
Lesson video

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Hello, everyone.

I'm Mrs. Crane and welcome to today's session.

Today we're going to be looking at a lesson as part of the unit in multiplication and division and we're going to be applying our knowledge of the two times table.

For this lesson, you'll need a pencil, some paper, and ideally some counters.

Now they could be pieces of Legos, some fruit like some raisins, some blueberries, or you could have a look online and research interactive counters.

You won't need any more than 20 of them and they don't have to be the same.

Please pause the video now to go and get these things if you haven't got them already.

Okay, well let's start today's session with a did you know.

Did you know that dolphins are incredibly sociable animals and easily make friends with other dolphins.

They're called a pod when they group together like this.

And here's a pod of dolphins and they're thought to be one of the only animals that can communicate in a very similar way to humans.

Well then let's get started with the agenda for today's lesson.

So today we are going to learn how to recognise that the four times table is double to two times table.

We'll start with a quiz to test your knowledge, then we'll look at today's star words, then what we're going to do is look at part-whole models and see what happens when we double two.

Then there'll be a talk task, we'll develop our understanding of the different parts in part-whole models, and finally there'll be a quiz to see what you've remembered.

Please pause the video now to have a go at your starter quiz.

Okay, let's get started then with our star words.

So we're going to use my turn, your turn for today's star words.







Right then, let's have a look at our new learning today then.

So today we've got an equation.

Three multiplied by two is equal to six.

We've also got our part-whole model here.

We know our whole is six, it's our product.

And we know we have three parts, each with a value of two.

So we've got three groups of two.

What would happen if we doubled the amount in each part? Have a think.

What would happen if we doubled the amount in each part? Well done, you would see double the amount of green counters within each part.

How many will there be in each part and what would the new value of the whole be? Well I know if I double two, I would have four so I'd have four counters in each of my parts.

So I would have to count four, eight, twelve.

So my new whole would have a value of 12.

What would my new multiplication be? Well it would be three, I still have three groups.

But this time I have three groups of four if I've doubled them.

So it would be three times by four is equal to 12.

Let's see then.

Here we've got in red we've got them doubled.

So the red counters are the counters that I've added in order to double the amount in each box.

I know I'm doing three multiplied by four is equal to 12 because we've just worked that out because we know that 12 would be our new answer.

So what is the link between this equation here and this equation here? You've got five seconds thinking time.

What is the link between the two equations? Well done to those of you that noticed.

Here I was timesing by two, here I was timesing by four.

Now I know that two doubled is four.

My product is six.

Six doubled is 12.

So if I've doubled the two in my equation to four, I need to double my product from six to 12.

Okay, we're going to have a look at another example now.

This time, my example is five multiplied by two is equal to 10.

We can see here, here is our 10.

And we can see here, here are our five boxes each with two in them.

Let's count the boxes.

One, two, three, four, five.

They've each got two in them.

What would happen if we doubled the amount in each part? Well done, we would have four counters in each of my boxes.

How many will there be in each part and what will the new value be? Well we've worked out that we would have four in each box.

So let's get counting our fours five times.

Four, eight, 12, 16, 20.

So our new number, our new whole, would be 20.

We would have four or five boxes, sorry, times by four is equal to 20.

So my new equation would be five times by four is equal to 20.

Again, what's the link between this equation here and this equation here? Five seconds thinking time.

Well done if you've noticed here we have two, here we have four.

We've doubled two to give ourselves four and we've doubled 10, which is our product, to give ourselves 20.

Right then, it's time for your talk task today.

So, what I'd like you to do today is you're going to choose one of the blue cards.

We've got three blue cards here to choose from.

Then, using a part-whole model, you're going to draw out this equation.

So this equation, this equation, or this equation.

Then what I'd like you to do is double the amount in each part and find the new whole.

And then match them with the red equations here.

So you're going to draw out the part-whole model.

You're going to then double the amount in each of the part before you then double the amount in the whole to work out which equation matches your blue equation.

It will be a red equation card that matches it.

You can use the say it out loud to help you today.

So I will double to amount in each part so now there are groups of.

There are altogether.

The whole is.

Pause the video now to have a go at today's talk task.

Okay, we're going to have a look at one of the blue cards.

So we're going to look at six times by two is equal to 12.

So I've drawn it out here.

I've got my 12 here and I've got six parts.

