
Lesson video

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Hi, everyone and welcome to lesson five in our unit on The Fox's Sack.

I hope you are ready for a super fun lesson because we are going to be looking at how art can help us to tell the story.

We're going to be looking at all the things that happen in the story and working together to create a piece of artwork.

Let's see what we've got coming up.

For today's lesson, you're going to need to get yourself a piece of paper and a pencil, or if you've got any, some colouring pencils would be fantastic.

Don't worry if you don't.

You're also going to need your teddy talk partner and you're going to need your thinking brain.

If you need to go and find yourself any of those things, press the pause button now.

When you're ready, press play.

First of all, in our lesson, we're going to do some singing.

Then, we're going to have a go at doing some artwork together.

If you'd like to, you can have a go at doing some drawings at home.

We're going to start off by singing our story song.

We learned the first verse in lesson three.

So, we're going to practise that first.

And then, we're going to add on a new verse.

♪ A fox came dancing out of the trees ♪ ♪ A fox came dancing out of the trees ♪ ♪ He said, I'm hungry, can you help me ♪ ♪ He said, I'm hungry, can you help me ♪ ♪ He grabbed his sack and went to the door ♪ ♪ He grabbed his sack and went to the door ♪ ♪ Knock, knock, knock, give me some more ♪ ♪ Knock, knock, knock, give me some more ♪ ♪ He took the bee and got the chicken ♪ ♪ He took the bee and got the chicken ♪ ♪ And trotted off to complete his mission ♪ ♪ And trotted off to complete his mission ♪ Now, let's learn the second verse.

♪ The pig chased the chicken away ♪ ♪ The pig chased the chicken away ♪ ♪ It got in the sack but not to stay ♪ ♪ It got in the sack but not to stay ♪ ♪ He grabbed the sack and went to the door ♪ ♪ He grabbed the sack and went to the door ♪ ♪ Knock, knock, knock, give me some more ♪ ♪ Knock, knock, knock, give me some more ♪ ♪ He took the pig and next the boy ♪ ♪ He took the pig and next the boy ♪ ♪ The dog jumped in but this was a ploy ♪ ♪ The dog jumped in but this was a ploy ♪ Well done for joining in.

We've nearly finished our song.

In lesson six, we will learn the ending.

Now, we're ready to have a go at doing some artwork together.

We're going to create a collage, which is when we use lots and lots of different materials, put them all together to create a picture.

That's going to tell someone what happens in a part of a our story, The Fox's Sack.

Let's get our bits together and we can start.

I've got my piece of paper here.

We're going to think right back to the beginning of the story.

Can you remember what happens? Who is there? There's a fox.

That's right.

We're going to start off by drawing the fox.

What do you think he might look like? I think he might have big, bushy ears.

Do you agree? I think so, too.

I think he might have a big, bushy tail.

Today, I'm just going to draw the fox's face but you might want to have a go at drawing his whole body.

You might want to draw a different character from the story.

We're thinking about his shiny, black eyes and his shiny, black nose.

What colour do you think the fox would be? Can you tell your screen? I think he might be orange.

We've got some glue, here, some runny glue, where we're going to spread it all over our fox to make sure that he's nice and sticky because we're going to make a collage, today.

In a collage, we use lots and lots of different materials.

It's really important that we put glue all over our fox's face.

There we go.

Now, we're going to get some fluffy, orange material.

As you've said that we think the fox is going to be orange.

I've used felt, today.

You might not want to use material.

You might want to use something else you've got at home.

Maybe you've got some paint.

Maybe you've got some colouring pencils.

You can ask a grownup at home what it's okay for you to use.

I'm going to cut out some really little shapes so that I can stick them onto the fox.

We're cutting out our little, some rough squares and rectangles and triangles.

Because I've made the foxes ears a little bit triangle shaped, haven't I? We're going to cut those out and we're going to stick them on our fox.

Can you remember how the fox is feeling at the start of the story? What does he have? He's got his sack.

Can you help me sing his song? ♪ Nobody knows it, nobody knows it ♪ ♪ Nobody knows what's in my sack but me ♪ Well done, good joining in.

We can imagine, now, that our little fox's sack at the beginning of our story and this is what he is singing.

