
Lesson video

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To find one quarter of a quantity.

Hello everybody, It's me Sidhu here, to do some great maths with you today.

In this lesson today, we will be finding one-quarter by dividing the whole into four equal parts.

Welcome to today's lesson, you will need a piece of paper and a pencil to write your answers on.

There are times when you will have to pause the video and have a go at some of the activities yourself.

Now, let's get started.

We are going to look at the key vocabulary, that means our star words, finding one-quarter of a quantity, using a part-whole model to find a quarter and independent task and answers, and we've even got a challenge today.

Now, let's do a star word, star word.

My turn first, then your turn.

Part, whole, equal, unequal, quarter, share, divide.

We are going to use all of these star words in our lesson today.

But first we've got a brain teaser to get us warmed up.

Here are some shapes, I want you to identify which shapes are split into quarters.

Does the shape represent quarters? Yes or no.

I want you to pause the video and have it go, does the shape represent quarters? Yes or no.

How did you get on? Here we've got the answers.

So, does the shape represent quarters? Yes or no.

So we're going to have a look at some of the shapes to see if they've been divided into quarters.

And I remember that when we have quarters, they've been divided into four equal shapes.

Here we've got the cross and I think yes, it's split into quarters.

The rectangle has been split into quarters and the rectangle here has been split into equal quarters as well, equal parts.

But here we've got a square that is not equal, and here we've got another triangle that is unequal and an arrow that is unequal, so that's no.

How did you do? Give yourselves a fantastic, well done.

Let's move on to other main part of our lesson.

Here we've got a big picture, there's a Nancy, the spider and turtle.

And Nancy and turtle are having a dinner party, nice and tasty and Nancy and turtle are sharing their dinner with the crab and fish.

Can you point to the crab? I can see the crab hiding under the table and the fish.

There's a Nancy and his turtle, and Nancy and turtle would like to share their eight cakes fairly between the full guests, let's check we've got eight cakes, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight cakes.

They want to share the eight cakes fairly between the four guests.

So, they want to share it with Nancy, turtle, the crab and the fish.

How many cakes will each guest eat? What strategy can we use to share the cakes equally? Have a think.

So, what can we do to share the cakes equally? What strategy can we use? Can you say nice and loud? That's right.

We can use the one for me, one for your strategy.

So, what is our whole? one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.

The whole is eight, and here we have our four plates to represent the four parts on the four animals.

So, we've got a plate for Nancy, a plate for turtle, a plate for the crab and a plate for a fish.

Now, we need to use our one for me, one for your strategy.

So, we need to share the cake, so we've got a one for a Nancy, one for turtle, you can join in with me too.

One foot crab, one for fish, one for Nancy, one for turtle, one for crab, one for fish.

How many cakes are in each part? I want you to show me on your fingers.

Ready? Steady, go.

Show me a how many cakes are in each part? Super.

There are two cakes in each part, to here's one part and there's one, two cakes.

So, how many cakes will each guest eat? So, each guest receives two cakes.

We have split the whole into four equal parts, and so we have found one-quarter of the whole.

One quarter of eight is two.

Now, let's see what food we have next to share with the guests.

Here we have four apples, one, two, three, four.

The whole is four.

How many apples will each guest eat? Using the one for me, one for your strategy.

I want you to find out one-quarter by sharing out the apples into four equal parts.

So, sharing them between the four plates.

I want you to pause the video, you may even want to draw it on paper or use cantors or items of food.

Now, have it go.

How did you do? Shall we share it out? So, one for a Nancy, one for turtle, one for crab, one for the fish.

Did you get the same as me? How many apples are in each part? There is a one apple in each part, so, how many apples would each guest eat? So each guest receives one apple, We have split the whole into four equal parts.

So, we have found one-quarter of the whole one-quarter of four is one.

But this time we've got the part-whole model, you have been amazing at finding one-quarter by sharing the items on the four plates.

But now, we're going to use all of our knowledge to find the four equal parts using the part-whole model.

Remember that when we are finding one-quarter, we divide the whole into four equal parts.

Now, how many equal parts are there? Can you say it nice and loud? That's right, there are four equal parts, one for a Nancy, one for turtle, one for crab and one part for the fish.

Now let's see, if we can share apples with the guests, here we have one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight apples.

The whole is eight, how many apples were each guest eat? So, how many equal parts are there? There will be one, two, three, four equal parts.

Let's share the apples, one for a Nancy, one for turtle, one for the crab, One for the fish.

One for a Nancy, one for the turtle, one for the crab and one for the fish.

I have divided the whole into four equal parts, how many apples are in each part? Can you say nice and loud? Super, there are two apples in each equal part.

So, one-quarter of eight is two so, each guest receives two apples.

Wow, I think you are ready for the independent task today.

In today's task, you are going to be sharing a feast between four guests.

We've got some chocolate pieces, some cupcakes, and some sandwiches, using counters or food items or things that you've got around your, where you are at the moment and the part-whole model.

Can you find out how many food items each guest will get? I want you to pause and have a go, now we can move on to the challenge question.

What is one-quarter of twelve? Here, we've got Tim, Kelly and Laura.

Who do you agree with and why? I want you to read what they have said and choose who do you agree with and why? Make sure you pause the video and have a go at the challenge.

Now, we can have a look at the answers to see how you did.

Here are the answers, sharing the fees between four guests.

So, here we have our four pieces of chocolate and when we share the four pieces with our four guests, one-quarter of four is one.

Let's have a look at the cupcakes.

There are twelve cupcakes and one-quarter of twelve is three.

Here we've got the sandwiches, there are eight sandwiches.

A one-quarter of eight is two.

I hope you got the answers correct? If not, you can go through it again, here we've got the answers for the challenge.

Who do you agree with and why? The answer is Kelly? Kelly is correct, because the hole is twelve and to find one-quarter, you need to divide the whole into four equal parts.

So, one quarter of twelve is three.

I want you to share your work with Oak National.

Please ask your parent or carer to share your work on Twitter, tagging @OakNational and #learnedwithOak.

You were incredible today at finding one quarter of a quantity.

Let's say bye to all of our friends, bye a Nancy, bye turtle, bye crab, bye fish and buy from me.