
Lesson video

In progress...


Hello Everybody.

Miss Hughes here.

How are you today? Its great to meet you all.

I have been looking at a photo, of when I was a baby, and I am amazed by how much I have grown.

I bet you've grown lots too, since you were a baby.

We're going to have chance to think about that, in this lesson, by understanding that humans grow, and change over time.

There's going to be three lessons on how we grow as humans.

Number one with me, two with Miss Sidenius, and three, with Mrs Garrard.

I bet they've grown since they were a baby too.

In this lesson, we'll listen to a story, think about growing, think about how we grow, and then make our own box which shows how we've grown.

You're going to need your listening ears, you're going to need a mirror if you have one, and a baby photo, if you have one.

Maybe your grown up can help you to find, a photo of you as a baby.

Pause the video here, get what you need, and restart when you're ready.


Lets begin by listening to a story.

And this story is called Lulu reads to Zeke.

And its illustrated by Rosalind Beardshaw, written by Anna McQuinn, and published by Alanna Max.

So get comfortable, and we'll begin.

Lulu reads to Zeke.

Look at the front cover.

I wonder if this is Lulu, and this is Zeke.

Maybe, Lulu is a big sister, in the story.

Lets find out.

Lulu's day, always ends with with a story.

Tonight, her mummy reads one, about a little girl, and her new baby brother.

Lulu's mummy is having a new baby too.

Lulu is going to be a big sister.

Maybe you're a big sister.

Mummy's tummy gets bigger and bigger, but she still has time to read with Lulu.

Lulu chooses stories the baby will like.

Daddy makes new shelves for the baby's things, and Lulu sorts her books.

Some are of keeping, and some are for the new baby.

She puts them on the new shelf with her duck, and her old teddy.

Then one day, the new baby arrives.

His name is Zeke.

Can you all say, hello Zeke! Lulu brings him a soft book for his cot.

Its a perfect present for a new brother.

Lulu's new baby brother cries a lot.

Lulu wants to cheer him up, so she tells him a story.

But it turns out, he is just hungry.

So while mummy feeds Zeke, Lulu holds her best best story.

She and mummy read it together.

Sometimes Zeke cries when he needs a new nappy.

Lulu reads him her best potty book.

Sometimes he cries in the bath, Lulu reads him her best duck story.

Sometimes Zeke cries when he is tired.

Lulu reads him her best sleepy story.

She sings a song for Zeke, and then he goes to sleep.

Lulu's new baby brother sleeps a lot.

While he's sleeping, Lulu plays with her teddies.

Being a big sister is a big job.

Sometimes Lulu helps her mummy, sometimes she helps her daddy.

The new baby keeps everyone very busy, but they are not too busy to end the day with a story, for the best big sister of all.

The end.

I love that story.

It shows us that being a big sister is a hard, but amazing job.

And I like that having a baby brother reminds Lulu, of the things that she did when she was a baby.

She gives some of her old toys to the new baby, because she has grown out of them.

As we grow up, we change and we need different things.

So lets think about what it means to grow.

Growing means getting bigger over time.

Say that with me.

Growing means getting bigger over time.

And lots of different things grow.

Using the pictures, tell your screen, some of the things you can think of, that grows.

Great job.

Plants grows like trees and flowers, people grow, like us, and animals grow.

This is a lamb, that has turned into a sheep.

Lots of things grow, they get bigger over time.

Now in this lesson, we will think about how we grow.

And we are called, humans, my turn humans, your turn? Humans are people, and humans all grow over time.

We start as a baby, then we grow into a child, then we grow into a teenager, and then into an adult.

When we're an adult, we usually stop growing, and we're at our full height.

Pause the video here, and tell the screen the different stages of growing.

Lets recap.


Child, Teenager.



Now I want you to think, where are you at the moment.

Are you a baby, child, teenager, or adult.

Tell your screen.

Most of you, are a child at the moment.

You've grown since you were a baby, but you've still got some more growing to do.

Of course you might be someone else.

Now, I once was a baby.

Its hard to imagine now, but I was, and here is a photo of me as a baby.

I then grew into a child, and here is a photo of me as a child.

I can see that between being a baby, and between being five, my hair had grown, I had grown bigger, and I could even smile more, and show different facial expressions.


I really changed a lot from when I was a baby, to when I was a child.

I can also see, that when I was sitting up here as a baby, I don't think I could walk yet.

Whereas I know when I was five, I could walk.

So, not only the way I looked changed, but the things I could do changed.

Now I want you to get your baby photo in front of you, and I want to get your mirror in front of you, and I want you to look carefully, at the photo, and then at you now, and think, how have you changed.

Here's some ideas to get you started.

Maybe your hair has changed.

Maybe your height has changed.

Or your ability to things you can do.

Pause the video, and tell the screen, what's changed for you.


You thought of so many different things.

You're all very different now.

Now, most of us are, children.

I'm thinking back to when I was a child for this lesson.

What will happen next, what will you grow into next? Tell your screen.

That's right, next you will grow into a teenager.

Not for a long time, but that's the next big step in your growing.

What will happen after that, you may ask, then you will become an adult, and then you will be fully grown.

You won't grow anymore.

So, your personality might change, and your appearance might change, you won't grow any taller.

Now, I want us to think, of a way that we can remember, who we are now, so that when we have grown, in years to come we can look back, and appreciate what we were like as a child.

So we're going to make a growing box, and in that growing box, we're going to put things to represent who we are now.

Here are some things you might like to include.

You might like to include your hand print, you might want to draw around your hand, and put your hand print in the books.

And when you're bigger, you can compare your hand to your hand print, and see if your hand if your hand has grown.

You might, like to include something to represent your height.

You might like to use a piece of string, and cut it to the same height as you, and put that in the box, to see if you've grown taller.

You might, want to put something to represent your shoe size, by drawing around your foot, or writing your shoe size, to see if that changes as you grow.

You might want to put some writing, or a picture that you have made in the box, so you can see if you get better at writing, or drawing as you grow.

Or you might like to put a photo in the box, of what you look like now, so you can see what's changed as you grow up.

Lets have a look at what I'm putting in my box.

In my box, I'm putting a piece of string to represent how tall I am.

I'm 160 centimetres, so this piece of ribbon is 160 centimetres.

That's going in the box.

I have my footprint, with my shoes size written on it.

I have a drawing of my hand, so I can see how big my hand is, and I have a photo of me, and my friend so I can remember what I look like now.

I'm not going to grow much more because I'm an adult, but it will still be nice to look back at these things, when I am older, and see what has changed.

Pause the video here, to take down some ideas of things to put in your box.


If you'd like to, please ask your parent, or carer to share your work on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter, tagging Oak National and #LearnwithOak.

I've really enjoyed learning about how much we've grown, and learning the ways that we do that.

I hope you've enjoyed it too, and remember to take lots of photos, of you as a child, so that you can look back on them when you're older.

Have a lovely day.
