
Lesson video

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Hello! I'm Adam and this is Panda, and this is lesson 9 from unit one.

Here's the agenda: So, on our agenda today we are going to start by taking a nursery rhyme that we know, and we're going to change it quickly and recycle it, to sing a new one.

This is Panda's idea.

Then, after that we are going to step out the new story we have learnt using the noisy house, and turning it into a Panda story.

And today we won't need anything other than ourselves because we're going to be moving around.

One of Panda's favourite nursery rhymes is the one we learnt, Hickory Dickory Dock.

It's the story about the clock.

Let's do it again very quickly to remind ourselves and then we'll change it.

This is Panda's idea, isn't it? Here we go.

Let's do it like we did it before.

This time, this is the hand of the clock and we'll go tick tock, tick tock, okay ready? ♪ Hickory Dickory Dock, the ran went up the clock, ♪ ♪ The clock struck one, the mouse ran down, ♪ ♪ Hickory Dickory Dock, tick tock, tick tock, ♪ ♪ Tick tock ♪ ♪ Hickory Dickory Dock, the mouse ran up the clock, ♪ ♪ The mouse ran up the clock, ♪ ♪ The clock struck two the mouse went ♪ ♪ Boo! ♪ ♪ Hickory Dickory Dock, tick tock, tick tock ♪ ♪ Tick tock, hickory dickory dock ♪ ♪ The mouse ran up the clock ♪ ♪ The clock struck three, the mouse went weeee ♪ ♪ Hickory dickory dock, tick tock, tick tock ♪ ♪ Hickory dickory dock, the mouse ran up the clock ♪ ♪ The clock struck four, the mouse went ♪ ♪ No more ♪ ♪ Hickory dickory dock, tick tock, tick tock ♪ Panda said, what would it be like if we changed the mouse into a snail so we've been thinking about that, because a snail can't run, but a snail could use it's body like this to crawl up.

So should we have the snail crawling up the clock? And we can use our voices to find rhyming words.

So for when the clock strikes one, maybe the snail can go 'this is fun!' And on two, he could go 'woooo!' And on three, maybe the snail could go 'yippee!' Maybe that would be fun.

Should we try it together? Okay.

Like this, here we go.

♪ Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock, ♪ ♪ Hickory dickory dock, snail crawled up the clock, ♪ ♪ The clock struck one, the snail said ♪ ♪ 'This is fun!' Hickory dickory dock ♪ ♪ Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock, ♪ ♪ Hickory dickory dock, the snail crawled up the clock ♪ ♪ The clock struck two, the snail went 'wooo!' ♪ ♪ Hickory dickory dock, tick tock, tick tock, ♪ ♪ Hickory dickory dock, the snail crawled up the clock, ♪ ♪ The clock struck three, the snail went 'yippee!' ♪ ♪ Hickory dickory dock, tick tock, tick tock ♪ That was fun! Nursery rhyme done.

Do you remember when we stepped through the story doing actions of the noisy house? It doesn't matter if you didn't, because we're going to go through it again, only with this new story, the one with Panda.

So the first thing to do, to remind ourselves of the story is to look at the story map.

Here it comes.

So do you remember that we changed the story from Mr Adam to Panda? And the story starts here.

Now Panda's problem is that she had a leaky boat, water was getting into the boat! So she went up the wave and down the wave, and up the wave and down the wave until she got to her friend, the crab, who lived on an island.

And the crab said 'hmm, Panda you need to get a cow! Put a cow in the boat.

' So she went up the wave and down the wave, and up the wave and down the wave and she got a cow in the boat.

Next, the crab said get a lamb, a baby lamb and put the lamb in the boat.

All these animals go splish splash splosh, don't they? And finally she says, I think you need a donkey in the boat.

Panda's not sure.

Anyway, with the cow and the lamb and the donkey in the boat, the boat can hardly float.

They all go splish splash splosh.

And Panda goes back to see crab, and she says 'hmm, maybe you don't need a donkey or a lamb or a cow, maybe you just need a bucket.

