
Lesson video

In progress...


Hi everyone.

I'm Mrs. Harris and we're going to do some maths together.

Let's have a quick look at what we're going to be doing today and what we're going to need.

This is our lesson agenda.

Agenda means the things we're going to do.

The first thing you're going to do with me is do some sorting.

We're going to do some sorting together.

So I wrote "Sort With Me".

After that, it will be your turn to do some sorting.

And finally, I would like you to come back and show me your sorting.

So before we get on with the sorting together, let me tell you what you're going to need.

You are going to need some objects to sort.

I've got mine ready here.

I've got lots of cars and trucks, bikes.

They're vehicles all together aren't they? So I've got lots of vehicles to sort.

But maybe you can find some other things to sort.

The other thing you need is the printed worksheet.

But don't worry if you haven't got a printer you can just draw a big circle on a piece of paper like this.

So pause the video and go find what you need and then come back to me and press play again.

See you in a minute.

Thanks for helping me to do some sorting.

I've emptied out all my vehicles all around me.

So I can start sorting them into sets.

Now in the set, everything will have something in common.

Let me show you.

I'm going to make a set of blue vehicles Can you see any blue vehicles? Me too.

They're all over here, aren't they? And I'm going to pop them on my circle.

There's a blue car, another blue car and a blue motorbike.

I have a set of blue vehicles and a set of not blue vehicles.

I think I'll put my set of blue vehicles over here.

Next, I think I'll have a set of red vehicles Can you spy anything that's red? Vroom, vroom.

Nice big lorry.

And I'll pop that right there.

I can see some other red vehicles, so I'll move them in.

I am making a set of red vehicles.

And finally here comes the tractor.

I'm trying to put my set on top of the circle so I know that's where I've sorted them to.

Now, I have a set of red vehicles and a set of not red vehicles.

I put all my set of red vehicles back over here.

My sorting is going quite well today, thanks to you.

Next! Well seeing as this monster truck's already coming towards the circle.

I think we better have a set of yellow vehicles.

Here's another one and another one.

And finally my yellow motorbike.

That is my set of yellow vehicles.

And outside of my circle are my not yellow vehicles.

The final set I want to make based on colour.

I've made a set of blue vehicles, I've made a set of red vehicles, I've made a set of yellow vehicles Purple ones? No, I need to make a set of green vehicles.

A lovely green motorbike, a green car, another green car.

and finally to finish my set of green vehicles.

My green tractor.

Wow, you have helped me make four different sets based on colour.

I have a set of blue vehicles, a set of green vehicles, a set of red vehicles and a set of yellow vehicles.

But maybe I don't want sets based on colour.

I'd like sets based on what type of vehicle they are.

I'm going to play farms. So I'm going to need a set of tractors.

I definitely had some tractors.

Here's my green one, here's a yellow one with its trailer, and yep I had a red tractor too.

So now I have a set of tractors and not tractors.

My set is on my target circle, that's where I wanted to put all my sets.

And my things that aren't a part of my set are around the edge.


Not tractors.

I'm going to put my set of tractors together.

Next, I might like a set of motorbikes.

I'm not doing it by colour anymore am I? I'm not sorting by colour.

So I'll put my motorbikes together because I want a set of motorbikes.

There's two, and another one.

My final one to complete my set of motorbikes.

Now I have a set of motorbikes and not motorbikes.

Lets move them over there.

Well, I think we'll have a set of cars next.

There's some cars, cars, cars, cars.

Oh so many cars in my set of cars.

But now, I'm not really sure.

Do you think my monster truck should go in the cars? Yeah, I think I'll put it with my cars.

I was thinking should I put it with my lorry.

I'll put it with my set of cars.

So I have a set of tractors, a set of cars, a set of motorbikes and even though it's by itself I have a set of lorries.

Maybe, I might get some more another day.

Thank you for helping me with my sorting.

We found two different ways of making sets.

Now it's your turn to do some sorting.

Do you remember all the things I asked you to get at the beginning? I asked you to get your own objects to sort didn't I? Well now its your turn.

Maybe you'll decide to make some sets by colour, or maybe you'll make some sets by type.

I wonder if you might have a dilemma, a muddle, something to think about like I did.

Like where should I put my monster truck? Should I put it with the trucks, the lorries? Or should I put it with the cars? Made a decision in the end though didn't I? I look forward to hearing your decisions and how you've sorted your objects.

So now it's time to pause the video and then come back to me when you're done.

See you in a few minutes.

Have you got all your sets in front of you that you've made? I wonder if you've made you sets by colour or by type of object.

Did you have any problems like I did? Where you wasn't quite sure where to put anything.

I hope you got on okay.

You could do some more sorting if you enjoyed it or if you want to get even better at it.

I've got lots to sort out here.

So I'm going to get on with some more in a few minutes.

We've reached the end of our sorting lesson.

Where we've sorted all our objects into sets.

If you'd like to share any of your work with me, maybe you could ask a parent or a carer to share a photo of your sets on Twitter tagging @OakNational.

I'd love to see them.

Thanks for staying with me today.
