
Lesson video

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Hello, everyone.

Great to see you.

It's Mr. Brown here with your English lesson.

So you ready? Let's get started.


Our learning objective is to generate vocabulary for a diary entry and this is our second outcome.

You will need an exercise book or a piece of paper, a pencil or pen, something to write with, and your brains.

Okay, we're going to get warmed up first, we're then going to start generating adjectives, and then generating verbs and adverbs.

Our writing warmup for today.

We're going to be revising non-finite clauses, and remember, a non-finite clause is a type of subordinate clause.

It starts your sentence and has an -ing at the end of the first word, and it tells you a bit more information about what the subject of the main clause is doing.

For example, Mr. Brown smiled happily.

That's great.

That's our main clause.

I'm the subject Mr. Brown and the non-finite clause, looking at his camera, tells you what I'm doing when I'm smiling happily.

I would like you to write a non-finite clause at the start of a complex sentence to describe what Tristan might have been doing when he looked through these images in The Viewer.

Think about what would he want to do with his body.

So the main clause is probably, Tristan looked at the images or something like that.

Tristan gazed up the images in front of his eyes.

What would he be doing? For example, eating a piece of cheesecake, comma, Tristan looked at the images.

That doesn't work.

He wasn't eating cheesecake, was he? What was he doing? Over to you.

Off you go.

Okay, now here is my example.

Holding his breath, comma, Tristan glared at the images.

So holding his breath is the non-finite clause.

There's the word holding, which ends in -ing, the suffix -ing, and my main clause is Tristan glared at the images.

So I could have just said, "Tristan glared at the images." But I've added that main clause just to give that a little bit more detail and make my sentence a little bit more interesting.

Okay, let's start generating adjectives and we must, must much remember our four different word classes; nouns, adjectives, verbs, and adverbs.

They're going to be really important today.

And let's start with The Viewer itself.

And first of all, I've gone for some words to describe The Viewer in general, just what it's like.

I've not talking about what it looks like.

I'm just talking about it generally, and I've gone for peculiar.

What other adjectives would you use to describe The Viewer in general? I've gone for peculiar.

Pause the lesson.

Write down as many as you can.

Okay, welcome back.

So we have peculiar, unusual, strange, unique, and odd.

They all mean very similar.

They all mean that this thing is not normal.

This is not a normal object, is it? Okay, so that's my general adjectives to describe what it's like.

Now, let's go for what it looks like.

I've gone for it looks dusty, old-fashioned, metal and chunky.

So I've now got adjectives to describe what it looks like, but also what it's like in general.

Now we have our nouns that we want to include in our description.

We need to generate adjective to describe them.

That's exactly what we did before, didn't we, for the factories, the boy, the machinery.

We're going to do the same thing today, but all scenes are not the set the opening in the scrap yard.

We are using the pictures from "The Viewer", from the actual Viewer itself, starting with this image here, the first image that Tristan sees.

I have got the clouds.

What else can you see? What are the nouns can you see that we could describe there? Pause the lesson and write down as many as you can see.

Off you go.

Okay, welcome back.

Let's see if I spotted any you didn't and if you spotted any I didn't.

So I have got clouds, stars, see the moon there, the sky in general, the sea, and I put in brackets the waves because you could describe the sea and the waves.

They're both kind of nouns.

The waves, I guess, are the nouns within the noun.

The setting sun and those bolts of lightning, definitely.

And within the clouds, I've gone for stormy, turbulent, black and colossal as my adjectives.

So to describe the clouds I've got stormy, turbulent, which means it's not very smooth and relaxed, it's very rough, black, always go with a colour if you need it, and then colossal.

They are huge, those clouds, aren't they? Can you generate adjectives for the stars, the moon, the sky, the sea and waves, the setting sun and the bolts of lightning? Pause the lesson.

Let's get those adjectives.

This will say take you a little while.

Take your time.

I'll see you in a minute.

Okay, well done.

So for stars and for moon, I have gone for glowing and luminous.

We looked at luminous a few lessons back, didn't we? It means it gives off a bright light.

Stars and moon, I've used the same adjectives, glowing and luminous.

For the sky, I went for vast, illuminated, because the sky is lit up by the stars and the moon, and chaotic, there is just so much going on in that sky.

