
Lesson video

In progress...


Hello, everybody.

Thank you for opening up today's lesson.

It is so great to see you.

My name is Miss Larham and I'm your design and technology teacher for today.

You have opened up lesson two of our textiles unit.

So I hope you're really looking forward to today's lesson because I know I certainly am.

Shall we get started? Brilliant.

Let's have a look at what we are learning to do today.

Today we're going to work confidently within a chosen context.

So I'm going to be sharing with you a context for our unit and we're going to start building our ideas and building our confidence within that context that I'm going to show you.

Let's see what we will need for today's lesson.

In this lesson, you will need some paper, a pencil and some colouring crayons and a computer or a device because you're going to be looking for some images linked to our context.

So if you need to pause the video because you need to go and collect all of those things that you need, now's the time to do that.

And then you can press play when you're ready.

I'll see you in just a moment.

Well done for collecting everything you need.

Let's see what we're going to be doing next.

We are going to look at what our lesson is going to look like today.

So first, all together we're going to do our intro quiz.

Then we're going to recap our previous lesson.

After that, we will do our star words.

Then we're going to create an image board today.

And finally, all together we will do our exit quiz.

So let's get started with the first part, our intro quiz.

Now, last lesson, you were amazing at all of my quizzes and I know you're going to be just as amazing today.

Now, for our quiz today, I'm going to show you some photographs and they're all photographs of different fasteners.

So the way that you would fasten, do up, bits of clothing.

So are you ready for the first picture? Excellent.

How is this jacked fastened, held together, closed together? Have a look, what can you see, what fastener? Five seconds to think.

Well done, can you tell me the fastener? Did you say button? I knew you did.

Well done, this is fastened using a button.

Great start, let's see what's next.

Oh, how has this jacket been fastened? How do we do this jacket up? Five seconds to think, five.

Have you got your idea? How has this jacket been fastened? Tell me now.

Zip, well done, if you said zip.

So we zip up this jacket to fasten it together, to close it up.

Let's see our last picture.

Oh, on the shoes here.

How do we fasten those? Have five seconds to think, five.

Do you know how these shoes are fastened? Tell me.

Using? Did you say Velcro? Well done.

These shoes are fastened using a Velcro strip.

You might have seen these on some of your school shoes before.

Well done for our intro quiz, everybody.

I knew you'd be amazing.

Let's have a little recap of our previous lesson.

Do you remember when I brought along my grumpy pet? Do you remember Cranky the crocodile? Now, do you remember we evaluated some of the products from around our home.

So I evaluated my grumpy pet crocodile and we thought about who, what, where, how, what we like and what we dislike.

We evaluated some products from around our home using Miss Larham's special evaluation questions, didn't we? Well remembered.

Right, you've got to go back to bed now.

I think you need a bit more sleep.

You're a bit grumpy.

We'll see you later, Cranky.

It is time for our star words.

Can you flash your hands along with me? Show me you're ready.

Well done, let's make sure our voices are ready.

I'm going to say star words in my low voice.

My turn, star words, star words.

Your turn.

Well done.

I'm going to say star words in my high-pitched voice.

My turn, star words, star words.

Your turn.

Well done, it sounds like you're ready.

Let's see our first star word for today.

Our first star word is zoo.

My turn zoo, your turn.

Well done, zoo.


Have you ever been to a zoo before? Do you know what zoo is? Don't worry if you don't know already.

I'm going to teach you all about it.

Our next star word is, my turn, puppet.

Your turn.


Your turn.

Well done, I'm just going to wake up Cranky a second.

Wakey, wakey.

Here he is.

Oh, he's grumpy, I've just woken him up.

Now, Cranky is a puppet.

A puppet is a movable model, normally of a person, or an animal, just like Cranky.

And normally, we move it from, we could move it from above using some strings or we can put our hand inside to be able to move it and turn them into a living character.

Back to bed for you, Cranky.

Our next star word is my turn, gift shop.

Your turn.

Gift shop.

Well done.

A gift shop is a type of shop where we can buy lots of different products and especially gifts for ourselves and other people.

Our last star word is my turn, image board.

Image board.

Well done.

Image means pictures and photographs.

So a big page full of different photographs, pictures, drawings, images.

Well done, everybody on your star words.

So our context for this unit of work is at the zoo.

Now, I wonder, give me a wave if you've ever been to the zoo before? Give me a wave if you have.

Don't worry if you haven't.

I've been to my zoo a few times.

I'm very lucky that I've got two zoos that are quite close to my house.

I wonder, do you have a zoo that's close to your house? I wonder if you know what it's called.

