
Lesson video

In progress...


Hello everyone, and welcome to your second lesson of your first unit.

My name is Miss Sidenius and I'm really excited to be teaching you today.

I am going to be helping you to create a family collage using lots of different materials today.

But before we get started, let's just remind you of your teachers for this unit.

In lesson one, you're going to have a lovely Miss Hughes teaching you.

In lesson two, you're going to have me Miss Sidenius.

And in lesson three each week, you're going to have lots of fun with Mrs. Garrard.

So in today's lesson, we're going to start by describing our families.

We're then going to create our family collage.

And finally we're going to share our collage with somebody in our household, a teddy or a toy.

In this lesson, you're going to need four things, some collage materials, some scissors, some glue and some pens or pencils.

Now for your collage materials, I want you to try and use as many different things as you can think of.

I use some paper, some felt material, some string, and some leaves from my garden.

But before you go and take things to use, make sure that you ask a parent or carer if you are allowed to use those things.

Pause the video here, go and find your items and press play when you're ready.

Great job, everyone.

So a collage is a type of art that uses different materials all stacked together to make a picture, just like the ones that you can see on your screen here.

You can see those birds have been cut out from some other magazine or photo and stuck onto the picture of the grass.

And then they have some googly eyes stuck on them as well.

And the aeroplane has used lots of different colourful bits of paper.

And I think I can even see some ribbon in there as well, all to create that lovely collage of an aeroplane.

So have a think about some of the materials that you're going to use in your collage today.

♪ Star words star words star words ♪ Unique, unique, unique means to be different.

And all of our families are different, which makes them unique.

One of the things that makes our families unique is how many people we have in our family.

I have five people in my family.

I have my mom, my dad, me and my two sisters, which makes five.

You might have two adults in your family as well.

But you might have two moms or two dads.

You might have one parent or carer in your family, or you might have grandparents and cousins that live with you as well, which make your family much larger than mine.

Different families speak different languages, have different skin tones, different hair colour, and different eye colours, which all make them unique as well.

And we can all look different within our families too.

So let's start thinking about some of the features of our family members.

I want you to think of an adult in your family.

Think about how tall they are, or how short they are.

I'm thinking about my mom, and she's very short like me.

Now I'd like you to think about the colour of their eyes.

What colour does the adult in your family that you're thinking of, what colour are their eyes? Mm my mom's eyes are blue.

So I know that my mom is short, and she has blue eyes.

What about the colour of their hair? My mom has brown hair, and she's got short hair.

She's got short brown hair.

Okay, what about their skin colour as well? My mom has quite fair skin like me.

I don't think I'm going to have the right colour paper to make her skin colour perfect.

But that doesn't matter.

What skin colour does the adult in your family have? Wow, I can already hear so many different answers.

I can't wait to see what your collage looks like.

Then let's get started of making the adult that you are thinking of.

First, I'm going to draw a circle for my mom's face.

I'm going to draw around a glue stick to make it easier for me 'cause I find it a bit tricky to draw circles.

You can see I don't have the perfect colour paper for skin colour.

But that's okay.

I'm just going to use pink.

And then I'm going to cut around it trying to stay close to the edges and I'm keeping my fingers well away from the blades on the scissors so that I don't accidentally cut myself.

So that to cut out my mom's face.

And remember I said my mom is quite short.

So I'm not going to put her face right at the top of the page.

I'm going to put it quite close to the bottom of the page to show that she's not very tall, she's short.

There we go.

So I've stuck her face down.

Now I think I'm going to use a different material to do another part of my mom.

I'm going to use this felt material to make a dress for her.

So I'm cutting a triangle shape out of my felt so I can make a dress.

And again, I'm keeping my fingers away from the scissors so that I don't cut them.

So I'm going to stick that down with my glue now.

Just like that.

And now I'm going to use some strings for her hair.

And do you remember I told you my mum has brown hair? I didn't have any brown string, so I'm just going to use white string, doesn't matter.

So I've got my bits of white string, and I'm going to stick them on to her head.

Like that, so you can see that my mom is short, she has short hair.

And next I'm going to do her eyes.

Remember I told you she has blue eyes.

Since she's got some blue eyes and a big smile because she's always smiling.

And there you go.

I've made the first member of my family.

So pause the video here.

Make the first member of your family thinking about all of their different features, and press play when you're ready.

Great job everyone.

Now let's crack on with the second member of our family.

I'm going to go ahead and make my dad this time.

Now, my dad is much taller than my mom.

And he's quite fair skinned as well.

So I don't have the right colour paper to make his skin colour but I'm just going to use pink again.

So I've drawn around my glue stick to make my circle and I'm going to cut it out keeping my fingers way from the blade.

Now, I said my dad was tall.

So am I going to put his head at the bottom of the page or at the top of the page? That's right at the top of the page.

He's much taller than my mom.

So I'm going to put him higher up on the page so you can tell that he's much taller.

And I'm going to draw a neck and some clothes for him to wear as well.

And then I'm going to stick the materials on top.

So he's going to be wearing a T-shirt and some shorts.

And I'm going to try and use different materials for what my dad is wearing.

So I'm putting some glue on the T-shirt so that I can stick different materials on.

And look, I'm going to use some leaves this time.

I'm going to try and make them look like T-shirt.

So just filling in my drawing of a T-shirt like that.

And I'm done.

Now I think I'm going to try and use a different material again for the shorts.

So I've got some blue paper, I'm going to put some glue on the shorts.

And I'm going to cut my blue paper into lots of different pieces to stick onto my shorts.

So you can piece them all together a bit like a puzzle to make your collage.

There we go.

Now my dad is tall, my dad has grey hair and blue eyes.

So I'm doing some blue eyes.

And again, I don't have grey strings so the white string will do for the hair.

But he's got very short hair on the top of his head, even shorter than my mom's hair.

So I'm only going to cut a tiny bit of string to make his short hair.

And stick it on the top.

And there we go.

I've made my mom and my dad.

Now, pause the video here, make the next member of your family and come back when you're ready.

So here you can see I've made the rest of my family as well.

I've got my mom, my dad, me and my two sisters.

And you can see, I have five people in my family from looking at my collage.

You can see that my mom's very short.

Me and my two sisters, we're all nearly the same height, but were taller than my mom and my dad is tallest out of all of us.

Pause the video here, finish the rest of your family and come back when you're ready.

Great job everyone.

So you should have a finished collage, just like this one on the screen.

Now I want you to have a good look at your collage and have a think.

What makes your family unique? Mm what makes it different to other people's families? My family is unique because I have five people in my family and we speak Danish.

And all of the people in our family have blue eyes.

And that's quite different.

I've got three girls, one mom and one dad.

I don't have any brothers.

That makes my family unique as well.

So I'd like you to have a little think about what makes your family unique and tell your screen.

My family is unique because? Well done everyone for trying so hard with your family collage today.

I'm so proud of how hard you worked to think about the different features of your family and what makes your family unique and different from other families.

Make sure that you share your work with somebody in your household, your teddy or your toy.

I know that they'll be really proud of how hard you work today as well.

See you next time, bye.