaves, but you might choose to have some of yours falling off and you might even have some laying on the ground at the bottom of your tree to show that the leaves are falling off.

So now, I'm sticking some of those red leaves on as well.

And I think I have finished my autumn tree.

Pause the video here.

Stick your autumn leaves on your tree, and come back when you're finished.

Great job, everyone.

We're now onto our last season of the year.

So we've done spring, we've done summer, we've done autumn, and we've done.

we're onto winter.

That's right.

So I'm going to stick with my yellow leaves because the leaves aren't green anymore in wintertime.

And I'm only going to put one leaf on my tree.

And then I'm going to have some on the ground as well to show that all of the leaves or nearly all of the leaves have fallen off the trees.

So I have some leaves on the ground, but I've got a very cold looking tree with no leaves on it.

What else could I do to make it look like wintertime? The leaves fall off the trees and it gets, it gets colder.

So maybe I could draw some snow or some ice to go around my tree.

So I've got a blue pen and I'm going to draw some snow falling down behind my tree to show that it's really cold in wintertime.

There we go.

Now, that looks a bit more like wintertime.

So finish your winter tree, and come back when you're ready.

Great job.

Let's get onto the last part of our collage.

If you would like to challenge yourself, you can label the different seasons on your seasons collage.

So I am going to write spring, s-p-r-i-ng, spring.

S-p-r-i-ng, spring.

Now, I'm going to right summer, s-uh-mm-uh, summer.


And now, I'm going to write autumn for my autumn tree.

Autumn is a very tricky word to write, so I'm just going to write that one 'cause I can remember it.

And winter, wuh-i-nt-uh.

Wuh-i-n-t-uh, winter.

So I've labelled my trees.

Have a go at challenging yourself to label your trees and come back when you're finished.

So we finished making our season collage.

What is your favourite season and why? I think my favourite season is springtime because I just love seeing all the new plants growing and all the flowers coming out from their buds.

Have a think about it, and turn and tell your teddy.

My favourite season is.

What great reasons for that being your favourite season.

Well done, everyone.

And well done for taking part in this lesson, all about seasons.

I hope you enjoyed learning about all the different ways that the weather changes in different seasons, and that what happens to the leaves on the trees.

Make sure that you share your work with somebody in your household, a teddy, or a toy.

And if you like, you can ask your parent or carer to share it on Twitter with the @OakNational and the #LearnWithOak.

Bye, everyone.

See you next time.