Isn't there? There is clouds.

There is lightning.

There's the moon, the stars.

For the sea, I've gone for violent, raging, and turbulent.

I borrowed one that I use for clouds as well.

Particularly violent, the sea is so dangerous.

When it is rough, it can be really, really dangerous, and violent, and raging, and that's why I chose those adjectives.

For the setting sun, I went for crimson.

I mean, it looks very red, doesn't it? But we're not going to be using red.

We need something that is more descriptive and crimson is very ominous because it's the colour we often associate with blood.

So I've been starting to get that atmosphere across.

And then ominous is the other word.

Crimson and ominous.

And then finally the bolts of lightning, I've gone for vivid, when something is very, very bright.

Vivid, blinding.

Again, it gives that negative connotation, the negative atmosphere of something is so bright it's blinding.

It's not good.

Is it? Jagged, like jagged rocks because it's not straight, and deadly, that lightning has the power to kill you.


And here is the passage that we looked at last week from "The Viewer" and I wanted to highlight this because look at the language choices here.

You've got terribly afraid, restless sleep, unable to dismiss the feeling of another presence in the room, could not stop, so Tristan's out of control, something is staring back at him.

There is a real atmosphere of tension, and anxiety, and that something bad could be about to happen.

So you have to reflect that in your language choices, you need your adjectives to paint this negative picture.


How did Tristan feel while he was viewing these images? And how did Tristan feel after he had viewed these images? And of course, what I'm looking for from you are emotions.

The emotions that he was feeling while and emotions that he was feeling after he had viewed these images.

Over to you.

Off you go.

Okay, welcome back.

Let's see what we came up with.

So the emotions he felt while he was viewing these images, I've gone for curious, intrigued, shocked, amazed, mesmerised, hypnotised.

I really wanted to create that feeling that he's out of control here.

Enthralled, gripped, fascinated.

So I put them into three categories, curious, intrigued, and shocked, the way that he is surprised by what he's seeing, then amazed, mesmerised and hypnotised, it has glued him, it has controlled him, and then enthralled, gripped and fascinated.

And then after, worried, anxious, nervous, can you see how it's changed already? Disbelief, confusion, but again, hypnotised.

He is still controlled by this object.

Isn't he? He's looking over at the desk constantly, thinking about it constantly, and that's where obsession comes from, doubt and delusion, he's starting to feel deluded, which means where he doesn't trust what he's thinking.

He doesn't trust that the thoughts he's having are making sense.

Okay, let's start generating verbs and adverbs.

If someone is feeling these emotions, what do they do? What does it look like to see someone feeling this way? So pick one of those emotions, for example, shocked, amazed, fascinated.

What does someone look like if they are feeling that way? And what do they do? How do you recognise someone who is feeling mesmerised? What might they be doing? Pause the lesson and try and write down some verbs, and maybe adverbs if you feel ready for it, of things that someone does when they are feeling any of these emotions.

Work your way through.

Off you go.

And welcome back.

Okay, let's see how we got on.

So for any of those emotions, I think eyes widened is a really good example.

If you are enthralled, amazed, curious, intrigued, fascinated, hypnotised, mesmerised, they all work for eyes widened.

Then I've also got jaw dropped open, hands trembled, held his breath, his heartbeat, and we probably go into depth about talking about his heartbeat race faster and faster, hairs stood up.

Have you ever been so anxious, or nervous, or just a moment has really taken you by surprise with the hairs on your arm actually stand up? That's, I think, the kind of thing that Tristan might be going through at the moment.

Now we have the verbs, we need to add precise adverbs to each of those.

So for example, my verb phrase is eyes widened.

Can you add the adverb to that? Instantly, I've gone for.

Would you've gone from a different one.

What I'd like you to do is for each of those phrases below; eyes widened, so jaw dropped open, hands trembled, held his breath, his heartbeat, and his hair stood up, give me an adverb to say how that was happening? What adverb would you choose for each of those? You might find some adverbs work for more than one of those.

His jaw dropped open, what? Off you go.

Okay, well done.

So I have gone for his jaw dropped open widely to show the actual shape that his mouth would have made when his jaw dropped open.

His hands trembled constantly.

They were constantly trembling.

He held his breath silently to create that feeling of suspense in the room when there's just nothing happening, just deathly silent.