' And in the end, Panda is happy and she sails off in her boat.

Now, we're going to step that story.

Here's our big challenge of today's lesson.

We're going to work out how to step this story.

So we need to have actions for everything, so shall we do those first? So, when we think of Panda, should we give her ears like that? And when we think of crab, should we use our fingers to make a crab like that? Now, the crab said get a cow.

Let's do a cow with horns like that.

And the cow of course will go 'moo!' Let's hear you! Mooooo! Brilliant.

Then we have a lamb, so really cute like that.

Baaaa After that, there's a donkey, eee-or! And finally, she gets a bucket, so should we pretend that we've got a bucket because she uses the bucket to scoop out the water.


Now, to step a story, we imagine that there are paving stones all around us and we're trying not to stand in the cracks.

So we've got to find a way to step on each one and every time we step on one, we're going to do an action and say something that helps us remember our story.

And the first time, I think we should keep it really simple.

Should we do it together? Let's do it together.

First step.

Here we go, take a step.

Are you ready? Once upon a time, there was a Panda.

She had a leaky boat.

Ready to step? She went to see her friend the crab.

First she got a cow.

Ready to step? Then, she got a lamb.

Step again.

After that, she got a donkey.

And finally, should we do that together? Storytellers like doing that.

And finally, she got a bucket, and was happy.

Let's do that together again.

And then you can do it on your own.

Are you ready? Here we go.

Step into the story.

Once upon a time, there was a Panda.

She had a leaky boat.

Take a step.

She went to see her friend the crab.

First she got a cow.

Then she got a lamb.

Then she got a donkey.

Finally, she got a bucket and she was happy.

Here's your challenge.

It's your turn to go to work.

I'm going to pause the video now, you pause it too.

And I want you to practise stepping out the story, and once you can do it, come back and we'll do a little more work.

Have fun! So how was that? Were you able to step the story? Brilliant! Now, I'm going to do it one more time, can we do it together? And this time, I'm going to add a few more words that might help us when we tell the story tomorrow.

Here we go.

You know lots of this already! Step into the story.

Once upon a time, there was a Panda.

She had a leaky boat.

Are you doing it with me? She had a leaky boat.

Up the wave and down the wave, and up the wave and down the wave.

When she got to the island, she saw her friend the crab.

Crab, I've got a problem! I've got a leaky boat! Crab said get a cow.

Cow got in the boat.

Splish splash splosh.

The boat could hardly float! Up the wave and down the wave and up the wave and down the wave.

When she got to the island, she saw her friend the crab.

Crab, I've got a problem! I've got a leaky boat! The crab said get a little lamb.

The lamb got in the boat.

Splish splash splosh.

The boat could hardly float! She went up the wave and down the wave, up the wave and down the wave.

And when she got to the island, she saw her friend the crab.

Crab, I've got a problem! I've got a leaky boat! The crab said get a donkey.

The donkey got in the boat, splish splash splosh.

The boat could hardly float! She went up the wave and down the wave, up the wave and down the wave.

And when she got to the island, she saw her friend the crab.

Crab, I've got a problem, I've got a noisy boat! The crab said get a donkey.

The donkey got in the boat, the boat could hardly float! Splish, splash, splosh.

Up the wave and down the wave, up the wave and down the wave, and when she got to the island, she saw her friend the crab.

Crab, I've got a problem! I've got a leaky boat! Get a bucket.

'Oh yeah!' Says Panda, and she sailed away, and she was happy! And that was that.

So what was your favourite bit about stepping that story? Did you like the splish splash, splosh? I liked that bit.

Or maybe you like going.

Panda says she really likes it at the end, where she sails away for a year and a day.

I know you like that bit Panda.

Well, I would like you, this is a challenge, to go and show somebody else you know how to step that story.

And next time, in our next lesson, we're going to be working towards you telling that story all by yourself.

But don't worry, we've got some more things to do to get you ready for that.

So keep on listening to stories, listen to words and trying new words and new actions too.

And Panda and I, we look forward to seeing you in the next lesson soon.

All right then, bye for now!.