Now, if you were to describe to somebody that hasn't been to a zoo before, and it's okay if you've never been to a zoo before, how would you describe what a zoo is to those people? What sort of things could you do there? Now, a zoo is where you will have a big collection of animals, normally wild animals.

And when you go there, you can walk around and look at all of those different animals.

I wonder what else you could do at a zoo.

So you can go round and look at all the animals.

You might also be able to feed the animals.

So I'm very lucky that I've been able to feed giraffes at a zoo before.

It was amazing.

I have also watched animal shows when I went to the zoo before.

We saw an amazing bird show with parrots flying above our heads.

You also get to walk through some of the enclosures.

So last time I went to the zoo, I was able to walk through the monkey enclosure.

So when I walked through, there were monkeys up in the trees all around me.

Some were even at the floor near my feet.

So a zoo is where there's a big collection of animals, normally wild animals and the public, so people like me and you can play and walk around there and look at all the amazing animals.

We can learn new information about these animals.

We might be able to feed some of them.

We might be able to watch some of the animals in a show.

And we might be able to walk through some of the enclosures as well.

So I love visiting the zoo.

I wonder if you love visiting the zoo too.

Or if you haven't, I wonder if that's something you might like to do.

Now, let's have a little think about my question.

What animals would we find at the zoo? I'm going to give you five seconds to see if you can think of at least three animals you would find at the zoo.

Five seconds, five.

Well done for having a think.

I wonder what you came up with.

I'm going to show you some photographs of some different animals we might find at the zoo.

I wonder if they're the same as the ones you thought of.

Let's see which animal I have first.

We have a lion.

I've got my friend, Leo the lion.

Say hi, Leo.


Well done, Leo.

Now, who can tell me what sound does a lion make? Shall we do it together after three? One, two, three.


Well done, they make a big roar, don't they? Let's see what's next.

A giraffe.

Now, a giraffe is my favourite animal.

I love their long, long, long, long, long necks.

I wonder what's next.

A tiger.

We might see a tiger at the zoo.

Let's see what's next.

This is a type of primate.

This is a lemur.

And we have an elephant.

I've got Ellie the elephant here to say hello to you.

Hello, everybody.

Let's see the next animal.

A parrot.

Look at the beautiful colours on that parrot.

So there's some animals we might find.

Did you think of any of those? Let me show you some more.

We've got a poison dart frog there.

So when you visit the zoo, you might see lots of different reptiles and amphibians as well.

Not just those big wild animals that we see.

We might also see bears.




I've got my chimpanzee here to say hello as well.

Hi everyone.

And lastly, we've got a leopard.

So now we've got a good idea of some of the animals we might see at the zoo.

There are loads more that we could see as well.

I've just shown you a small amount.

Now, as well as getting to see all of those beautiful animals at the zoo, zoos quite often have a gift shop as well.

Do you know what a gift shop is? Now, a gift shop is where you can go into the shop and buy little souvenirs and small items that you could give somebody as a present.

You could also have a present to yourself as well.

You might buy yourself something from the zoo gift shop.

What sort of things do you think you could buy from a gift shop or a zoo gift shop? What sort of things might you be able to buy? You might be able to buy magnets, coasters, stationery, so the last time I went to my zoo, I bought myself a pen.

You might also be able to buy clothing or toys or games.

There will be lots of choice in the gift shop that you could choose from.

Why do you think zoos might have a gift shop? Why do you think they have a gift shop as part of their zoo experience? I wonder if the money that people use to buy those items from the gift shop, I think that will go to money towards helping to look after all of those animals.

I think it's there to raise some extra money.

It is also there to help you to remember that amazing trip you've had at the zoo.

So when you go home and look at all those things you've bought, you think ah, I remember that day at the zoo.

You might even look at it a year later and say I remember buying this from the zoo.

I need to go back there again.

What you might like to do, everybody is some research.

If you search zoo gift shop, you'll be able to find some more images and that will help you have a really good understanding of what a zoo gift shop might look like or what you might be able to buy there.

So that's something you might like to do later on.

Now we're going to be moving on to our main task and our main task today is creating an image board.

And do remember when I said in star words, image board is a big collection of drawings, photos, pictures, they put them all on one page.

So today we're going to be creating a zoo image board.

So we're going to have a piece of paper and we are going to fill it with lots of different drawings, words, photos, pictures, all linked to the zoo.

So what animals you might find there, what activities might you do there? What sounds might you hear the animals making? So I'm going to show you how I'm going to get started with your image board and then it will be your turn.

So for your image board, everybody, you will need lots of different types of equipment here.

So I've got my paper ready.

I've also done some research and got some photographs of some zoo-themed pictures.

And I've also got some glue, some colouring crayons, that kind of thing to help me with my decorating.

So make sure before you get started, you have everything you need.

