
Lesson video

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Hello, super storytellers and welcome to this English lesson.

My name is miss Cashin, and this is lesson six of this unit.

And I'm really excited because we're going to start thinking about writing our very own set of instructions about how to defeat the dreaded fire giants.

So we're going to box up to purpose today.

That means we're going to create a plan where we think about the purpose of each bit of our instructions.

Now you have already done some amazing work with our instructions, let's remind ourselves I've got my map here about some of the things we need to remember If we're going to defeat the fire giants.

Can you tell me what do we need to do when we arrive at the house can you tell me? I heard lots of brilliant learners say that we need to dig a hole, fantastic.

Can you remind me what is the fire giants' favourite food? Oh, I heard lots of brilliant learners say that their favourite food is red hot chilli peppers.

And I can see that in my equipment and I can see the giant eating them.

One more question, do you remember what we need to do to get the fire giant to leave their house, what do we do? That's right, brilliant learners we sing a song I wonder if you remember our fire song here we go.

♪ Fire fire fire fire ♪ ♪ Fire is light and fire is bright ♪ Fantastic superstars, let's see what else we're going to get up to in our lesson.

We're going to start today's lesson with spelling activity.

Then we're going to do a game about instructions.

Then you're going to watch me box up the instructions and then you will have a go at boxing up the instructions yourself.

So these are the things that you're going to need in our lesson.

You're going to need an exercise book or some paper, and it would be brilliant if you could get some plain paper for our boxing up you're going to need something to write with a pen or a pencil.

And of course, you're going to need your brilliant brain.

So if he needs to go and get any of those things, you can pause the video now and go and get them.

Well done super storytellers, you all ready for our learning now? So let's get started with our spelling.

We are consolidating and reviewing some spellings that we've already done.

So that means some spellings that you did in other units, we are going to practise.

If you haven't done some of our earlier units, don't worry, you can still have a go at doing the spelling in using your sounds and any other spelling rules that you know.

Now we're looking at a suffix today and we know suffix goes on the end of word and the suffix we're looking at is -ly, which makes ly my turn your turn ly, ly, fantastic.

So I was really pleased that we can look at this spelling again, because ly often comes at the end of an adverb.

And we know that adverbs can be brilliant for our instructions.

Here's an instruction that I'm going to look at, creep up to the house, my imperative verb is creep.

I want to add an adverb to tell me how to creep.

Could I creep up to the house loudly? That doesn't sound right for creeping, could I creep up to the house suddenly? Maybe, I've got one and I wonder if you could write it down for me and see if you can spell it correctly.

Let's see, can you creep up to the house, quickly? Creep up to the house quickly, so pause the video, write the word quickly, using your sounds and then we'll see if you spelt it right, so quickly.

Well done super spellers let's have a look at how we spell quickly.

There it is, creep up to the house quickly.

Q u i c k and our suffix, l y.

See if you can pause the video again and check that you've spelled it right.

And give yourself a big tick, and if you haven't, you can correct your mistakes so you will get it right next time.

Well done super stars, let's have another look.

Creep up to the house or what if I don't want anyone to hear me, quietly.

So I've still got my quote sound, creep up to the house quietly.

Pause the video and see if you can write the word quietly.

Well, done super spellers, let's have a look at that word.

There it is quietly, q u i e t, and then our suffix, l, y quietly.

Pause the video and see if you spelt the word quietly right.

Well done super spellers we've got one more adverb for our instruction.

We've already thought about creeping quietly, creeping quickly, what if we creep up to the house slowly? Pause the video and see if you can write the word, slowly.

Well done superstars, let's have a look.

There is s l o w and then our suffix, l y, slowly.

Pause the video one last time and see if you spelt this word, right? Well done super spellers.

Right, super storytellers, now we're going to play our instructions game, where we're going to come up with some fantasy instructions.

So we're going to start with some time words.

And we know these are very important for our instructions because they help us to order our instructions.

So whoever is reading them is really clear on the order.

Let's read some of the, my turn, your turn.

First, next, after that, finally, super storytellers, right, I wonder if you could tell me some instructions, for an alien to drive their spaceship.

So you might say first, open the door to the spaceship.

Next, step inside.

After that, I don't know I wonder what you come up with.

So pause the video now, and see what instructions you can give an alien to drive a spaceship using these time words.

Well done, super storytellers.

Can you tell me some of your instructions? I heard so many learners tell me some brilliant instructions.

I had someone say finally, land it safely on your home planet, great use of time words.

Okay, for our next set of fancy instructions we're going to use some of those imperative verbs.

We're going to read the ones that I've given here, my turn your turn.

Walk, look, listen, climb.

I wonder if you could tell me some instructions to spot a troll under a bridge.

So you could say walk to the bridge, look carefully for troll footprints.

Listen for, I wonder what you come up with.

Climb, I wonder what you come up with.

So, pause the video and see if you can give me some instructions using these verbs for it, for finding a troll under a bridge.

Well done super storytellers can you tell me some of your instructions? Oh, fantastic, I had somebody say, listen out for grumbling and complaining and snorting.

Cause those are the kinds of sounds that that learner thought a troll might make, right? It's our last set of fantasy instructions.

We're going to use the conjunctions when and if and we already know from this unit, that these are subordinating conjunctions, they add detail to our instructions.

And these instructions are going to be to catch a snake in the jungle.

So we've got, when you get to the jungle, if you hear a rattle, when the snake appears, if you are brave enough, so you could say when you get to the jungle, tread carefully.

So you can pause the video and see if you can give me some instructions using when an if to help me catch a snake in the jungle.

Well done super storytellers, you have done such brilliant work with your fantasy instructions.

