
Lesson video

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Hi, team, and welcome to another lesson with me, Mrs. Garrard.

Now, in today's lesson, we're going to learn about all of the features of a fire engine.

Let me share my screen with you.

So, the first thing that we're going to need to do today is gather some resources.

Then we're going to look carefully at some pictures of a fire engine and identify key features.

Then we'll use our new knowledge to create a model of our very own fire engine.

So for today's lesson, you will need your listening ears and your looking eyes.

You'll need to look carefully at fire engines to see if you can identify some features.

You'll need some junk modelling resources.

So, I used egg box cartons, but you could use a box, you could use yoghourt pots, those sorts of things that you'd find in your recycling bin at home.

You'll need some paper and some tin foil.

You'll need some paint, some glue, some scissors and some tape.

Pause the video now and gather the resources that you'll need for creating later on.

Come back and press play when you're ready.


Now you're back.

We can start to look at fire engines really carefully and see what we notice about them.

We'll need to identify key features that tell us that that vehicle is a fire engine.

Look closely at the picture on your screen.

What do you notice about this fire engine? Tell me one thing that you notice.

You could say, "I noticed that." Tell the screen.

Great job.

You noticed so many different things.

I noticed the colours on the fire engine.

I noticed that it was mostly red, but it had a blue light and black wheels and some white writing and some yellow markings on.

I noticed the colours of the fire engine.

What other important features do you notice? Look carefully.

What else tells you that this vehicle is a fire engine? I noticed that all right, at the top of the cab, it has lights and a siren.

Do you see the blue light at the top? That's to tell people that they are coming and that you need to move out of the way.

So the light will flash and the siren will sound and drivers that are driving along the road will hear that and be able to move out of the way so that the fire engine can get to the place it needs to go speedily.

That's why they have lights and sirens.

They also have wheels.

Can you see right at the bottom? They have wheels to help them travel along the road.

And a really important feature of a fire engine is a ladder.

Do you see the ladder on the top of the fire engine? That ladder is an extendable ladder.

It means it can get longer and longer so that it can reach into high places because a fire engine might need to access a tall high-rise building.

It might need to access.

It might need to help to get a kitten from a tree.

I don't know, but it needs to have a long ladder to help the fire crew do their job.

A fire engine also has some specialist equipment.

That means equipment that is special to the job that it does.

So on a fire engine, you will see that it has hoses and connectors.

I wonder why does a fire engine need hoses? Tell your screen.

Yeah, you're right.

A fire engine needs hoses because it needs water to help to put out fires and you can get water through a hose.

So it has special hoses and connectors that allows it to connect to water hydrants that are positioned in places along the road.

It also has some cutting gear.

My turn, cutting gear.

Your turn.

Cutting gear helps to help in situations such as maybe a car accident, maybe a car needs to have the door opened and the door has jammed.

So the fire brigade would use their cutting gear to cut the door so that it opens.

You would also see breathing apparatus on a fire engine.

My turn, breathing apparatus.

Your turn.

Great job.

Breathing apparatus is a special mask and an oxygen tank that the fire crew can wear when they need to go into dangerous situations where there's lots of smoke.

Smoke is not good for our lungs, and if we breathe it in, it can hurt our bodies.

So the fire crew wear breathing apparatus so that they don't breathe in the smoke and they get all the oxygen that they need in their bodies to help them to carry on with their job.

So a fire crew will have hoses and connectors, cutting gear and breathing apparatus, all on their fire engine.

There are lots of different compartments and they have lots of other specialist tools, but those are some things that I noticed, hoses, cutting gear and breathing apparatus.

Now that we've looked closely at a fire engine and we know all of the different parts that we need to include in our model, it's time for us to create our very own fire engine.

We'll need to remember to include the wheels, the siren, the ladder, the hoses.

Let's get on and see how we will do that.

So, watch the video and listen carefully to the instructions that I give.

So you can see that I'm starting off, but I'm using two egg boxes for my fire engine.

But if you don't have two egg boxes, you could just use boxes, like cereal boxes or a shoe box.

