
Lesson video

In progress...


Hello Mathematicians! It's Miss Charlton and Hedwig.

Are you ready for some more exciting learning today? I hope so.

Let's find out what we're going to do.

So we are going to identify, complete and continue number patterns by adding and subtracting one or two.

So we're going to identify some number patterns using a number line.

Then we're going to complete and continue those number patterns.

See if we can spot the patterns.

And then you'll do your independent task and an end of lesson quiz.

This lesson you are going to need a pencil and some paper.

Let's get going with our star words.

Get those hands ready.

Hands up star words.




So it's increase - getting bigger.

Decrease - getting smaller.

And pattern.

So let's have a look at this pattern.

It's a pattern with the cubes.

What is happening in this pattern? Hmm, let me have a look.

Well I can see that the blue cubes are all the same amount on each stack of cubes.

They've all got one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.

A group of ten.

So they've all got a group of ten blue cubes.

But there's something changing each time.

The first stack has just got ten blue cubes, and then the next one has got one yellow cube with it.

And then the next one has got a yellow cube and a purple cube.

And then the next one has got a yellow cube, a purple cube, and a red cube.

The numbers are increasing, they're getting bigger and they are increasing by one each time.

I've added one more to the stack each time.

Like this, we've got ten then one more than ten is eleven and another one is twelve, ten, eleven, twelve.

And one more would be thirteen.

It's that star word.


Can you say that? Increasing.

Well done.

Increasing means getting bigger.

We've already started off by saying our star words.

We've made a really good start in today's lesson.

Let's have a look at it on this number line then.

This is the exact same pattern.

We've started off with ten.

What is happening to the numbers? What's different? Well let's have a look.

The numbers are increasing, they're getting bigger.

There's our star word again.

And they are increasing by one jump each time so that's the same.

So what's different? The only difference is that we've represented it in a different way.

Before, we used cubes to look at how it increases.

This time we've used a number line.

Now let's have a look at this pattern.

This one is a little bit trickier.

What is happening in this pattern? Hmm, well I can see again that the cubes all have, what do they all have? A group of - show me on your fingers Ten! Well done.

They've all got ten blue cubes so that's the same.

But I've started off with ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen.

I've got two yellow cubes, two red cubes, two blue cubes, and two purple cubes.

And then the numbers are - oh look! They're going down, they're getting smaller.

They are decreasing.


Well done.

The numbers are getting smaller.

They are decreasing.

How many are they decreasing by each time? Let's have a look.

Hmm, well I can see that there are two purple cubes on the first stack and then those two purple cubes have disappeared on the next stack.

And there are two turquoise cubes on that stack and then the two turquoise cubes have disappeared on the next stack.

So each time the numbers are getting smaller by two.

The numbers are decreasing by two each time.

You say that.


The numbers are decreasing by two each time.

Eighteen, sixteen, fourteen, twelve, ten.

Two jumps each time.

Oh look! It's our star word.


Well Done.

Let's have a look at it on here.

Hmm, what's the same and what's different? Well, I've started at number eighteen again and this time I can see that the jumps are going down the number line towards the number zero showing that they are decreasing.

There's our star word again.

The numbers are decreasing, just like with the cubes.

They're getting smaller.

How many are they decreasing by each time? Well, I've gone from eighteen and I've skipped past seventeen, straight to sixteen.

Seventeen, sixteen, seventeen, sixteen.

Two jumps, just like with the cubes.

So the numbers are decreasing by two jumps each time.

So that's exactly the same as the cube representation.

The only difference is that we are showing it on a number line instead of on cubes.

What about this one? Now this is your turn.

Have a little think.

What would come before the number ten.

This one's a little bit trickier so I've helped you out.

I've put the star word increasing.

We can see that the numbers are getting bigger.

Have a little think.

What number would come before ten? Can you talk to your talk partner about this? I'm going to have a chat to Hedwig about it.

What did you talk to your talk partner about? I said to Hedwig that I can see the numbers are increasing, they're getting bigger.