One, two, three, four, five, six.

Each with two in them to represent that equation here.

Now, the next thing that I needed to do was double the part in each of the boxes.

So I've doubled my twos to give myself four in each box.

Now I need to work out what my equation is going to be.

So let's count in our fours six times.

Four, eight, 12, 16, 20, 24.

So my new equation would be six multiplied by four is equal to 24.

Okay, we're going to look now at the equation six multiplied by two is equal to 12.

We can make that equation using our part-whole model in two different ways.

We can make it with 12 being our whole, because 12 is our whole, and with six boxes to make six parts.

One, two, three, four, five, six.

Each with a value of two in each part.

Or we can make it with 12 still being our whole with two parts, this time each with a value of six.

One, two, three, four, five, six.

But I can do that because multiplication is commutative.

So I can look at it in two different ways.

I can imagine it six two times or two times six.

Now, how can I use that to help me find six multiplied by four? So if we're doubling this time, we can double the twos because we need to double the amount in each part.

So double two is going to give me four.

So I've still got one, two, three, four, five, six times.

This time, each part has a value of four because I'm multiplying it by four.

Or because we're doubling it in twos this time when I have two groups of four in my green, I've doubled my twos so this time I have to have four groups.

Each group has a value of six, just like before.

We've doubled the amount of them because we're doubling the two.

There was two beforehand, there are now four here.

There was two before in each one, there are now four in each one.

There are two different ways we can show that equation.

Let's compare them when we look at them together then.

So here we've got six times two is 12 and six times four is 24.

So here we had where we made six parts, each with a value of two.

And here we have six parts each with a value of four.

So we've doubled the twos here to give ourselves four here.

Two here.

Because we've doubled the twos here, we have to double our product.

Our product was 12, it's now 24.

Or we can look at it in another way.

This is the way we were looking at it just now when we looked at them twice.

So here, this was when we made 12 by breaking it into two groups each with a value of six.

Then here, we have two groups originally but we're doubling that to give ourselves four groups.

So this time my four groups each have a value of six.

So I've still got six in each one, but I've got four of them here where I had two of them here.

Because I've doubled the amount here, I have to double my product.

So my product is double 12 which is 24.

Right then, it's now time for our independent task today.

So for your independent task, I would like you to represent each equation using part-whole models and drawing on the counters.

Then what I would like you to do is double the two in each one.

Making it four.

Record it on your part-whole model and adjust the whole.


I'll show you what I've just briefly done to walk you through it.

So here we've got two multiplied by three is equal to six.

You've got it with the abstract pictures here to help you with the counters.

And then here, you need to work out four multiplied by three because I've doubled the two for you.

This time, you've got three multiplied by two equals six.

Again, got it with your part-whole and again, I've written that new equation out for you so you can work that out using this model.

Then you've got another example here, which is two times by four is equal to eight.

Again, I've given you the equation here.

You need to work out how to draw that out and double the whole here.

And then here, this time you're going to need to draw that out here and then you can double two, which is done for you here, and then work out your answer.

Please pause the video now to complete your task.

Okay, let's have a look then at the answers.

So when we're representing each one, the easiest thing to do is to draw out our part-whole model.

So here, I have four three times.

So what I've done here to double that is I've got my three here.

Sorry, originally, I had two three times.

But now I need to have four times of it.

So the original two here, just like there.

And then I added another two groups because I've doubled it.

This time my product was 12 so I've got four multiplied by 3 is equal to 12.

This side here then, I had three times two is equal to six.

So here, you can see I have one, two, three groups.

This time I'm doubling my two so I'm doubling what goes into each box.

So now I've got four in each box.

So I've got three times my four is equal to 12.

They show the same equation but they're showing it in two different part-whole models.

Next then, I had two multiplied by four is equal to eight.

You can see here, there's four in each box and I'm doubling the two.

So here I've added another group of four in here and another group of four in here.

Four times by four is equal to 16.

Then here, I've got my eight.

So I've got four times by two is eight.

And I've got my four boxes with two in each of them.

This time, I've got to double how many go into each so I've doubled how many go into each of my boxes.

Give me four times by four is equal to 16.

And my answer is 16.

Well done for working really hard today! I've been really really impressed.

Please pause the video now and have a go at the final quiz and answer the last few questions.

Thank you and hopefully we'll see you again soon.