Can you tell me some of your instructions? So many brilliant instructions I heard one learner say, if you are brave enough, pick up the stick with your bare hands, can you imagine? Now you're going to watch me box up our instructions that we've learned together our instructions for defeating the fire giant.

I've already done the pictures for my box plan.

And I've got one, two, three, four, five boxes for pictures.

And then I've got five boxes here.

Where I've already thought about the purpose of each section, and now I'm going to think about some key words and phrases that I'm going to want to include.

So I have not got as many pictures as I had on my map.

I've tried to put them together to summarise, some of those instructions into one bit.

So here is my introduction.

Hello, I am an expert in catching giants.

I love to catch Beanstalk giant, stone giants, and even frost giants but I absolutely love to catch fire giants because they crackle like burning twigs.

And they glow like the sun, but they are very dangerous.

Then I've got a whole box, I've got a whole book of my instruction, a whole box of my equipment.

So I've got my big strong shovel, my tall ladder, my red hot chilli peppers, my beautiful singing voice and my bucket of ice cold water.

So the purpose of my instruction is to introduce the instruction so my reader knows what the instructions are about.

Because we've got an expert here when I introduce the instructions I think the reader's going to want to read more.

Because the instruction sounds so impressive if they're coming from an expert.

Then my equipment, the purpose of the equipment is to make sure the reader has everything.

If they don't have some of these things they might want to stop reading and go and get them and then come.

Okay, I then summarise some of my instructions.

The most important thing that we need to do is we need to walk to the cave, dig the hole and then climb out with the ladder.

So the purpose of this is to give some clear instructions that we need to dig a hole near the house.

When you go and write your instructions you will make these more detailed.

When we're boxing up, this is the main purpose.

Then, we need to lay out the chilli peppers and sing so that the giant comes and finds them by the hole.

If that's going to make my path go all the way to the hole with those delicious red hot chilli peppers all along the way.

So again, my purpose is to have clear instructions to get the giant, to eat the peppers.

We don't really need to sing his favourite fire song.

We just need him to get out of the house and eat the chilli peppers.

And this is a really good way to do it.

So I need more clear instructions.

Then, we need to push him into the hole and pour freezing water at him until he goes out.

So we need again clear instructions here to pour the water over the giant that's the purpose of our last set of instructions.

So I know, oh, dropped my pen.

I am now going to go through and I'm going to speak through each part and think about Any words that I want to jot down.

Hello, I am an expert.

Oh, I really want to use that word in catching and defeating giants.

I've caught beanstalk giants, stone giants, frost giants, but most of all, I love catching fire giants because they smell like wood burning.

Wood, wood, burning.

Be very careful in my handwriting there I think burning.

And they look like the glowing sun.

But they are extremely dangerous.

I think these are really important words I want to use in my writing.

Okay, make sure that we have got everything a strong shovel.

A tall ladder, red hot chilli peppers, a beautiful singing voice, a confident singing voice.

I think the most important thing is that it's loud so they're here and they come out.

So I'm going to say a loud singing voice and ice cold water.

So there are lots of objectives there to describe the equipment so whoever reads it gets the best thing.

We don't want to shovel if it's not strong and we don't want a ladder if it's not tall.

Okay, now I'm on to my clear instructions so I'm going to put down a time word, first, We're going to walk to the cave.

Next, we're going to dig and then we're going to climb out so I think climb is an important word as well.

Okay, so first we're going to walk through the cave, next we're going to dig that deep hole and then we're going to climb out with our ladder.

Here I need to lay down the chilli peppers and I think it's important that I do that quietly.

Cause they're going to be right by the front door so I'm going to do that quietly.

But then when we sing, we want to sing loudly.

And then we'll watch as he eats them up.

Okay, I'm then going to use another time word I've said, first, next, we're they're going to watch him eat them up, and I am going to say after that.

Push him into the hole, and then pour ice cold water.

And I'm actually going to add another wording and say pour ice cold water until, he has gone out so I think until is going to be a really important word there.

Right superstars, now you've seen me box up my set of instructions, it's time for you to go and do the same thing.

Now you need your clear pictures but you don't need to write about what the purpose is because we did that all together.

You do need to write down some key words though that are really, really going to help you.

And it's really important you think about your imperative verbs like walk, sneak, push, pour, lay, and your time words, first, next, after that, finally, because those are the sorts of words that really going to hold our instructions together.

So you can now pause the video, go and complete your brilliant box plan, and then press play when you have finished.

Well done super storytellers I wonder if you have the energy for a challenge.

I wonder what adverbs could you include in your box plan? I did show you how to include quietly and loudly.

You might have thought of some others, but I've got a selection here and you can see which ones you think would really fit some of your instructions.

Let's read the my turn your turn.

Quickly, carefully, slowly, quietly, forcefully, gently, loudly.

Fantastic, so you can see if there are two or three of these other adverts that you would like to add to your box pan.

Well done super stars I wonder when you added them.

I thought that you could sneak up carefully or lay down the chilli peppers carefully so they are in a nice, neat line.

That you might push the giant in forcefully because if you push him gently, he might not fall over and then he'll be very, very cross and very on fire.

I would love to see some of your boxing up I'm sure you've done such a brilliant job.

So remember you can always share your work with Oak national.

So if you'd like to please ask your parent or carer to share your work on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter, tagging @OakNational and #LearnwithOak.

I would love to see your brilliant work.

In our next lesson, we are going to start writing our instructions.

I am so excited I can't wait.

So we're going to do some reading and looking at the different things.

And then we'll start doing some writing of our own after that.

I hope to see you then, bye.