
Lesson video

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Hello, I'm Adam.

And this is Panda.

This is the first lesson in unit three using "The Little Red Hen." Should we see what's on the agenda today? The first thing on the agenda today is we are going to learn the animals that are going to appear in today's story of "The Little Red Hen" by singing a song.

And then, we're going to move on to the main activity, which is listening to and joining in with that new story.

And all you're going to need for the session today is a piece of paper and something to draw with.

Okay, let's get on to the warmup.

A blue screen.

Don't worry, something's going to appear there very soon, but you've got to guess what the animal is going to be.

In this unit, we're going to be looking at characters, so let's introduce them now.

This first character lays eggs, lives on a farm, struts about on two feet, and her name rhymes with pen.

It's a little red hen.

In this story there's three other animals.

This next animal likes to chew grass, grazes in a field, name rhymes with how.

Did you guess it? It's a cow.

Next animal.

Next animal can be a pet on a farm.

Four legs, scampers about box.

Name rhymes with frog.

It's a dog.

Did you guess that right? And the last animal is the smallest one.

This animal is furry, has a long tail and whiskers, her name rhymes with house.

It's a mouse.

So all those characters will be cropping up in our story and then we can also get them into a song.

Let's move on to that.

I bet you know our next song.

Our next song is set on a farm.

And today we're going to have the four animals that are going to be in our story.

So we're going to have a hen, who go.

We'll have a cow that goes.

We'll have a dog that goes.

And we'll have a mouse that goes.

This time though, we won't sing "Old MacDonald," we'll sing "Mama Rosa." I used to know a lady called Mama Rosa who sang this song.

And I like how she sang it.

Here we go.

"Mama Rosa Had a Farm." ♪ Mama Rosa had a farm, E-I-E-I-O ♪ ♪ And on that farm she had a hen, E-I-E-I-O ♪ ♪ With a cluck cluck here and a cluck cluck there ♪ ♪ Here a cluck, there a cluck, everywhere a cluck cluck ♪ ♪ Mama Rosa had a farm, E-I-E-I-O ♪ ♪ Do, do, do, do, do, do ♪ ♪ Mama Rosa had a farm, E-I-E-I-O ♪ ♪ And on that farm she had a cow, E-I-E-I-O ♪ ♪ With a moo moo here, and a moo moo there ♪ ♪ Here a moo, there a moo, everywhere a moo moo ♪ ♪ Mama Rosa had a farm, E-I-E-I-O ♪ ♪ Do, do, do, do, do, do ♪ ♪ Mama Rosa had a farm, E-I-E-I-O ♪ ♪ And on that farm she had a dog, E-I-E-I-O ♪ ♪ With a woof woof here, and a woof woof there ♪ ♪ Here a woof, there a woof, everywhere a woof woof ♪ ♪ Mama Rosa had a farm, E-I-E-I-O ♪ ♪ Do, do, do, do, do, do ♪ ♪ Mama Rosa had a farm, E-I-E-I-O ♪ ♪ And on that farm she had a mouse, E-I-E-I-O ♪ ♪ With an eek eek here, and an eek eek there ♪ ♪ Here an eek, there an eek, everywhere an eek eek ♪ ♪ Mama Rosa had a farm, E-I-E-I-O ♪ The next thing in this session is that we're going to have the story of "The Little Red Hen." And I'm going to invite you to join in with that story.

In that story when the cow speaks, he's going to go, "Not I." So, we're going to give ourselves horns when we go, not I.

When the dog speaks, we're going to try and make ourselves sound like a dog.

"Not I," said the dog.

Shall we do that together? Not I.

And the mouse would have a squeaky voice, a quiet voice.

"Not I," said the mouse.

Together? Not I.

Should we do the three together? Here we go.

"Not I," said the cow.

"Not I," said the dog.

"Not I," said the mouse.

When those bits come up in the story, perhaps you could try and join in.

I hope you enjoy the story.

Here it comes.

It's story time.

It's story time.

Look, listen, learn.

Once upon a time in a house on a farm, a little red hen woke up.

I need some flour to bake some bread.

There's so much work to do.

So the little red hen went and got some big sacks of seed and she dragged them out into the fields.

And she called for help.

"Who will help me sow the seeds?" said the little red hen.

"Not I," said the cow.

"Not I," said the dog.

"Not I," said the mouse.

"Then I won't ask again," said the little red hen.

"I'll sow the seeds myself." And so she did.

And it was hard work.

Time passed, the sun did shine and the rains came down from time to time.

And in time, those seeds grew into fields of wheat, ready for chopping.

"Who will help me chop the wheat?" said the little red hen.

"Not I," said the cow.

"Not I," said the dog.

"Not I," said the mouse.

"Then I won't ask again," said the little red hen.

"I'll chop the wheat myself." And so she did, and it was hard work.

Time passed, the sun did shine and the rains came down from time to time.

Soon it was time for getting the grain out of the wheat and grinding it to make the flour.

"Who will help me grind the grain?" said the little red hen.

"Not I," said the cow.

"Not I," said the dog.

"Not I," said the mouse.

"Ah, then I won't ask again," said the little red hen.

"I'll grind the grains myself." And so she did.

And it was hard work making the flour.

Time passed, the sun did shine and the rains came down from time to time.

But soon it was ready to turn that flour into bread.

"Who will help me bake the bread?" said the little red hen.

"Not I," said the cow.

"Not I," said the dog.

"Not I," said the mouse.

"Then I won't ask again," said the little red hen.

"I'll bake the bread myself." And so she did.

And it was fun.

And the smell from the oven, it was yum, yum, yum.

And soon the bread was ready.

"Who will help me eat the bread?" said the little red hen.

The cow's eyes widened.

"I will," said the cow.

The dog's tongue got long.

"I will," said the dog.

The mouse's whiskers were trembling with excitement.

"I will," said the mouse.

"Well, you didn't help make the flour, and you didn't help make the bread.

So I'll eat it all myself," the little red hen said.

And so she did.

Did you have any favourite moments in that story? I liked the moment when the dog's tongue grew long, 'cause he wants to eat the bread.

What did you like, Panda? She liked it when the mouse was really excited.

What was your favourite moment of the story? Would you like to draw it? Now's the time to get your paper and pencils and draw your favourite moments of that story.

And when you're done, come back, and we'll talk about that story some more.

Time to get to work.

So how was that? Did you have a memorable moment in the story? A bit that you remembered more than any other bit of the story? Well remember, you can share your work with us here at Oak Academy.

Ask your carer or teacher and they will show you how it's done.

And we'd love to see your lovely work.

This was our favourite moment.

It was the bit of the story after all her hard work when the little red hen got to eat the bread all by herself.

So good stories have memorable moments and they also have learnings.

And I wonder, for example, what do you think, Panda? What do you think the cow and the mouse and the dog learnt in that story? Maybe if somebody asks for help, it's really nice if you do help because they didn't help at all.

So they didn't deserve any bread.

Hmm, maybe.

Panda thinks that maybe the little red hen did give 'em some bread, but we don't know that for sure.

But I think they didn't deserve any really, did they? Because they didn't help the little red hen.

Anyway, whatever you think, you can't be wrong.

It's how you see the story.

So, in the next lesson we're going to be learning how to sing that story and map that story as well.

Until then, show your pictures and share them with your friends and your family and your teachers.

And until next time, goodbye.