
Lesson video

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Hello Everyone.

Welcome back to another lesson with me, Miss Sidenius.

Today, I'm really excited to be learning all about how plants grow.

I love to grow plants in my garden.

But it's not as easy as you might think.

So we are going to start today's lesson by looking at the life cycle of a plant.

Next, we are going to create a seed mosaic.

And finally, we are going to share that seed mosaic with somebody in our household, a teddy, or a toy.

In this lesson, you are going to need three things.

Some paper, some pens or pencils, and some different seeds and beans.

You could even use lentils or pasta as well.

Some dry foods, that you can use to make a mosaic.

Pause the video here, make sure you've got those things, and come back when you are ready.

♪ Star words, star words, star words.

♪ My turn.

♪ Temperature.

♪ ♪ Temperature.

♪ A temperature, is how hot or how cold something is.

We are going to need to learn a little bit more about temperature, when it comes to plants.

Now, just like humans, plants start off their life very, very small.

In fact, most of them start off as tiny winy winy winy seeds or beans that need to be planted in the ground.

Then what happens? So you put the bean or the seed in the ground.

You've watered it.

You wait a few days.

What happens next? Tell your screen.


I wonder if you know this.

Under the ground in the soil, the seed will start to grow roots, which are like, these little bits of string that you can see in the picture.

The roots help the plant to stand up in the soil and they take up water from the soil as well.

So what happens next? Use the picture on the screen to help you.

Tell your screen.

That's right.

When the roots have all formed underground, soon enough, a tiny shoot will appear out of the soil.

Just like the one in the picture.

And as that shoot carries on growing, it grows leaves and it gets taller and taller.

And you can see that the plant has a stem and the leaves all come off the stem in lots of different directions.

The stem is like the stick that holds the plant up and all of the flowers and the leaves grow off the stem.

My turn, stem.

Good job.

And there are the leaves.

You can see the arrow pointing to the leaves.

Now some plants even get beautiful flowers when they've grown tall enough.

The flowers come in all different colours and shapes and sizes.

Just like you can see on the screen.

Can you think of any flowers that you've seen before? Tell your screen.

You might have seen sunflowers like the ones in the picture.

You might have seen poppies, like the picture on the left.

You might have seen tulips, like the pink flowers that you can see on the screen.

You might even have seen daffodils or daisies.

So many of you gave me great answers for the different flowers that you've seen.

The pollen from these flowers, it used to make seeds.

What can you see on the flowers in these pictures? Tell you a screen.

That's right.

You can see bees.

Bees and other insects love to collect the pollen from the flowers.

The pollens sticks to the bees and insects and it helps them to spread the pollen around to lots of different areas so that new seeds can grow and new flowers will grow as well.

So let's look at what we've learned about the life cycle of a plant so far.

Plants starts off as a? Seed.

That's right.

They start off as a seed and eventually, what grows underground? Roots.

Well done.

It grows some roots underground to help carry the water up to the rest of the plant.

Next, it grows into a? Shoot.

Well done.

A little shoot pops out of the soil.

And that shoot grows taller and taller until it has a? Stem.

Well done.

With leaves.

And when that grows even taller, it becomes a? Flower.

That's right.

Some plants have flowers on them like this beautiful sunflower.

Now, what was it that the bees collect from the plant? The flower has pollen that helps to create more seeds.

And the pollen get stuck to the little bees and insects.

And so when they carry off the pollen and they land on another flower or in another part of the soil, the pollen can be released and make new seeds.

So it starts all over again.

It goes round and round in circles.

But how do plants grow? Just like humans, there are things that plants need to grow.

Looking at the pictures on the screen, can you tell me what some of those things are? That's right.

Plants need water, the right temperature and sunlight as well.

Some plants like the warm weather and some plants like cold weather.

If it's too hot, some plants will die.

And if it's too cold, some plants will die as well.

All plants need sunlight to grow.

The leaves on a plant, use the sunlight and turn it into food for the plant to grow.

Just like humans, plants need food to grow as well.

And to make that food, they need sunlight.

And, with water plants also need to have the right amount of water.

They can't have too much, or they will drown and they can't have too little or they will shrivel up and die.

Great job, everyone.

We've learnt so much about how plants grow and what they need to grow.

Now, we are going to have a go at making a mosaic picture using the very things that plants grow from.

Seeds or beans.

If you don't have enough, you can always use pasta or lentils or some other dry foods instead, just like I have in the pictures here.

You can see, that a mosaic is a picture made using lots of different materials that all come together to make a beautiful picture.

Here are some examples of some that I've made earlier.

And I'm going to show you how you could make a flower mosaic if you like.

But you can choose to make whatever you like.

So to start off making the mosaic, I'm going to draw the outline of a flower.

So I've got the middle part there, and the petals going all around the outside.

Always helps to draw the outline first so that you can see where your seeds are going to go.

Pause the video here.

Draw the outline of your flower, or butterfly, or sun, whatever you would like to make a mosaic off, and come back when you're ready.

Great job everyone.

Now, we get to start using some of our seeds.

You can see I'm just going to pull mine out and spread them around to the outline of my drawing.

And I think it's fun to use lots of different seeds or beans for my mosaic.

So I'm trying to use lots of different colours, lots of different shapes and sizes.

So I'm using beans now, kidney beans for some of my petals.

They go around the outside like that.

And, now I'm using some lentils, some yellow lentils.

So already I've got green, yellow, and a purpley colour as well.


Where else should I put the yellow lentils? I think I'll do some on that side over there.

That's it.

So it's already starting to look like a flower now.

What am I going to use next? Mmh.

Some pasta.

So I've got red orangy colour as well now.

Look at all those different colours and textures that I had for my mosaic.

I've used so many different materials.

And now I'm going to use some orange lentils or another one of my petals.

And I'm just spreading it out to the edge of my drawing.

And I'm going to do the same thing on the other side.

There we go.

I finished my flower mosaic.

Pause the video here, make your mosaic.

And come back when you are ready.

So now that you've made your lovely mosaic picture, I want you to have a think.

Did you use any seeds? What do you think would happen if you planted one of those seeds in some soil? Tell you a screen.

If you planted one of your seeds and you watered it, and made sure that it got sunlight, and it was the right temperature, it might just grow into something.

How exciting.

Well done everyone.

I hope you enjoy learning lots about the life cycle of a plant and what plants need to grow.

Have a great rest of your day.