That would work just as well.

I'm taping the boxes together so that the front part is the cab of the fire engine and the other egg box is the body of the fire engine.

I'm using masking tape because you can paint over the top of masking tape, whereas sellotape, the paint doesn't stick so well too.

You'll need a few pieces of tape to stick the front part of your fire engine to the back part so that it's nice and secure.

See, I'm testing to see if it's secure.

I might add a couple more pieces.

Then I'm going to paint all of my fire engine red.

I'm going to be careful to make sure I paint all of it red.

Then I need to wait for my fire engine to dry for a little while.

But while I'm waiting, I'm going to make the hose.

I've got a toilet roll tube.

I'm cutting just a little bit off.

I'm using some ribbon to wind around the cheap to make my hose.

If you don't have ribbon, you could use wool or a string, or you could think of another way to make the hose.

This is just one way that I thought of.

You could even draw the hose on if you wanted to.

That would be a great strategy.

So I'm sticking some tape to wind into the ribbon.

And then I'm going to wind it around the toilet roll tube so it looks like a hose wound around a wheel.

It's a bit tricky 'cause the ribbon is twisting.

There we go.

I'm nearly at the end.

Oh, see how it's twisting and I'm having to twist it back round.

Now I'm going to cut the ribbon and stick the other end down so that it looks like the hose.

And if it doesn't come on, wound again.

Needs a bit of tape.

Stick it in position.

And that's ready to go in our fire engine.

Now I'm going to make the ladder and I have some straws.

But if you don't have straws, you could draw your ladder onto some paper and cut it out.

That's another great way to make the ladder.

The straws are a little bit fiddly because you have to fit them together to make the rungs of the ladder.

You could also use lolly sticks for this part.

So there are some different ways that you could make a ladder.

You could use straws like I'm making, you could draw your ladder on some paper and cut it out, or you could fix some lolly sticks together.

That's another way that you could make your ladder.

I'm winding the tape around to fix the piece across the middle to make it look like one of the rungs of the ladder.

It's quite tricky.

You might need a little bit of help with this, if you choose to make your ladder this way.

So I'm going to keep going until I've got the rungs all the way down to the bottom.

Now my fire engine is dry.

I can start to add some of the other features.

So, this is a little rectangle I've cut from tin foil.

And I'm going to use that for the windscreen.

I'm going to stick it on the front.

Let me see.

Right on the front.

And then I've cut another rectangle out of paper.

It's blue.

I wonder if you can guess what this is going to be.

Yeah, you're right.

It's the siren.

So I'm going to stick that to the top of the fire engine.

And then I've cut some circles from black card and I stuck some little circles of tin foil in the middle to make the wheels.

I've made four of those.

So I'm going to add those to my fire engine.

Two on one side and two on the other.

The last wheel now then we'll have four and we'll be ready to come into the next part.

There you go.

It's looking a little bit more like a fire engine now.

I'm going to glue the hose onto the back of the fire engine just like in the pictures we saw.

The fire engine had the hose in a compartment on the back.

And add the ladder.

And that is my completed fire engine.

Let me show you a picture and we'll check to see if we have all of the features.

Let's see.

How many features of a fire engine can you see? Well, we have our siren and I light.

That's one.

We have the wheels.

That's two.

We have the red colour.

That's three.

We have the hose.

That's four.

And we have the ladder.

That's five.

We have included five features of a fire engine.

You could try and add some more of the colours that we saw on the fire engine.

I didn't have any yellow paint, so I couldn't put the yellow markings on.

But maybe you could do that, or maybe you could use a yellow paper to add the markings onto your fire engine.

And maybe you could write the word fire on white paper and stick that one too.

I bet you can make your fire engine a little bit more detailed than my fire engine.

Team, that brings us to the end of our lesson today.

If you would like to share your work with us at Oak National, you can ask your parent or carer to share your work on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter, tagging @OakNational and #LearnwithOak.

I've really enjoyed learning about fire engines with you, but now it's time for me to go.

I'll see you again soon.

Bye, team.