
Lesson video

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Hello, children, and welcome to another session with me, Miss Vali.

Today's lesson is all about super juice.

Hmm, I wonder what that might be about.

Lets find out, shall we? In today's lesson, you will need your favourite teddy, different types of fruits, juicer or a blender, you might need to ask an adult to help you with this.

Glass, some paper and some coloured pencils.

Pause the video and find your items. Come back soon.

Good morning, how are we all today? Hi, Maximus, Billy and Rosie? Where's Percy? He isn't feeling well, he is in bed.

I wish he was here to play with.

Oh dear, oh dear that's not good.

Let's find out what's wrong with him, let's give him a call.

Hello Percy, we're missing you in school.

I hear you're not feeling well.

What's the matter? Oh, yes, Miss Vali.

I have woken up feeling so tired and drained.

I can't seem to eat and my bones are hurting.

Oh dear, oh dear.

This doesn't sound good at all.

I know this looks like a job for Dr.


Don't worry Percy, we shall find out why you're feeling so unwell.

I will get Dr.

Wade to pay you a visit.

Okay I am going back to sleep.

You rest up, Percy.

Hello Percy, I'm here today to see how you are and help you feel better because I hear you're not feeling too well.

Yes doctor, that's right.

I am always tired and sleepy.

And I have no energy to do anything.

Now my bones are hurting too.

That doesn't sound too good, Percy.

What do you eat and drink on a normal day when you feeling fine? Oh well, I eat chips and pizza every day and I enjoy drinking fizzy pop and eating chocolates.

Oh right, that explains a lot, Percy.

Do you have these types of food every day? Do you have anything different? Hmm, it's Dan's hard fried chicken but pizza is my favourite.

Right, I see.

Just check you over.

Now, this is a problem.

It seems Percy, that you've got a vitamin deficiency.

Diffi- difficulty? Deficiency, Percy, which means your body has gotten very little of the vitamins that you need to keep healthy.

The choices that you make with your foods they affect your body and it can make you feel great and fit and healthy or it can make you feel unwell and sick just like you're feeling now.

All right, doctor, I don't want to feel like this because I can't play games with my friends and have fun.

Yes, you're right.

You're feeling tired and exhausted because your whole body does not have enough energy.

And the energy comes from the foods that you eat.

Doctor, how can I get energy? Well, to begin with you need to eat lots of fruits and vegetables.

Vegetables, ugh.

Never! I don't like the way they look or feel.

No way! Well, before you say never, I know Miss Vali's going to share a story with you about a little girl called Lola who always says never to foods.

Now, hopefully you can learn a little bit from there and it might help you change your mind.

"I will never not ever eat a tomato" written by Lauren Child.

I have this little sister, Lola.

She is small and very funny.

Sometimes I have to keep an eye on her.

Sometimes Mom and Dad ask me to give Lola her dinner.

This is difficult because she is a very fussy eater.

Lola won't eat carrots, of course.

She says carrots are for rabbits.

I say, "What about peas?" Lola says, "Peas are too small and too green." One day I played a good trick on her.

Lola was sitting at the table waiting for her dinner and she said, "I do not eat peas or carrots or potatoes or mushrooms or spaghetti or eggs or sausages.

I do not eat cauliflower or cabbage or baked beans or bananas or oranges.

And I am not fond of apples or rice or cheese or fish sticks.

And I absolutely will never not ever eat a tomato." My sister hates tomatoes.

And I said, "That is lucky because we're not having any of those things.

We're not going to eat any peas or carrots or potatoes or mushrooms or spaghetti or eggs or sausages.

There will be no cauliflower or cabbage or baked beans or bananas or oranges.

We don't have any apples or rice or cheese or fish sticks.

And certainly no tomatoes." Lola looked at the table.

"Then why are those carrots there, Charlie? I don't ever eat carrots." And I said, "Oh.

You think these are carrots.

These are not carrots.

These are orange twiglets from Jupiter." "They look just like carrots to me, said Lola.

"Well, how can they be carrots?" I said.

"Carrots don't grow on Jupiter." "That's true," said Lola.

"Well I might just try one if they're all the way from Jupiter.

Mmm, not bad," she said, and took another bite.

Then Lola saw some peas.

"I don't eat peas, said Lola.

I said, "These are not peas.

Of course they are not.

These are green drops from Greenland.

They are made of green and fall from the sky." "But I don't eat green things," Lola said.

"Oh, goody," I said.

I'll have your share.

Green drops are so incredibly rare." "Well, maybe I'll nibble just one or two," said Lola, "quite tasty." Next Lola saw the potato.

"I will not eat potatoes so don't even try, not even mashed." "Oh, this isn't mashed potato.

People often think that, but no.

This is cloud fluff from the pointest peak of Mount Fuji." "Oh," said Lola, "in that case, a large helping for me.

I love to eat cloud." "Charlie," she said, "those look like fish sticks to me, and I would never ever eat a fish stick." "I know that.

Those are not fish sticks.

They are ocean nibbles from the supermarket under the sea.

mermaids eat them all the time." "Oh, I went to that supermarket one time with mom.

Yes, I know the ones.

I think I've had them before," Lola said gobbling.

"Are there any more?" And then she said, "Charlie, will you pass me one of those?" And I said, "What, one of those?" And Lola said, "Yes, Charlie, one of those." And I couldn't believe my eyes because guess what she was pointing at, the tomatoes.

And I said, "Are you sure? Really? One of those?" And she said, "Yes, of course.

Moonsquirters are one of my favourite." "You didn't think there were tomatoes, did you, Charlie?" Did you see, Percy? If you look at the fruits differently I'm sure you'll begin to enjoy them all.

Yes, I guess so.

We do have a remedy to get you up and running so you can enjoy playing games with your friends.

I hear they're missing.

They sure are.

Yes, doctor.

What can I have? I know just the thing.

Super juice, my energy drink to get Percy back on his feet.

Okay, so for my super juice I'm going to use an orange, some strawberries and a banana.

I also need a glass, a juicer and a blender.

Now the first item is my orange, and the reason I use an orange is top three vitamins.

To make your super juice you will need to get some help from a parent or carer.

First, squeeze the oranges with a juicer.

Next peel a banana and place it in a blender.

Then pick a handful of strawberries and add this to the blender, blend together.

After that, add in the orange juice.

Finally, add some ice.

This will keep you refreshed.

Can you pause the video and tell teddy how you will make your super juice using first, next, then, after that, finally.


It sounded so good.

I'm feeling really thirsty.

How about a try at that, Percy? Mm, yummy.

Sounds better than food.

There are lots of benefits of having fruits.

You can make a super juice like we have or you can eat them.

There are lots of other fruits with goodness too like blueberries and apples, well even pineapples.

Shall we see what they're good for? Blueberries protect your heart.

Apples help to stop and fight infections.

Pineapples help to keep your bones healthy and digest your food.

That's amazing.

I wonder what fruits you will choose for your super juice.

The next challenge is to create your own super juice.

First, choose three fruits that you would like to use to make your juice.

Next, blend them or juice them.

Pour it out and enjoy.

Finally, draw a picture sharing all the fruits that you have used to create your drink.

Can you tell me any benefits your chosen fruit has? Here are some pictures from the children at the school.

They have had real fun creating their super juice.

Thank you for another amazing session.

You can share your work with the help of a parent or carer on our social media pages.

Remember to add in #LearnwithOak.