We've gone ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen by adding one each time.

So I know that if the numbers are increasing, the one before the ten must be smaller than ten because the numbers are going up each time.

And then I thought 'by how many smaller'? I know that the numbers are increasing by one which means that it must be one less.

One less than ten is equal to nine.

Thank you Hedwig for doing that talk task with me.

One less than ten is equal to nine.

Nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen.

The numbers are increasing by one each time.

You say that.

Brilliant mathematical language.

I think we need a celebration.

Shall we have a fairy clap so we don't wake Hedwig again because she's just been helpful.

Get ready, fairy clap! Good job, well done.

What about this one? This one's even trickier.

Aren't I being mean today? I have missed out the number in the middle.

I've told you our star word.

I've told you that the numbers are increasing.

And I can see that we've started at eight, then we go to ten, then mm, fourteen, sixteen.

Have a little think.

The first thing you need to decide, are the numbers increasing or decreasing? Show me on your hands, increasing or decreasing? We can see that they are increasing.

So does the number after ten need to be bigger than ten or smaller than ten? Show me.

Bigger or smaller? Bigger.

That's right.

It must be a bigger number than ten.

It must have a greater value.

Hmm, now I need to decide how many more.

So I started at eight.

Eight, and now I can see from the cubes that I've added two yellow cubes.

That's an increase by two.

Then if I skip to the number fourteen and I look at it with sixteen, I can see that fourteen has got four ones and sixteen has got six ones.

It's got two extra purple cubes.

So the difference in both of those is two.

Increasing by two.

So what will be the missing number? Hmm, two more than ten is equal to.

Can you shout it at the screen? Shout it.

It's equal to twelve.

Eight, ten, twelve, fourteen, sixteen.

Let's say that as a full sentence together.

The numbers are increasing by two each time.

Well done, Mathematicians.

You're doing a super job.

Now it's time for you to have a go at that by yourself.

I've got lots of elves here and they are carrying sacks of presents on their backs.

You need to find out what the missing numbers are on those sacks.

That shows you how many presents are in each of those bags.

So the first one, I can see that the elf is carrying three presents.

And the next one is four, and then there's a missing number there.

And then six, and then there's a missing number there.

Remember, the first thing you need to do is identify if the numbers are increasing or decreasing.

They're our star words.

When you've identified if they are increasing or decreasing, the second stage is to identify by how many.

Is it increasing by one? Or is it increasing by two? Or is it decreasing by one? Or decreasing by two? Go and have a go at filling in the missing gaps on those elf bags and then come back and we'll check the answers together.

How did everybody get on? Did you get the same number patterns as me? Let's have a look.

The first one, the numbers were changing by one each time.

Three, four, five, six, seven.

And then the second one, eight, ten, twelve, fourteen.

This time there was a change of two each time.

Then the next one, fourteen, sixteen, eighteen, twenty.

That was increasing by two as well.

Fourteen, sixteen, eighteen, twenty.

And then the last one, eleven, thirteen, fifteen, seventeen.

Again, there was a difference of two between each one.

Two jumps on the number line.

You have done such a fantastic job today.

Shall we wake Hedwig up and tell her all about our learning? Say "Wakey Wakey, Hedwig" Wakey Wakey Now, Hedwig.

We had a great time today identifying different number patterns.

Some of them were a bit sneaky and they kept missing out numbers and we had to try and figure out what they were.

First of all, we had to use our star words to identify whether the patterns were increasing, getting bigger or decreasing, getting smaller each time.

Once we'd identified that, we could figure out by how many.

Some of the patterns were changing by one and some of the patterns were changing by two each time, weren't they? And then we were able to use that knowledge to fill in the missing gaps.

Do you understand that, Hedwig? She does understand.

I think she would have enjoyed doing number patterns with us today.

Well done, everybody.

You did a fantastic job.

Now you can go and do the quiz and I'll see you again very soon.

Bye Bye.