
Lesson video

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Hello everybody.

Ms. Hughes here, and in this lesson I'm visiting a very special place.

Can you guess where it is? Some of you recognise it.

This is a church and it's where some Christians go to worship.

I'm here to learn about the story of the nativity.

Which is the story that Christmas comes from.

And I'm going to do that by listening to the nativity story and understanding why some people celebrate Christmas.

There will be three lessons on the nativity.

One with me, number two, with Miss.

Sidenius and number three with Mrs. Garrad.

Give them a wave or a thumbs up, they're excited to meet you.

In this lesson we'll learn about Christianity, the religion, through the nativity story.

Think of some ways that Christmas is celebrated and draw a story map to help us remember the nativity story.

You're going to need, your listening ears, a pencil and maybe some colours and some paper split into six boxes.

Pause the video here, get what you need and press play when you're ready.


We're ready to begin.

And we're going to learn about Christianity, which is the religion where the nativity comes from.

A Religion is a set of beliefs about a super human power.

That might mean that a religion has one God or lots of gods, or it might be that they have no God and believe in something else.

If you have a religion, tell the screen what it is.

Wow, we belong to lots of different religions and some of us don't have a religion.

In Christianity, Christians worship one God, they worship one God.

They go to a special religious place called a church to worship, it's called a church.

And they read a Holy book called the Bible, called the Bible.

So let's look at a picture of a church.

Can you point to it? Churches come in all shapes and sizes, but they usually have a cross somewhere on the front of them.

So that Christians know that is a place of worship that is suitable for them.

I wonder if you can find the cross on this church point to it, if you can.

Did you find it at the top? That's a great idea to put it so high so that if you were far away, you would be able see the cross.

And know that was a church.

Churches are very different inside but lots of churches are very beautiful places.

They have stained glass windows, which are these colourful windows that have pictures of people and stories from the Bible.

The Bible is the book that Christians read.

The Bible has two main parts called, the Old Testament and the New Testament.

Now we've learnt a lot about Christianity, so let's see what we remember with a little quiz.

What is the Holy text that Christians have? Is it the Torah or the Bible? Tell your screen.


Christians read the Bible.

Where do Christians, go to worship? Do they go to a church or a mosque? Tell your screen.

Christians go to a church to worship, Muslims go to a mosque to worship.

Now that we've learnt about Christianity, we'll hear the story of the nativity.

And the nativity is the story of Christmas, it's the story of? And it takes place over 2000 years ago, you can do this action to show that it was a really long time ago.

It starts in a place called Nazareth, where a young couple called Mary and Joseph, their names were Mary and Joseph, lived.

They were going to get married but one day Mary was visited by the angel Gabriel.

Don't be afraid, said the angel Gabriel, for you will have the son of God.

Mary was shocked.

She felt a little afraid, but she trusted God and began to get excited.

When Joseph got home, he was really angry because they were not married yet.

But an angel visited him in a dream and told him to look after Mary.

At the same time, the Roman empire, where they lived was ordering people to go back to the towns that their families came from to pay their taxes.

Mary, point to Mary, and Joseph, point to Joseph, travelled all the way to Bethlehem, a long way away on a donkey.

Mary sat on the donkey and Joseph helped to guide it.

It was a long journey and when they arrived at Bethlehem, they were very tired.

They knocked on the door of a nearby inn, but there was no space! They knocked on lots of doors, but there was no space until finally, an innkeeper told them they could go out to the stable where the horses lived.

Baby Jesus, his name was Jesus was born in a manger and Jesus was such a special baby because Jesus was the son of God.

News broke that the son of God had been born.

An angel visited some shepherds and told them to visit Jesus.

Not far away a new star appeared in the sky.

And three wise Kings also decides to visit Jesus, bringing gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.

Jesus was very special.

But that night Joseph had another dream.

And in the dream, Joseph was warned by an angel that the King Herod was an enemy and was going to try and kill Jesus.

So they soon fled, Mary and Joseph and Jesus to Egypt, which was far away where they would be safe.

Jesus was safe to grow up.

And now we celebrate Christmas to remember the birth of the son of God.

Now, there was a lot of people in that story and remember there were lots of people that visited Jesus.

Let's take a look at this painting of the nativity scene.

I wonder who we can see here.

Can you see Jesus? Point to Jesus.

That's right, Jesus is the baby here and Jesus was the son of God.

Now holding Jesus is his mother Mary and here is his father, Joseph.

Now in the story, there was an angel, can you remember what the angel was called? The angel was called Gabriel.

Can you point to the angel Gabriel? You might be pointing at the angel with the wings.

Here is the angel Gabriel.

Now I can see three more people in this picture.

One, two, three, who might these be? That's right these were the three wise kings.

And we can tell they're kings because they have crowns that they are holding.

And they brought Jesus gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.

Jesus was very special.

Now, 2000 years later, lots of us celebrate Christmas, whether they were a Christian or not.

And we celebrate Christmas in lots of different ways.

We know that Christmas was because of the nativity story so some people will act out a nativity in school or put up nativity decorations in their homes.

They might to go to church and listened to the story of the nativity.

But there's awesome other ways that we now celebrate Christmas.

Tell the screen some things that you can see.

We celebrate Christmas by giving gifts, having decorations, maybe like a Christmas tree.

And having lots of feasts with delicious foods.

And in lesson two, and in the next week of lessons, we will learn more ways that Christmas is celebrated.

Now we're going to remember the story of the nativity by drawing a story map.

And we're going to do that by one, drawing a picture for each part, two, writing a words in each box and three, acting out the story.

Let's recap the story before you do yours.

So if you're sitting down, stand up and roll your shoulders back three times to get ready.

We're going to act out the story.

So step into the first box.

Mary was visited by an angel and we need to think of an action for angel.

I think I'm going to draw a halo around my head, but maybe you have wings like an angel.

Think of your action, one, two, three, angel.

They had to travel to Bethlehem, so I'm going to pretend to go on a long walk.

My face is showing that I'm really tired.

How will you show Mary and Joseph travelling to Bethlehem? Think of your action.

And Bethlehem.

Jesus was born in a manger and Jesus was very special.

So I'm going to draw, I'm going to make a manger with my hands.

What will your action be? Ready? And manger.

Jesus was visited by some shepherds and shepherds look after sheep.

So I'm going to pretend to walk like a shepherd.

What will your action be, ready? Shepherds.

I'm holding the stick like shepherds hold.

Then Jesus was visited by three wise men.

They were Kings so I think I'm going to do a crown on my head.

What will your action be, ready? Wise men.

Joseph had a dream that Jesus wasn't safe and they fled , so I'm going to pretend to be asleep and having a dream.

What will your action be for fled? Maybe you'll do them actually leaving very quickly.

Think of your action, fled.

Great job everyone.

Now, if you'd like to, please ask your parents or carers to share your work on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter, tagging Oak national and hashtag learn with Oak.

I hope you have fun throwing your story maps and remembering the story of the nativity.

Have a wonderful day.

It's been really fun learning with you.
