
Lesson video

In progress...


Hi, team, and welcome to today's lesson with me, Mrs Garrard.

Now in today's lesson, our task is to find a train station on a map.

Let's see what we'll do first.

So the first thing we're going to do is think about, what is a map? Then we're going to draw a map.

And finally, we'll find different places on the map.

First, you'll look at my map.

Then you can draw one of your own.

So for this lesson, you will need your looking eyes.

You'll need to look carefully to find all the different places on the map.

You'll need some paper and a pencil to draw a map.

And some pens or crayons to colour in the different symbols on your map.

So pause the video now and gather the resources that you'll need.

Come back and press play once you're ready.

Great, now you're back.

let's think about, what is a map? Hm, I wonder.

A map is a drawing of an area and it shows different things.

It will show things like roads, and rivers, and hills, but it will also show buildings.

And a map is a way of us finding our way.

We can plan a route to get from one place to another using a map.

Now it's time for me to draw my map.

Watch the screen and listen to my instructions.

So to draw my map I'm going to use different shapes to represent different things.

I've drawn two lines next to each other.

They're parallel.

I've drawn two parallel lines, and now some more, to represent the road on my map.

Now I'm drawing a bridge over the road.

Do you see, I'm using an arch shape to make a bridge.

And the road goes under the bridge.

Draw another piece of road.

And now I'm going to draw some buildings.

So I need to think about the shapes I'm going to use.

Using a rectangle and a triangle to represent a building on my map.

Now I'm using another shape, it's a wiggly shape.

This is a pond.

I'll colour it in in a little while to make it look a little bit more like a pond.

And I wonder if you can guess what this building is.

Tell the screen if you know.

Yeah, you're right, it's a church.

You can tell it's a church because it has a cross on the top of the steeple.

This is my map when it's finished.

Can you see, I've added lots more details.

I've added some colour to help things look a little bit more like their things they're supposed to be.

So the pond looks a little bit more like a pond now because it is coloured in blue and it has some grass near it.

I can see some trees over at the back and a river.

There are lots of things included on my map.

Now it's time for us to find things.

I wonder if you'll be able to find things on my map.

You'll need to look very carefully.

Now the first thing I need you to find on my map is the duck pond.

Touch the screen where the duck pond is.

Great, if you're touching the blue blob, that's the duck pond.

Now then next thing we need to find is the playground.

Hm, where is the playground? Put your finger on the screen where the playground is.

Good job.

If you've got your finger on the swing and the slide with the little children standing next to it, that represents the playground.

Great looking.

What about the woods? Who can find the woods? Put your finger on the woods.

Great job.

You've got your finger on the trees.

That represents the woods.

What else can we find? Ah, now we're looking for a building.

We're looking for the church.

Put your finger on the church.

Great job.

If you have your finger on the building that is next to the duck pond, that's right.

That's the church.

Now we come to the train station.

Hm, where is the train station? I can see some train tracks, but I wonder, which of the buildings is the train station? Put your finger on the building that you think is the train station.

Great job.

If you have your finger on the building that has the red parallel lines with the arrows in, that's the train station.

You did a great job of finding the train station.

Now the last thing we need to find on our map is a bridge.

There are two bridges on my map.

Put your finger on one of the bridges.

Great job.

You could put your finger on the bridge that goes over the road or the bridge that goes over the river.

Team, you have done a really great job of finding things on my map.

It's now time for you to draw a map of your very own.

But I wonder, what will you include in your map? Will you include a school? Or maybe you'll include your house? Maybe you'll include tall blocks of flats.

I'm not sure, but I'm really looking forward to finding out what you decide to include in your map.

And I wonder, do you think you could get somebody to find different places or your map? I bet you could.

That's your challenge, draw a map and ask a friend, or your parent, or your carer to find different places on your map.

If you'd like to share your work with me, you could share it at Oak National, and I'll get to see it.

You could ask a parent or carer to share your work on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter using @OakNational and the #LearnwithOak.

Team, I'm really excited to see what you decide to include in your map.

But right now, that's the end of our lesson and it's time for me to say goodbye.

I'll see you again soon.

Bye, team.