Now, I'm going to get a brown pen and I'm going to have a go at doing some shiny eyes and a shiny nose on my fox.

There we go.

I am very happy with our fox.

Thank you for helping me choose the colours and what he would look like.

Now, what should we draw next? Where do you think our fox is? I think, is he by the road, in the forest, or in his house? Can you tell your screen? I think he might be in the forest.

Remember, you don't have to draw the same things as me.

You can choose something different to draw.

I'm going to draw a big tree for our forest.

You might want to draw a whole forest.

You might want to draw the fox's home.

Maybe you could make a den for him or you might be able to make.

Where else could the fox live? Maybe he's got a house.

That's a lovely idea.

Maybe he has got a special tree he lives under.

Maybe he's got a den under the ground and you could make a little cave for him.

Now, our tree is going to be a summer tree so I'm mixing together some yellow and blue paint.

I'm going to use this to make my tree really leafy.

What other colours do you think we could use to make our tree look really lifelike? Can you tell your screen now? What colour leaves have you seen outside? Maybe some yellow, maybe some orange, maybe some brown.

I am just going to dab, with a paintbrush, my green paint onto my tree to make it look really leafy.

I'm going to use a thick bit of paint and dab it on.

I've used some different colours to make it look like real leaves, all the different colours that you might see on a tree.

Now, next up, we need to have a go at doing the bark.

The bark is the trunk of the tree.

What do you think the colour of the trunk of the tree might be? We're going to do brown.

Good idea.

We've got some red and some blue and some yellow paint and we're going to mix them together.

Remember, when you do yours, you might want to use different things to make your picture, or collage, or painting, or colouring.

We are just using artwork, today, to show us a part of the story.

I am going to paint my brown paint that I've mixed up onto the trunk of the tree.

Let's see what it looks like.

The fox has something in his hand.

What does he have? A big sack.

Can you tell your screen why he has a sack? What does he need the sack for? Mr. Fox wants to fill his sack with food.

So, here, I have drawn the outline of a sack.

I'm going to make another collage.

I'm going to use some different materials.

I'm starting off by spreading my glue all over the sack, over the whole of it to make sure it's nice and sticky.

I have chosen a yellow material called tissue paper because tissue paper is a little bit rough and it's yellow.

I think Mr. Fox's sack is yellow.

If you were making Mr. Fox's sack, what colour would you pick? Can you tell your screen, now? Ah, some people would have a brown sack.

Maybe it's made of a different kind of material.

Some of you went for really colourful sacks that Mr. Fox had bought from the shop.

Lots and lots of ideas for our sacks.

I've drawn quite a big sack.

Because what did Mr. Fox want to do with his sack? He wanted to put lots and lots of food in his sack, didn't he? So, I've made mine quite big so that Mr. Fox can fit all of those things in.

Can you remember all the things that Mr. Fox put in his sack? Can you tell me, now? First of all, he put the buzzy bee.


♪ The chicken chased the bee ♪ So, Mr. Fox put the chicken in the sack.

Then, it was the pig.

Then, it was the, what came after the pig? It was the boy.

After the boy, the lady put the dog into the sack and Mr. Fox didn't know.

So, Mr. Fox had to fit all of those amazing things into his sack.

Can you help me sing what all those ladies had to sing? What they wanted to know about the sack? Can you remember? ♪ I want to know ♪ ♪ I really want to know ♪ ♪ I really want to know what's in the sack ♪ And did they look? The first three ladies looked, didn't they? But the last one said.

♪ And I won't look ♪ So, there we go.

We have had a go at creating a piece of artwork together to show the beginning of the story.

I've got a challenge for you after this lesson.

If you would like to, ask your grownups at home if you can have a go at making your own piece of artwork.

Maybe you have got some pencils or some colouring pens.

You might even have some paint or some collage materials that you could use to make your own picture of our story, The Fox's Sack.

You could choose to do the same parts as me or you might want to do a different part of the story.

You could choose your favourite parts.

Thank you so much for joining in with our lesson, today.

I would love it if you could have a go at creating some artwork of your own at home.

We will see you next time in lesson six.

Have a lovely day.