So you've done some research online, you've got yourself some pictures and you've got some different things that you can write with on your image board as well.

So the first thing I did is I drew some of my own animals from the zoo.

So I've got a parrot, a giraffe and an elephant and I'll make sure that I add some colour onto these as well.

So I will colour them in the colours that we would see those animals in the zoo.

So a nice bright, vibrant parrot.

Okay, and I add colour onto my giraffe as well.

Okay, then I might do some labelling.

So I might write giraffe.


It's an elephant.

Okay, so I've done some of my own drawings as well.

So you might like to do that too.

And then what I have done is I've got some of my computer research images that I'm going to put on there as well.

So I've got some pictures of some monkeys.

I'm going to use my glue stick, that is on.

I'm going to make it look like they're hanging from the edges of the page.

I have also got a zoo sign.

It's important that at some point on your image board, you have the word zoo or at the zoo.

And I'm going to do a lion.

I'll fit him below my sign.

Again, another animal that you would find at the zoo.

And I'm going to write down the noise that this animal makes.

So remember, before we did our roar.

So I'm adding words on as well and I'm going to put that one in a big zigzag shape, coming from the lion.

So I can add in sounds that these animals will make as well.

I've also got some other types of animals that we might see.

So you might see some seals or some sea lions.

We see some penguins.

Actually, I'm going to stick that one underneath, so I'm laying up my images.

And then on here, I'm going to write that you would perhaps watch animal shows 'cause I know when I've been to the zoo before, I've watched a penguin show, I've watched them being fed and I've watched a sea lion show.

My favourite bit was when they go the sea lions to clap like this.

I've also got some pictures, some images of being at the zoo.

So here I've got some pictures of some people looking at the elephant enclosure.

When you arrive at the zoo, you'll also normally get a map.

So I put things like that on my image board as well.

Here's a leaflet that you would get from the zoo as well.

So can you see what I'm starting to do, everybody? I'm starting to build a page full of images linked to the zoo.

So animals, words, sounds, things you would do at the zoo but I want this page full.

So mine's really only half full at the moment.

So I've got lots more gaps that I will fill.

So you're going to pause the video.

You're going to create your image board and then you're going to press play when you're ready.

I'll see you all really soon.

Good luck.

Welcome back to the lesson, everybody and well done for completing your image board.

I wondered, would you be able to show me.

Hold it up to your screen the image boards that you have created.

I'd love to have a look at them.

Show me now.

Wow, well done.

They look amazing.

I managed to get mine finished too.

Now, having a little look at your image board, I just want to check you've got a few things for me.

Are all the pictures on your image board linked to the zoo? So are they images of zoo animals, things you might do, see at the zoo? Excellent.

Have a check for me as well, have you got photographs and drawn pictures? So have you got the photographs and the pictures that you've drawn yourself.

Will you have a look for me? Have you got a mixture of different ways that you presented your images? Excellent, if you haven't, don't worry.

Maybe in a moment, you could add in some of those things you might have missed out.

Now the last thing I want you to check, have you got words and labels? So on mine, I've labelled some of the animals.

I have labelled some of the sounds of the animals.

And I've also put things like what shall I buy from the gift shop? So I've put some thought bubbles in there as well.

So can you just check that you've put some words on your image board as well for me? Well done, like I said, don't worry if you haven't.

If you've forgotten, that's fine.

Maybe you could add some more in in just a moment.

Well done on your image boards, everybody.

We've got one more little job to do, our exit quiz, and then our lesson will be over for today.

So I have got two exit questions for you today.

And my first question is can you name me three animals that you would find at the zoo? Three animals that you would find at the zoo.

A few seconds to think.

Well done, can you tell me your three choices, three animals that you would find at the zoo.

Tell me now.

Fantastic choices.

I heard tiger, I heard lion, I heard monkeys, I heard giraffes, I heard elephants, I heard so many different animals.

Well done.

Our last question.

Can you tell me one thing that you could buy from a zoo gift shop? So what could you buy from there? We talked about this earlier.

What could you buy? A few seconds to think.

Well done, can you tell me now something you could buy from a gift shop? Yes, really good thinking.

Now, I heard some of you say things like stationery, so you could buy pens and pencils and rubbers and sharpeners.

I heard some of you say toys and games.

I heard some of you say clothes.

Well done if you said anything of those things that we can buy from a gift shop.

Well done, everybody.

Amazing exit quiz.

Now, before you go, you might like to share your work with me and with Oak National Academy.

If you'd like to, please ask your parent or your carer to share your work on Twitter, tagging @OakNational and #LearnwithOak and that means I get to see all of the amazing image boards that you have created today.

I really, really look forward to seeing you next lesson, everybody.

Until then, take care and I'll see you soon.