His heartbeat wildly and his hairs stood up swiftly.

Swiftly his hairs stood up.

If someone is feeling these emotions, what do they do? So same thing as before, but this time, instead of curious, intrigued, shocked, amazed, mesmerised, let's go for how he's feeling after he had looked through The Viewer.

So that would be worried, anxious, nervous, disbelief, confusion, hypnotised, obsession, doubt, and delusion.

What does someone do if they are experiencing any of those emotions? And you may never have experienced any of those emotions.

I mean, I would've thought you would have been worried, or anxious, or nervous, but with something like obsession, doubt, delusion, they are big grown-up emotions that you might not have experienced, so you might have to use your knowledge of books that you might have read before where a character might've been fitting those and movies as well.

Think about movies you've watched where a character was feeling those emotions.

What did they do? Because that's a life experience too.

It's not necessarily what we know ourselves, but what we know through reading books and watching movies, et cetera.


Have a go.

What does someone do if they're feeling any of those emotions? Over to you.

And welcome back.

Okay, so I've got eyes darted around the room.

You know when you're sitting there and your eyes just keep looking around 'cause you're looking for something, you're looking for an answer to the way you're feeling, that's exactly what I think Tristan will be doing at this stage.

What else have we got? He's thoughts raced.

He can't keep his thoughts still.

They are constantly racing around.

He stared into space.

I bet you've seen that before.

Maybe someone in your class at school, when they might be worried about getting in trouble, they're just sort of staring forward.

You can see their thoughts are racing but they're not moving.

Bit his nails.

Classic for when someone is feeling anxious and nervous, you bite your nails.

And then paced back and forth.

When someone can't sit still, the idea of sitting still just doesn't sit right with them.

They need to constantly walk up and down, and up and down.


Same thing.

Now we have the verbs, let's add the adverbs.

So his eyes darted around the room frantically.

They're not staying still for a moment.

Frantically moving around the room.

Okay, you have a go.

Thoughts raced, stared into space, bit his nails, and paced back and forth.

Over to you.

Off yo go.

Okay, welcome back.

Let's see what we've come up with.

Thoughts raced relentlessly.

I love that.

If you are relentless, if you do something relentlessly, it means you don't stop.

It happens again and again, and again, constantly.

Stared into space aimlessly.

There is no aim to it.

There's no purpose to it.

Just staring into space.

Bit his nails continuously, and paced back and forth anxiously.

Anxiously or nervously will work for any of those two.

Okay, it's now over to you.

I'd like you to use the vocabulary we've generated together to create sentences describing what Tristan, first of all, saw when he looked through The Viewer, then number two, felt when he saw those images, and number three, did when he felt that way.

Let me go through that again.

I'd like you to use the vocabulary that we've generated in this lesson to create sentences, and you can use one sentence for each, or two sentences for each, or three if you want to push yourself, to describe what Tristan.

First of all, what he saw when he looked through The Viewer.

So what did he see first of all? Then number two, what he felt when he looked through The Viewer.

Use all those emotions to describe what he felt, and number three, what he did.

So what was happening with his body, with his hands, with his eyes, when he was feeling all those different emotions? I'd like you to pause and rewind the lesson to use the vocabulary we have generated today.

In your extension, try including a complex sentence with a non-finite clause.

Non-finite clauses are going to be brilliant for this type of writing because we can say, we can use that -ing word at the start to say what Tristan was doing, and then the rest of the sentence, the main clause, will explain it.

For example, I don't want to give you too much.

I'm going to use a bad example for Tristan.

Smiling wild, wildly or widely.

Smiling widely, comma, Tristan look through The Viewer.

I don't think he was smiling widely was he? You can come up with something better than that.


Over to you.

Feel free to pause, rewind, check all that vocabulary we generated.

That's why we do it so you can use it in your writing.

Good luck everyone.

Off you go.

Okay, and welcome back.

I hope that went well for you.

So today's lesson, we had done our writing warm up, we have generated adjectives, and we have generated verbs and adverbs.

Well done.


You have completed your lesson.

Next lesson, we're going to be looking ahead to understanding about diary entries, getting our heads around that to prepare to write one in the lesson after that.

So I will see you then.

Take care.

Until next time, bye.